How to unfreeze the terminal in VScode after CTRL+S? - visual-studio-code

I purposefully froze my terminal with CTRLS in visual studio code, so that I could inspect the fast log messages scrolling through. Normally, you can unfreeze it again with CTRLQ.
However, it seems that vscode catches this second shortcut and instead of unfreezing my terminal, it opens this popup in the middle of the screen - which disappears as soon as I release the keys...
This seems to be called the "Quick Open View".
I assume that there is a way to send the "unfreeze" signal to the terminal. How?
My solution for now was to detach tmux in vscode, then connect over ssh using a normal terminal, attach tmux, send the CTRLQ there, detach and exit again, and re-attach in vscode.

you can remove any shortcuts you want. go to file > preference > keyboard shortcuts
type "ctrl q"
and adapt as you wish

I also ran into this issue,
I found that if you go into File -> Preferences -> keyboard shortcuts
When you find the Ctrl-q shortcut, you can right click it and choose to remove it,
then the Ctrl-q will work to resume the terminal


VSCode mysterious command prompt window apearing in Debug Console

I seem to be pressing some keyboard shortcut that is opening a command prompt in the Debug console. I don't know what it is so can't find how to close it. Sometimes it covers half the debug console.
How do I close it? So far only restarting VSCode seems to get rid of it but that's inconvenient since I lose all my undo history that way, and it also closes the open simulator.
This console is inactive when you not debug something. Press Ctrl+Shift+Y to close it.
About the arrow on your screenshot: you can write commands to this prompt during debugging process. For example for gdb use -exec and type command you need.

VS Code Terminal Not Allowing Typing

My VS code terminal was working fine, until one day when I tried to work on a project, that was still open in VS code, my terminal didn't allow me to type any commands. I couldn't type anything. This is the screen that I get.
Okay, for those of you struggling with the same problem, I've managed to solve it by clicking on the drop-down menu that says powershell and changing it to cmd.
this happened to me and simply
close vs code
right click on it
run as administrator
open the terminal and it will work
this problem happened when I changed the default path of CMD
For me, I tried using Powershell/CMD/Bash and I was having errors/blank terminal. I found typing echo hello and pressing CTRL + C made it appear. So in fact, everything was working, my terminal was just blank/glitched out, but was really accepting input.
I had a similar issue when running ionic serve command which runs the development server on the localhost. I paid attention after executing the command above, and it said:
Use Ctrl+C to quit this process
Pressing Ctrl+C then displays:
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
Type Y or y
then the command prompt is shown again!
Here is a sample terminal window - trimmed for brevity:
For who has this problem using React. This happens when you start a live version using npm start. The terminal that handles the live version of the app cannot be used for anything else.
So to continue using the terminal you need to open a new terminal to use in parallel. To do so just click on the plus icon in the top right corner of the terminal panel then choose the "Power Shell" option. This will open a new terminal without restarting visual studio.
In Mac, when working with Python, this helped me: instead of clicking on the "Run Code" option, click on "Run Python file", in the right corner.
For Ubuntu users this is solved by this solution:
File -> Preferences -> Setting -> Features -> Terminal -> Inherit Env
I found two vscode on my desktop, I opened the other one and it worked. Looks like I updated it but the older one didn't disappear.
If typing Ctrl+C can help to get out of this frozen state, that will be easier to do with VSCode 1.64 (Jan. 2022)
The terminal can type the answer for you.
Terminal -- Auto-reply
The terminal is now able to automatically reply when a specific sequences of characters is received.
A good example of where this is useful, which is also the only default case, is the Windows batch script message Terminate batch job (Y/N)? after hitting Ctrl+C when running a batch script.
This typically just ends up causing problems for the user.
The terminal will now automatically reply with Y and enter (\r) which makes Ctrl+C in Windows feel much better.
Pressing Ctrl+C will immediately reply to the question and return to the prompt:
Theme: Sapphire
The feature was made generically so you can setup custom replies for other thing, just be careful when doing this as you are sending text to the process automatically.
For example you could use it to automatically update Oh My Zsh when prompted:
"terminal.integrated.autoReplies": {
"[Oh My Zsh] Would you like to check for updates? [Y/n]": "Y\r"
If you use Clink and enable their similar feature, you can disable it in Clink or in VS Code by setting the reply to null to avoid the two features conflicting with each other:
"terminal.integrated.autoReplies": {
"Terminate batch job (Y/N)": null
Go to terminal, preferences, settings.
Check "run code in terminal"
Restart VS.
I changed from bash to powershell in terminal first but the command prompt still not shown.
Then I navigate to File -> Perferences -> Settings and it starts working (command prompt shown)
This seems to just be a display problem. It happened to me when I changed my display settings for desktop icon and app scaling settings.
I managed to fix the problem by simply restarting my computer and re-opening VS code
I had the same problem ... In my case just run vs-code as administrator and works

how can i access terminal in visual studio code which is not working?

I opened terminal in vs code but the path is not coming. On clicking the terminal also the text is not appearing which I am typing. I am not able to type anything in terminal.
Go to the View menu of VScode. Then click on the menu option "Integrated Terminal". This will open the terminal window at bottom of VScode window.

How to open a shell command prompt inside Visual Studio Code?

When using Visual Studio Code, how do I run command-line programs, such as a choco (Chocolatey) command? Do I need to have a separate Command Line (CMD.exe) running outside VS Code, or is there a hotkey/window within Code where I can run those commands?
I see the "Command Palette", but it is not entirely clear what command engines run in that palette.
For integrated terminal use Ctrl+`
From the release notes:
With the May release, we are rolling out the initial version of an integrated terminal. You can open the terminal using Ctrl+`, from the View | Toggle Integrated Terminal menu, or from the View > Toggle Integrated Terminal command in the Command Palette. (the 1.2.0 May release in 2016)
Use CMD+Shift+C or CTRL+Shift+C but it will only open a new outside editor standard bash console.
I hope they will implement an integrated console.
Can open it with this menu options: View > Integrated Terminal
Default keyboard shortcut for integrated terminal is Ctrl+`
In vscode you can use multiple integrated terminals.
If you want open another one use Ctrl+Shift+`
vscode keys shortcuts are rendered assuming a standard US keyboard layout. If you use a different keyboard layout, please read how can see the representation in your current keyboard.
It's easy, open this menu options: File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts
and on the Default Keyboard Shortcut search the command workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal then point you mouse to info icon and can see the combination. For me is Ctrl+ñ because I'm using Spanish keyboard layout.
Also it's cool create an personal shortcuts to toggle into terminals. Open this menu options: File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts and on the keybinding.json tab put this:
"key": "ctrl+pageup",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.focusNext",
"when": "terminalFocus"
"key": "ctrl+pagedown",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious",
"when": "terminalFocus"
Now when the cursor are focus on terminal, and have more than one terminal, you can navigate through every one with the combinations Ctrl+Page Down for previous terminal and Ctrl+Page Up for next terminal.
Tip: If you are focus on the editor, the same keyboard shortcuts can be used to navigate through tabs.
For mac Cmd + j
For win Ctrl + j
#brady321's answer is only for US keyboards:
Note: The following keys are rendered assuming a standard US keyboard layout.(
For instance, UK keyboards use Ctrl+':
You can find your shortcut in File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts searching for workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal. If you're not using a US keyboard, it will show you the equivalent shortcut using your keyboard layout:
To check what the shortcut to open a native console looks like, try to find workbench.action.terminal.openNativeConsole in the shortcuts file.
More information about integrated terminal at:
test with the Ctrl + J keys in ubuntu
As MCBL wrote, there is no integrated console. You can vote for this feature here: UserVoice - Integrated terminal <-- dead link.
3rd party Edit
Uservoice is no longer used and the link above is dead. The feature request for an integrated terminal might be this one.
In the contrary you may also run a terminal inside your visual studio code tool by simply doing the following:
Go to " View > Integrated Terminal " or use the shortcut key " Ctrl + ' "
I believe this is available on later versions of visual studio code. I could do this on version 1.7.0-insider.
Ctrl+ `
Integrated Terminal In Visual Studio Code, you can open an integrated
terminal, initially starting at the root of your workspace. This can
be very convenient as you don't have to switch windows or alter the
state of an existing terminal to perform a quick command line task.
To open the terminal:
Use the Ctrl+`keyboard shortcut with the backtick character.
Use the View | Toggle Integrated Terminal menu command. From the
Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), use the View:Toggle Integrated Terminal
I am using vsCode 1.9.1. there are 2 ways as I know
You can easily open it by hitting Ctrl + ` key.
Go to View->Integrated Terminal like below image
Test this, This works for me
Ctrl + ñ
Ctrl + `
ctrl + j
On my UK MacBook, when I look in my keyboard shortcuts for VS Code (Code > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts), Toggle Integrated Terminal has the keybinding Crtl+`.
However, the shortcut works on Ctrl+§, which is the key on my MacBook that is the same place as the ` on a UK Windows keyboard.
You can take the text editor of the Microsoft, but you can't take the etc, etc.
Go to File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts or use shortcut Ctrl+K Ctrl+S.
Type to search in keybindings :
Double click on Keybinding and add the shortcut you want (Super+T is unused in default config).
Since the Debug Console does not support programs that need to read input from the console, you can enable an external, native console by setting the attribute externalConsole to true in your launch configuration.
lauch.json just write: "externalConsole" : true
I used custom shortcut. Add below keybind to the keybinds.json:
"key": "ctrl+,",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal"
To open keybinds.json
CTRL + SHIFT + P then type Keyboard and click to Open Keyboard Shortcuts
The best way to run command line programs is to use the terminal window provided inside VS Code. This way tou will not switch any apps. But to make switching between terminal and other windows I recommend the following :
To open up a terminal - Ctrl + `
To open up second terminal - when you are running a node script in the first terminal and it is blocked and you need to run second script at the same time - Ctrl + Shift + `
To focus/switch back on terminal without reopening :
Press F1 and then type keyboard shortcuts
Find workbench.action.terminal.focus and set it to Ctrl + \ - this slash is usually located right next to your right Ctrl key. This makes switching between code and terminal very easy because Ctrl + ` and Ctrl + \ are invoked with your right hand and index finger.
Switch the Integrated Terminal to CMD
Open the Integrated Terminal: Ctrl + `
If a Bash terminal is opened while you want a Command Prompt (cmd), simply run the command: cmd, in the terminal to switch it to Command Prompt.
Also for MAC its Ctrl+Shift+.
I prefer you to change to a custom one.
Open up Command Palette by Command+Shift+P.
Type 'Keyboard Shortcuts...' - Select Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts
See Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal option there. Double-tap it to change it to a custom one.
For me:
ctrl + shift + `
Seems to have done the trick with the default VSCode settings.
If you hover your cursor over the +-button to add a new terminal, you can actually see what you need to press for the shortcut.

Are there any good ssh consoles for Eclipse?

I'm looking for a good ssh console plugin for Eclipse, and can't find much at all. Would anyone have some good leads on one?
If you don't like the ssh.shells or ssh.terminals subsystems in Eclipse RSE, try using the Terminal View instead.
Open up Window -> Show View -> Other (or press Shift+Alt+Q then Q)
Type Terminal in the search box
Select the Terminal view listed under the Terminal folder
You'll see a window that looks similar to RSE's ssh.terminals subsystem... but with some extra buttons on the top right.
How to use it:
To fix the scrolling issue (ie: for programs like top), click the Scroll Lock button at the right.
For extra Terminal window tabs, click the down arrow on the New Terminal Connection button
To change the current terminal window's settings, use the Settings button.
If you really like the annoying command input box at the bottom, you can toggle it on and off with the appropriate button.
Change the Background Color:
For some reason, the default setting is to use a terribly hard to see white background. To change this:
Go to Window -> Preferences
Type Terminal in the search box at the top left, or select Terminal on the left.
Check the box that says Invert terminal colors
You can also configure a larger terminal buffer or connection timeouts here
Click Apply
Now the terminal should have a black background! If you want a local terminal, you can enable ssh on your local machine, and connect to localhost.
In Eclipse 3.4.1, there is the Remote Systems Explorer perspective that allows you to create and connect to SSH terminals (here)
There are plugins that exist that allow you up open WinSCP or Putty from within Eclipse.
I would advise maybe doing a search for "putty eclipse plugin" or similar
You can also try the Terminal plug-in for Eclipse
This plug-in provides a fully-working, command-line terminal to
Eclipse 3.7 or later (yes, even 4.2!) It works on Linux and MacOS
More info at: