Are there any good ssh consoles for Eclipse? - eclipse

I'm looking for a good ssh console plugin for Eclipse, and can't find much at all. Would anyone have some good leads on one?

If you don't like the ssh.shells or ssh.terminals subsystems in Eclipse RSE, try using the Terminal View instead.
Open up Window -> Show View -> Other (or press Shift+Alt+Q then Q)
Type Terminal in the search box
Select the Terminal view listed under the Terminal folder
You'll see a window that looks similar to RSE's ssh.terminals subsystem... but with some extra buttons on the top right.
How to use it:
To fix the scrolling issue (ie: for programs like top), click the Scroll Lock button at the right.
For extra Terminal window tabs, click the down arrow on the New Terminal Connection button
To change the current terminal window's settings, use the Settings button.
If you really like the annoying command input box at the bottom, you can toggle it on and off with the appropriate button.
Change the Background Color:
For some reason, the default setting is to use a terribly hard to see white background. To change this:
Go to Window -> Preferences
Type Terminal in the search box at the top left, or select Terminal on the left.
Check the box that says Invert terminal colors
You can also configure a larger terminal buffer or connection timeouts here
Click Apply
Now the terminal should have a black background! If you want a local terminal, you can enable ssh on your local machine, and connect to localhost.

In Eclipse 3.4.1, there is the Remote Systems Explorer perspective that allows you to create and connect to SSH terminals (here)

There are plugins that exist that allow you up open WinSCP or Putty from within Eclipse.
I would advise maybe doing a search for "putty eclipse plugin" or similar

You can also try the Terminal plug-in for Eclipse
This plug-in provides a fully-working, command-line terminal to
Eclipse 3.7 or later (yes, even 4.2!) It works on Linux and MacOS
More info at:


outline view in vscode not available

Started using vscode 1.64.2 on windows 10 occasionally for a while.
Just now, when I tried to work with workspace on local windows 10 machine, the outline view is missing, and no where I can find it or open.
I've moved the outline view to the right size bar when working with workspace on a remote linux host a while ago; and it still works fine.
If I open the two workspaces side-by-side, the outline view is there in the vscode for the remote workspace; it's just not available for local workspace.
How can I get the outline view for local workspace?
I had the same issue with 1.72.2. I found leaving the explorer window open for a while fixed the issue. I believe it is just a slow backend process that doesn't notify the user it is running.
I had the same problem.
Select "View" from the Main Menu in VSCode, then "Open view..." and then you can find the Outline view.

Why sysout shortcut won't work in Eclipse on Mac?

I have been a windows user since the beginning, just recently switched to MacOS, all the preferences settings in my Eclipse, they are all set to default with sysout option on, but when I typed sysout in eclipse, it won't automatically go into System.out.println(). I've checked several other related topics as well as most of the resources which mention 'ctrl + space' (Which worked perfectly on Windows for me). But, when I try to use 'command + space' on my Mac it just launches Spotlight search & I have even tried resetting the commands to default in Eclipse, Please let me know how I can get my sysout working.
Just to be simplify in images.
Try to unbind the shortcut on mac:
1- Mac Preferences of system
2- Choose Keyboard:
3- Go to Layout of keyboard and Uncheck "ˆspace"
You can try to change on eclipse, but if you want to use "^space" to shortcut, will be necessary unbind this on mac. By default or mac keys as shortcut to change keyboard type.
(Eu quero Ibagens!)

How to replicate the following Spyder behavior in VSCode?

I'm new to coding Python in VSCode. Previously I used Spyder but decided to move to VSCode as the project management seems better in it (I could easily switch to other files/folders by clicking on the path, just like in PyCharm). But I really need this one workflow which I still have not managed to do it in VSCode.
write some codes like Selenium.
Click run (F5)
The selenium browser opens up.
I could use the Ipython terminal to access the code interactively (find the element in the browser etc) and send new command.
I would like to have this workflow in VSCode. Im also quite overwhelmed by the difference in these 2 IDEs, for example, in VSCode, you have integrated terminal, a debugging console and an output tab, while im used to have only one-for-all Ipython tab.
Ok, I figured out what I need. Basically I just need to right click on the python file that I want to run on the side bar. Then I have to select 'run current file in interactive window'. The only difference is on the Ipython console, I have to use shift+Enter to send my input instead of just clicking enter. But its not a big deal.

How to unfreeze the terminal in VScode after CTRL+S?

I purposefully froze my terminal with CTRLS in visual studio code, so that I could inspect the fast log messages scrolling through. Normally, you can unfreeze it again with CTRLQ.
However, it seems that vscode catches this second shortcut and instead of unfreezing my terminal, it opens this popup in the middle of the screen - which disappears as soon as I release the keys...
This seems to be called the "Quick Open View".
I assume that there is a way to send the "unfreeze" signal to the terminal. How?
My solution for now was to detach tmux in vscode, then connect over ssh using a normal terminal, attach tmux, send the CTRLQ there, detach and exit again, and re-attach in vscode.
you can remove any shortcuts you want. go to file > preference > keyboard shortcuts
type "ctrl q"
and adapt as you wish
I also ran into this issue,
I found that if you go into File -> Preferences -> keyboard shortcuts
When you find the Ctrl-q shortcut, you can right click it and choose to remove it,
then the Ctrl-q will work to resume the terminal

Sublime Text 3 has integrated terminal?

I normally use the WebStorm IDE for Node.js and FE JavaScript development. However I was thinking of using Sublime Text 3 since I am running out of computing power on a crappy old Macbook Pro and ST3 should be lighter on memory and CPU.
However, my one hangup is that ST3 doesn't seem to have a command line terminal integration possible. I find this to be a very useful feature that's available in Eclipse and WebStorm.
I did some Googling and I don't see any great terminal integration plugins for ST3, is there such a thing or not?
Here is WebStorm with the terminal integrated:
Terminus does this. Supports both Unix and Windows. Works great. 👍
In View (on Windows)
Ctrl + Shift + P --> Terminus: Open Default Shell in Tab (View)
In Panel (on Unix)
Ctrl + Shift + P --> Terminus: Open Default Shell in Panel
Type exit to exit and close the terminal opened in a panel.
I installed the Sublime package TerminalView that can show a terminal window within Sublime in a separate tab.
It works with MacOS or Linux but is no longer actively supported.
Open the command palette (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac, Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows) and find Package Control: Install Package
Search for TerminalView and hit Return to install.
The terminal windows has a few flaws (at least on macOS) as it seems to conflict with Sublime's keyboard shortcuts. I however use it only to automatically run unit tests when the edited program code changes. Therefore it works just fine. In that case it works best if I show the terminal window below the text editor. You can do so in the menu View > Layout > Rows: 2.
In sublime 3,
ctrl + shift + p search Package Control: Install Package
Search and install TerminalView
to set shortcuts,
go to Preferences -> Key Bindings
on right side Pane paste this,
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+t"], "command": "terminal_view_open" }
Now ctrl+shift+t is your shortcuts
I prefer Terminus and it's the first cross platform terminal for Sublime Text. Check this video it might help you
I tried Sublime package - TerminalView, quickly realized I couldn't copy paste things. Tried on MacOS.
Terminus( ) looks good to me, it has two options
(i) opens in a tab(view)
(ii) opens also in a panel. (which I prefer most)
The below original answer is now outdated; see below answer by Svish.
I was wondering the same thing a while back, and I believe the answer is: no.
There's no good terminal integration in ST3, except, maybe, for Terminal, which simply takes you to the terminal from any given project folder.
Works ok, but not sure how much it really saves.
No way to have it in the ST3 window AFAIK.