Sublime Text 3 has integrated terminal? - eclipse

I normally use the WebStorm IDE for Node.js and FE JavaScript development. However I was thinking of using Sublime Text 3 since I am running out of computing power on a crappy old Macbook Pro and ST3 should be lighter on memory and CPU.
However, my one hangup is that ST3 doesn't seem to have a command line terminal integration possible. I find this to be a very useful feature that's available in Eclipse and WebStorm.
I did some Googling and I don't see any great terminal integration plugins for ST3, is there such a thing or not?
Here is WebStorm with the terminal integrated:

Terminus does this. Supports both Unix and Windows. Works great. 👍
In View (on Windows)
Ctrl + Shift + P --> Terminus: Open Default Shell in Tab (View)
In Panel (on Unix)
Ctrl + Shift + P --> Terminus: Open Default Shell in Panel
Type exit to exit and close the terminal opened in a panel.

I installed the Sublime package TerminalView that can show a terminal window within Sublime in a separate tab.
It works with MacOS or Linux but is no longer actively supported.
Open the command palette (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac, Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows) and find Package Control: Install Package
Search for TerminalView and hit Return to install.
The terminal windows has a few flaws (at least on macOS) as it seems to conflict with Sublime's keyboard shortcuts. I however use it only to automatically run unit tests when the edited program code changes. Therefore it works just fine. In that case it works best if I show the terminal window below the text editor. You can do so in the menu View > Layout > Rows: 2.

In sublime 3,
ctrl + shift + p search Package Control: Install Package
Search and install TerminalView
to set shortcuts,
go to Preferences -> Key Bindings
on right side Pane paste this,
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+t"], "command": "terminal_view_open" }
Now ctrl+shift+t is your shortcuts

I prefer Terminus and it's the first cross platform terminal for Sublime Text. Check this video it might help you

I tried Sublime package - TerminalView, quickly realized I couldn't copy paste things. Tried on MacOS.
Terminus( ) looks good to me, it has two options
(i) opens in a tab(view)
(ii) opens also in a panel. (which I prefer most)

The below original answer is now outdated; see below answer by Svish.
I was wondering the same thing a while back, and I believe the answer is: no.
There's no good terminal integration in ST3, except, maybe, for Terminal, which simply takes you to the terminal from any given project folder.
Works ok, but not sure how much it really saves.
No way to have it in the ST3 window AFAIK.


Why sysout shortcut won't work in Eclipse on Mac?

I have been a windows user since the beginning, just recently switched to MacOS, all the preferences settings in my Eclipse, they are all set to default with sysout option on, but when I typed sysout in eclipse, it won't automatically go into System.out.println(). I've checked several other related topics as well as most of the resources which mention 'ctrl + space' (Which worked perfectly on Windows for me). But, when I try to use 'command + space' on my Mac it just launches Spotlight search & I have even tried resetting the commands to default in Eclipse, Please let me know how I can get my sysout working.
Just to be simplify in images.
Try to unbind the shortcut on mac:
1- Mac Preferences of system
2- Choose Keyboard:
3- Go to Layout of keyboard and Uncheck "ˆspace"
You can try to change on eclipse, but if you want to use "^space" to shortcut, will be necessary unbind this on mac. By default or mac keys as shortcut to change keyboard type.
(Eu quero Ibagens!)

Shortcut for Copy/Paste not work in VSCode

Now I'm using the latest Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 20.04 and face the problem with the Copy/Paste shortcut. When I use Ctrl+C, it is not Copy the chosen code to the clipboard, it has been changed to Insert mode instead. And I even not be able to use Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V.
I have tried to reinstall the program but the problem still there. With other IDE, it still works normally.
So, please help to fix this problem!
look at
File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcut
Press Ctrl+k Ctrl+s
You may well be experiencing this bug...
Uninstall vim in extension of vs code.
Go to extension of vs code
You see a list of extension you have installed in vs. You should scroll through for vim extension.
click on vim extension.
click on uninstall.
Hope this solves your problem

( Ctrl + / ) Shortcut does not work properly in VSC

I am using Visual Studio Code on Windows.
ctrl + / does not work after a while I started VSC, so I have to restart in every few minutes.
Sometimes, it suddenly works again even though I didn't restart it, so I have no idea why is this happening.
Just in case, I've checked my keyboard shortcuts,
but nothing other than the default one is bound on Ctrl + /.
My installed extensions on VSC are listed below.
Dracula Official
ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets
One Dark Pro
open in browser
I haven't installed any other extensions in my knowledge.
I had the same problem on Linux. Perhaps you have keybinding conflicts with the toggleExplaneMode function. This function allows you to deploy a more detailed description of tags or functions in the dialog box. I changed my keyboard shortcuts "ctrl + /" also attached to toggleExplaneMode and this problem did not appear anymore.
How to see keybinding conflicts -

VS code - 2 split terminal in one (split)

As I'm working with Node.js and Angular, I've currently work with two terminals where I have to switch terminal by the dropdown option.
Is there a way to have two terminals (split) in the same place
like this:
Couldn't find a way.
Update - Visual studio code has this feature starting with version 1.21
Split terminals
The Integrated Terminal can now be split such that multiple are visible at once, which can enable much easier management of terminals when you need a watch and a run command for example:
Open the article to see the GIF demonstration.
Splitting can be done by clicking the split button in the panel, through the context menu or the command Ctrl+Shift + 5.
Before VS Code introduced the feature
Inside vs code
You can configure your console to bash or cygwin, and then install and use tmux or screen.
Initial answer before I understood the question intent was to do it inside vs code
Outside vs code
On windows
I'm using Cmder.
It allows opening multiple cmd tabs, and configure more types of command lines / tabs - such as bash, nodejs etc.
On Linux
I got to play a bit with tmux and I heard it's a good option.
Screen shot from google:
On Mac
As Brad stated - tmux works also on Macs, so have a look at the Linux section above.
VSCode has added support to split the integrated terminal in february 2018, as requested by this issue.
At the time it is not yet released, you need to install the Insiders version of VSCode.
You have to set the keybindings yourself, the default are still being discussed here.
As of June 2021, you can select the terminal then enter command: ctrl + shift + 5.

How to open a shell command prompt inside Visual Studio Code?

When using Visual Studio Code, how do I run command-line programs, such as a choco (Chocolatey) command? Do I need to have a separate Command Line (CMD.exe) running outside VS Code, or is there a hotkey/window within Code where I can run those commands?
I see the "Command Palette", but it is not entirely clear what command engines run in that palette.
For integrated terminal use Ctrl+`
From the release notes:
With the May release, we are rolling out the initial version of an integrated terminal. You can open the terminal using Ctrl+`, from the View | Toggle Integrated Terminal menu, or from the View > Toggle Integrated Terminal command in the Command Palette. (the 1.2.0 May release in 2016)
Use CMD+Shift+C or CTRL+Shift+C but it will only open a new outside editor standard bash console.
I hope they will implement an integrated console.
Can open it with this menu options: View > Integrated Terminal
Default keyboard shortcut for integrated terminal is Ctrl+`
In vscode you can use multiple integrated terminals.
If you want open another one use Ctrl+Shift+`
vscode keys shortcuts are rendered assuming a standard US keyboard layout. If you use a different keyboard layout, please read how can see the representation in your current keyboard.
It's easy, open this menu options: File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts
and on the Default Keyboard Shortcut search the command workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal then point you mouse to info icon and can see the combination. For me is Ctrl+ñ because I'm using Spanish keyboard layout.
Also it's cool create an personal shortcuts to toggle into terminals. Open this menu options: File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts and on the keybinding.json tab put this:
"key": "ctrl+pageup",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.focusNext",
"when": "terminalFocus"
"key": "ctrl+pagedown",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious",
"when": "terminalFocus"
Now when the cursor are focus on terminal, and have more than one terminal, you can navigate through every one with the combinations Ctrl+Page Down for previous terminal and Ctrl+Page Up for next terminal.
Tip: If you are focus on the editor, the same keyboard shortcuts can be used to navigate through tabs.
For mac Cmd + j
For win Ctrl + j
#brady321's answer is only for US keyboards:
Note: The following keys are rendered assuming a standard US keyboard layout.(
For instance, UK keyboards use Ctrl+':
You can find your shortcut in File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts searching for workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal. If you're not using a US keyboard, it will show you the equivalent shortcut using your keyboard layout:
To check what the shortcut to open a native console looks like, try to find workbench.action.terminal.openNativeConsole in the shortcuts file.
More information about integrated terminal at:
test with the Ctrl + J keys in ubuntu
As MCBL wrote, there is no integrated console. You can vote for this feature here: UserVoice - Integrated terminal <-- dead link.
3rd party Edit
Uservoice is no longer used and the link above is dead. The feature request for an integrated terminal might be this one.
In the contrary you may also run a terminal inside your visual studio code tool by simply doing the following:
Go to " View > Integrated Terminal " or use the shortcut key " Ctrl + ' "
I believe this is available on later versions of visual studio code. I could do this on version 1.7.0-insider.
Ctrl+ `
Integrated Terminal In Visual Studio Code, you can open an integrated
terminal, initially starting at the root of your workspace. This can
be very convenient as you don't have to switch windows or alter the
state of an existing terminal to perform a quick command line task.
To open the terminal:
Use the Ctrl+`keyboard shortcut with the backtick character.
Use the View | Toggle Integrated Terminal menu command. From the
Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), use the View:Toggle Integrated Terminal
I am using vsCode 1.9.1. there are 2 ways as I know
You can easily open it by hitting Ctrl + ` key.
Go to View->Integrated Terminal like below image
Test this, This works for me
Ctrl + ñ
Ctrl + `
ctrl + j
On my UK MacBook, when I look in my keyboard shortcuts for VS Code (Code > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts), Toggle Integrated Terminal has the keybinding Crtl+`.
However, the shortcut works on Ctrl+§, which is the key on my MacBook that is the same place as the ` on a UK Windows keyboard.
You can take the text editor of the Microsoft, but you can't take the etc, etc.
Go to File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts or use shortcut Ctrl+K Ctrl+S.
Type to search in keybindings :
Double click on Keybinding and add the shortcut you want (Super+T is unused in default config).
Since the Debug Console does not support programs that need to read input from the console, you can enable an external, native console by setting the attribute externalConsole to true in your launch configuration.
lauch.json just write: "externalConsole" : true
I used custom shortcut. Add below keybind to the keybinds.json:
"key": "ctrl+,",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal"
To open keybinds.json
CTRL + SHIFT + P then type Keyboard and click to Open Keyboard Shortcuts
The best way to run command line programs is to use the terminal window provided inside VS Code. This way tou will not switch any apps. But to make switching between terminal and other windows I recommend the following :
To open up a terminal - Ctrl + `
To open up second terminal - when you are running a node script in the first terminal and it is blocked and you need to run second script at the same time - Ctrl + Shift + `
To focus/switch back on terminal without reopening :
Press F1 and then type keyboard shortcuts
Find workbench.action.terminal.focus and set it to Ctrl + \ - this slash is usually located right next to your right Ctrl key. This makes switching between code and terminal very easy because Ctrl + ` and Ctrl + \ are invoked with your right hand and index finger.
Switch the Integrated Terminal to CMD
Open the Integrated Terminal: Ctrl + `
If a Bash terminal is opened while you want a Command Prompt (cmd), simply run the command: cmd, in the terminal to switch it to Command Prompt.
Also for MAC its Ctrl+Shift+.
I prefer you to change to a custom one.
Open up Command Palette by Command+Shift+P.
Type 'Keyboard Shortcuts...' - Select Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts
See Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal option there. Double-tap it to change it to a custom one.
For me:
ctrl + shift + `
Seems to have done the trick with the default VSCode settings.
If you hover your cursor over the +-button to add a new terminal, you can actually see what you need to press for the shortcut.