PhotoScroller Zooming/Appearance - iphone

I have been looking through the code and .xib files which are included in the Photoscroller app provided by Apple. Through all of this and a few internet searches I have not been able to locate where the button which controls whether the image is 1x or 2x zoom is located in the code or any events which are fired as a result of clicking it.
If someone cant point me to where this button is held that would be very helpful. My end goal is to implement the tiling in full screen so any advice on this would also be appreciated.
Thanks for any help you can provide.

The 1x/2x button is not in the application at all. The app is set to iPhone only so when you run it on the iPad it still runs at iPhone size. Any time you run an iPhone only app on an iPad it will display the 1x/2x button allowing you to zoom the app to a bigger size. You can see the difference by going to the Project Build Settings and changing Targeted Device Family to iPhone/iPad and running it again.


View doesn't take up full screen on iPad

Simply that. I'm working on an iPhone (iOS) game that loads without using .xib files. Window and view is created programmatically. It automatically detects resolution and retina display and adjusts accordingly.
However when run on and iPad (only have the simulator for iPad), it shows up in a mini window that same size as the iPhone resolution, with a little 2x button in the bottom-right corner. I want it to load fullscreen with full resolution (larger res than the phone). Everything will scale accordingly so it would look the same as on the phone, and look just as crisp.
Why does this happen? Why doesn't the window automatically take up the fullscreen like it does on iPhone?
After much searching, I've found this template:
which loads properly for me on both iPhone and iPad.
Looking at the code, however, it does nothing differant than what I am doing. All it does is check which device is being used, and loads the appropriate app delegate, which in this case contain the exact same code, albeit for background color. This is clearly aimed towards those who want to have a different view load on iPhone vs. iPad, while avoiding using nibs. I want the SAME view across all devices, so I have no need to use multiple delegates or the like.
How can I force the app delegate to use the fullscreen regardless of device?
In your Xcode project file, find your target, go to the Summary tab and make sure that Devices is set to Universal under iOS Application Target
Yup! In Xcode 6 the "Devices" option is now called "Deployment Target" and is located here:

How to make my iphone app work on an iPad?

It is my understanding (i have seen it) that some apps can be opened and viewed in an iPad. Although, the iPad keeps the screen small, or pixelated if doubled the screen size.
I am attempting to do the same thing with my app, however when I attempt to run it on an iPad it crashes with the error
'Could not find a storyboard named 'MainStoryboard_iPad'
This is obvious, as I do no have a storyboard for the iPad, but currently I don't want one. I just want the iPad to run the app as an iPhone app in a smaller version. So my question is, how do I stop it from looking for the iPad storyboard? Its my understanding I must adjust something in the but I don't know how to access that in xcode. its my understanding you select the project in the navigator then select 'info' but I don't see any information that people say should be in the
You seem to have made your application universal. You want to set your "devices" to iPhone. This can be done on the target summary page (No need to interact with your .plist directly).
Only target iPhone platform, and do not call any iPad interface objects in your code. You should look in your Main xib file to make sure there are no references to an iPad interface object.
iPhone only apps should natively run in double-pixel mode. In order to resolve the pixelated / grainy issue you see, use #2x (for iPhone) size images. This will reduce the pixelation you see, but will still contain some.
Ok, I found the final issue. After editing the summary to 'iPhone' I also had to go into the Info tab and change the line that says
'Main storyboard file base name (iPad) to MainStoryboard_iPhone. It was currently set to MainStoryboard_iPad. That second step fixed the issue.
Thanks guys!

Missing Localized Screenshots Error on itunes

I have selected Default Language as "Australian English" as Default language. When I am submitting the binary it showing as rejected"Red Icon" with status "Missing Localized Screenshots". The application is in only single language. I have added screen shots also the application is only for iphone.
When I am looking binary information that is showing as:
Localizations : ( "en-AU" )
Please suggest me where I am making mistake.
Check if you have screenshots for iPhone 5. I had this same error, when screenshots for iP5 were missing.
Basically the error telling you that you need to upload the iPhone5 device screen shot(at least one screen shot).
So solution of the problem:
1.Either you can upload the screen shots for iPhone5 Device . OR
2.You can just removed the Default-568h.png from your binary , in this case your application just run in the "letterbox" mode on iPhone5 Device.
So which ever is easy for you just adopt it .
I adopted the second one when i face the problem.
Just make sure to upload iPhone 5's screen shots .My app wasn't made for iphone 5 but I ran it on iphone 5 simulator and took screen shots and uploaded and every thing went ok.
All above answers seems right, but this can happen too if you have NO screenshots for 3.5" - RETINA, beware.
If you already have screenshots for 3-in & 4-in, add a single screenshot for iPad and that should fix your problem. The iPad shot is compulsory.
Issue has been solved still posting may be it help someone. Please follow below steps:
1- Upload 5.5 inch display screenshots.
2- Click on "Device Manager".
3- Here you will have list of screen sizes with the options to expand on left side and a check box on right hand side "Use 5.5-Inch Display","Use 4.7-Inch Display".... and so on. Click on these checkboxes if you don't want to use different images than 5.5 inch display screenshots else upload new images here with correct dimensions.
4- Click save.
In my case, I had the iPhone 5 (4" display) screenshots, but it also wanted 3.5" retina screenshots.
I added these, and the app went into 'Waiting for Review' state without further action.
I had the same problem, my solution was to change "Devices" in Development target only to iPhone (bacause i insert screens only for iPhone):
There is nothing wrong with your app - you need to add the screenshots from the iTunes Connect metadata and uploads section.
Once I'd added these in all went through and the app won't automatically flagged as missing localized screenshots.
Not the best of messages, but not wildly inaccurate.
I had this problem and mine was a Universal iOS app made in GameSalad Creator, you need screenshots for all the relevant screens even if it lets you progress without them.
I had changed the name of the app in the previous version and it choked on that. I changed the name of the app back to what it was and it went through fine..

Corona SDK, build for iOS device works not correctly

I build my Corona app for iPhone Simulator, and it running well. But if I installed my app on my device(iPad), and i have many issues(no scrollview and tabbar working) buttons is visible only.
How to solve the problem?
Look at what happens when you run it in the iPad simulator- Do you get any errors in the console if you check it while running the app on your iPad? If so this could shed some light on the issue. One possibility is a corrupted image, or an incorrect image format.
If only the buttons are visible it sounds like you app has an error that is preventing all of the display objects from loading. (Just based on the fact you mention your buttons display but nothing else.)

Wrong iPhone launch image displayed when iPhone app is launched on iPad

I have developed a straight iPhone/iPod Touch app.
A launch image is implemented for Retina displays as well as the lower resolution of the former generation devices.
Those images are displayed properly on the iPhone simulator as well as on several iPhone an iPod Touch devices.
However, since some days, when launched on an iPad (1) or iPad simulator one of the other images within the app is shown.
Apparently the image that is displayed wrongly, is one of two amongst ca. 70 images within the app. Those two images happen to be either
1. the first image in my xcode project groups hierarchy.
2. the first image in my project in alphabetical order.
I did not yet find a pattern of when 1. or 2. happens, so when the first image in the project's hierarchy of groups is taken or when the first in alphabetical order is taken. But it seems to be one of these two files only.
Any idea what I probably did wrong so that a wrong image is picked as launch image of this iPhone-only app whenever it is launched on an iPad?
Thanks in advance.
Try inserting an image named Default.png into Xcode. That's all, just drag it in. Xcode recognizes any picture named Default.png as the loading image. That should make it work.
To expand a little on Jack's answer - you can indeed use an image named Default.png which will automatically be used as a launch image for your app.
However,you can also customise the launch image for particular hardware and device orientations by using images of a particular size and name - for example, a 768x1004 pixel image named Default-Portrait~ipad.png added to your project will be automatically used as the launch image when you launch the app on an iPad in portrait orientation.
The use of these customised images is highly recommended, as it allows the launch image to be sized appropriately for the different shapes of screen (i.e. iPhone and iPad), and allows high resolution launch images to be used on Retina display devices.
For a list of these sizes and image names, see this page. The items of interest are the ones beginning with "Default"
All iPhone apps have a splash screen, or what Apple refers to as a “launch image”. It is the screen that is displayed immediately after you press your app’s icon on the home screen, while the app icons are sweeping away and your app is zooming into view.
Some apps opt not to display a splash screen and go for a black screen, which is the default behaviour when you create an app. Others display a wireframe of the app’s interface in order to look like it is loading faster. See Apple’s native apps such as Clock and Camera for good examples of this. The most common use of the splash screen (especially in games) is to present a company or game logo, as we do in Addicus:
Apple has made it so easy to set your splash screen that you don’t even need a single line of code to do it. Why, you don’t even need to change a setting. Here’s how to set your splash screen it in just 2 steps:
Add a file to your project’s Resource folder called Default.png.
There is no step 2. Take this time to reflect on how good life is.
And that’s it. Run your app and your splash screen will zoom into glorious view.
A couple of things to watch out for when working with splash screens:
Whatever image you give it will be scaled to fill the 320×480 resolution of the iPhone, so ideally you would use a 320×480-sized image.
If your iPhone app is running in landscape mode, you need to rotate the splash screen you use. For example, our splash screen is rotated 90 degrees to the right in the above image.
See more at: