How can I figure out what code page I am looking at? - unicode

I have a device with some documentation on how to send it text. It uses 0x00-0x7F to send 'special' characters like accented characters, euro signs, ...
I am guessing they copied an existing code page and made some changes, but I have no idea how to figure out what code page is closest to the one in my documentation.
In theory, this should be easy to do. For example, they map Á to 0x41, so if I could find some way to go through all code pages and find the ones that have this character on that position, it would be a piece of cake.
However, all I can find on the internet are links to code page dumps just like the one I'm looking at, or software that uses heuristics to read text and guess the most likely code page. Surely someone out there has made it possible to look up what code page one is looking at ?

If it uses 0x00 to 0x7F for the "special" characters, how does it encode the regular ASCII characters?
In most of the charsets that support the character Á, its codepoint is 193 (0xC1). If you subtract 128 from that, you get 65 (0x41). Maybe your "codepage" is just the upper half of one of the standard charsets like ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252, with the high-order bit set to zero instead of one (that is, subtracting 128 from each one).
If that's the case, I would expect to find a flag you can set to tell it whether the next bunch of codepoints should be converted using the "upper" or "lower" encoding. I don't know of any system that uses that scheme, but it's the most sensible explanation I can come with for the situation you describe.

There is no way to auto-detect the codepage without additional information. Below the display layer it’s just bytes and all bytes are created equal. There’s no way to say “I’m a 0x41 from this and that codepage”, there’s only “I’m 0x41. Display me!”

What endian is the system? Perhaps you're flipping bit orders?

In most codepages, 0x41 is just the normal "A", I don't think any standard codepages have "Á" in that position. It could have a control character somewhere before the A that added the accent, or uses a non-standard codepage.
I don't see any use in knowing the "closest codepage", you just need to use the docs you got with the device.
Your last sentence is puzzling, what do you mean by "possible to look up what code page one is looking at"?
If you include your whole codepage, people here on SO could be more helpful and give you more insight about this issue, having one data point 0x41=Á doesn't help much.

Somewhat random idea, but if you can get replicate a significant amount of the text off the device, you could try running it through something like the detect function in


What are valid uses of U+0080 through U+009F?

I'm making a virtual computer with a custom font and programming environment (Mini Micro), all Unicode based. I have need for a few custom glyphs in my environment. I know about the Private Use Areas, but I'm wondering about the "control" code points at U+0080 through U+009F. I can't find any documentation on what these points are for beyond "control".
Would it be a gross abuse of Unicode to tuck a few of my custom glyphs in there? What would be a proper use of them?
Wikipedia lists their meaning. You get 2 of them for your use, U+0091 and U+0092.
The 0x80 - 0x9F range you referto to is generally called the C1 control characters. Like other control codes, the C1s are for code extension, and by their very nature, some are generally left open for further expansion and thus have only vague standardization.
The original and most comprehensive reference is probably ECMA-48 - up to the Fifth Edition in June 1991. (The link takes you to a free download in PDF format.)
For additional glyphs, C1 codes would not be appropriate. In effect, the whole idea of control codes is that they are the special case of non-graphical codes.
UNICODE has continued to evolve, with an emoji block that has a lot of "characters" you might not expect. Let's try one: 💎 it is officially called the GemStone Emoji. I used this copy/paste website to insert it, you might look to see if something you can use has been standardized in the Emoji code block.
One of the interesting things about the emoji characters is that they are double-wide, even in a fixed-width font.
Microsoft uses them for smart quotes the Euro and a few other symbols in its latin-1 extension cp1252. As this character encoding is frequently reported as latin-1 using these code points for other uses can cause problems, especially as latin-1 is supposed to be code point equivalent to Unicode. This Wikipedia page gives some history and the meanings of these control characters.

Where can I find a good introduction to character encoding?

I have to write some code working with character encoding. Is there a good introduction to the subject to get me started?
First posted at What every developer should know about character encoding.
If you write code that touches a text file, you probably need this.
Lets start off with two key items
1.Unicode does not solve this issue for us (yet).
2.Every text file is encoded. There is no such thing as an unencoded file or a "general" encoding.
And lets add a codacil to this – most Americans can get by without having to take this in to account – most of the time. Because the characters for the first 127 bytes in the vast majority of encoding schemes map to the same set of characters (more accurately called glyphs). And because we only use A-Z without any other characters, accents, etc. – we're good to go. But the second you use those same assumptions in an HTML or XML file that has characters outside the first 127 – then the trouble starts.
The computer industry started with diskspace and memory at a premium. Anyone who suggested using 2 bytes for each character instead of one would have been laughed at. In fact we're lucky that the byte worked best as 8 bits or we might have had fewer than 256 bits for each character. There of course were numerous charactersets (or codepages) developed early on. But we ended up with most everyone using a standard set of codepages where the first 127 bytes were identical on all and the second were unique to each set. There were sets for America/Western Europe, Central Europe, Russia, etc.
And then for Asia, because 256 characters were not enough, some of the range 128 – 255 had what was called DBCS (double byte character sets). For each value of a first byte (in these higher ranges), the second byte then identified one of 256 characters. This gave a total of 128 * 256 additional characters. It was a hack, but it kept memory use to a minimum. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean each have their own DBCS codepage.
And for awhile this worked well. Operating systems, applications, etc. mostly were set to use a specified code page. But then the internet came along. A website in America using an XML file from Greece to display data to a user browsing in Russia, where each is entering data based on their country – that broke the paradigm.
Fast forward to today. The two file formats where we can explain this the best, and where everyone trips over it, is HTML and XML. Every HTML and XML file can optionally have the character encoding set in it's header metadata. If it's not set, then most programs assume it is UTF-8, but that is not a standard and not universally followed. If the encoding is not specified and the program reading the file guess wrong – the file will be misread.
Point 1 – Never treat specifying the encoding as optional when writing a file. Always write it to the file. Always. Even if you are willing to swear that the file will never have characters out of the range 1 – 127.
Now lets' look at UTF-8 because as the standard and the way it works, it gets people into a lot of trouble. UTF-8 was popular for two reasons. First it matched the standard codepages for the first 127 characters and so most existing HTML and XML would match it. Second, it was designed to use as few bytes as possible which mattered a lot back when it was designed and many people were still using dial-up modems.
UTF-8 borrowed from the DBCS designs from the Asian codepages. The first 128 bytes are all single byte representations of characters. Then for the next most common set, it uses a block in the second 128 bytes to be a double byte sequence giving us more characters. But wait, there's more. For the less common there's a first byte which leads to a sersies of second bytes. Those then each lead to a third byte and those three bytes define the character. This goes up to 6 byte sequences. Using the MBCS (multi-byte character set) you can write the equivilent of every unicode character. And assuming what you are writing is not a list of seldom used Chinese characters, do it in fewer bytes.
But here is what everyone trips over – they have an HTML or XML file, it works fine, and they open it up in a text editor. They then add a character that in their text editor, using the codepage for their region, insert a character like ß and save the file. Of course it must be correct – their text editor shows it correctly. But feed it to any program that reads according to the encoding and that is now the first character fo a 2 byte sequence. You either get a different character or if the second byte is not a legal value for that first byte – an error.
Point 2 – Always create HTML and XML in a program that writes it out correctly using the encode. If you must create with a text editor, then view the final file in a browser.
Now, what about when the code you are writing will read or write a file? We are not talking binary/data files where you write it out in your own format, but files that are considered text files. Java, .NET, etc all have character encoders. The purpose of these encoders is to translate between a sequence of bytes (the file) and the characters they represent. Lets take what is actually a very difficlut example – your source code, be it C#, Java, etc. These are still by and large "plain old text files" with no encoding hints. So how do programs handle them? Many assume they use the local code page. Many others assume that all characters will be in the range 0 – 127 and will choke on anything else.
Here's a key point about these text files – every program is still using an encoding. It may not be setting it in code, but by definition an encoding is being used.
Point 3 – Always set the encoding when you read and write text files. Not just for HTML & XML, but even for files like source code. It's fine if you set it to use the default codepage, but set the encoding.
Point 4 – Use the most complete encoder possible. You can write your own XML as a text file encoded for UTF-8. But if you write it using an XML encoder, then it will include the encoding in the meta data and you can't get it wrong. (it also adds the endian preamble to the file.)
Ok, you're reading & writing files correctly but what about inside your code. What there? This is where it's easy – unicode. That's what those encoders created in the Java & .NET runtime are designed to do. You read in and get unicode. You write unicode and get an encoded file. That's why the char type is 16 bits and is a unique core type that is for characters. This you probably have right because languages today don't give you much choice in the matter.
Point 5 – (For developers on languages that have been around awhile) – Always use unicode internally. In C++ this is called wide chars (or something similar). Don't get clever to save a couple of bytes, memory is cheap and you have more important things to do.
Wrapping it up
I think there are two key items to keep in mind here. First, make sure you are taking the encoding in to account on text files. Second, this is actually all very easy and straightforward. People rarely screw up how to use an encoding, it's when they ignore the issue that they get in to trouble.
From Joel Spolsky
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
As usual, Wikipedia is a good starting point:
I have a very basic introduction on my blog, which also includes links to in-depth resources if you REALLY want to dig into the subject matter.

How to diagnose, and reverse (not prevent) Unicode mangling

Somewhere upstream of me, "something" happened that looks like unicode mangling. One symptom is that a lowercase u umlaut (ü) gets converted to "ü" (ie, character FC gets converted to C3 BC). Assuming that I have no control over this upstream process, how can I reverse-engineer what's going on? And if that is possible, can I crank the sausage machine backwards and get the original text back?
(If it helps to understand this case, the text I received was in the form of a MySQL dump. I think somwewhere in the dump/transport process it got mangled.)
Your text isn't 'mangled'. It's just in UTF8. C3 BC is what the ü is supposed to be encoded as. Just set whatever software you use to UTF8 also, and all pain will go away. If you can't set your software to Unicode, seriously consider switching to newer software.
I know it's scary at first, but you will have to do that eventually, anyway. My favorite music typesetter switched to Unicode-only input a while ago (they even deliberately removed support for the old 8-bit code pages to get people to switch), and I was upset, thinking that Latin-1 was good enough for me, and it was stupid to break stuff that was working perfectly well... and then I got over it and just set emacs to Unicode buffers, and now I'll never have to think about character encoding again in my life!
First of all, it looks like you've got UTF-8 encoded text (as you've found ü interpreted in your expected encoding, maybe Latin-1).
You could guess this encoding being used by checking that the correct byte sequences are used (and the illegal ones not used, of course). See the Wikipedia article for a reference and look for valid and invalid byte sequences. You can be pretty sure about the encoding if the text starts with a BOM, but that's not required for UTF-8.
To get the text back in your required encoding, several tools are available, GNU recode for one.

Detect presence of a specific charset

I need a way to detect whether a file contains characters from a certain charset.
Specifically, I want to detect the presence of UTF8-encoded cyrillic characters in a series of files. Is there a tool to do this?
If you are looking for ready solution, you might want to try Enca.
However, if you only want to detect presence of what can be possibly decoded as UTF-8 Cyrillic characters (without any complete UTF-8 validity checks), you just have to grep for something like /(\xD0[\x81\x90-\xBF]|\xD1[\x80-\x8F\x91]){n,}/ (this exact regexp is for n subsequent UTF8-encoded Russian Cyrillic characters). For additional check that the whole file contains only valid UTF-8 data you can use something like isutf8(1).
Both methods have their good and bad sides and may sometimes give wrong results.
IIRC the ICU library has code that does character set detection. Though it's basically a best effort guess.
Edit: I did remember correctly, check out this paper / tutorial

How do I determine the character set of a string?

I have several files that are in several different languages. I thought they were all encoded UTF-8, but now I'm not so sure. Some characters look fine, some do not. Is there a way that I can break out the strings and try to identify the character sets? Perhaps split on white space then identify each word? Finally, is there an easy way to translate characters from one set to UTF-8?
If you don't know the character set for sure You can only guess, basically. utf8::valid might help you with that, but you can't really know for sure. If you know that if it isn't unicode it must be a specific character set (Like Latin-1), you lucky. If you have no idea, you're screwed. In any case, you should always assume the whole file is in the same character set, unless otherwise specified. You will lose your sanity if you don't.
As for your question how to convert between character sets: Encode is there to do that for you
Determining whether a file is probably UTF-8 or not should be pretty easy. Determining the encoding if it is not UTF-8 would be very difficult in general.
If the file is encoded with UTF-8, the high bits of each byte should follow a pattern. If a character is one byte, its high bit will be cleared (zero). Otherwise, an n byte character (where n is 2–4) will have the high n bits of the first byte set to one, followed by a single zero bit. The following n - 1 bytes should all have the highest bit set and the second-highest bit cleared.
If all the bytes in your file follow these rules, it's probably encoded with UTF-8. I say probably, because anyone can invent a new encoding that happens to follow the same rules, deliberately or by chance, but interprets the codes differently.
Note that a file encoded with US-ASCII will follow these rules, but the high bit of every byte is zero. It's okay to treat such a file as UTF-8, since they are compatible in this range. Otherwise, it's some other encoding, and there's not an inherent test to distinguish the encoding. You'll have to use some contextual knowledge to guess.
Take a look at iconv