Where can I find a good introduction to character encoding? - unicode

I have to write some code working with character encoding. Is there a good introduction to the subject to get me started?

First posted at What every developer should know about character encoding.
If you write code that touches a text file, you probably need this.
Lets start off with two key items
1.Unicode does not solve this issue for us (yet).
2.Every text file is encoded. There is no such thing as an unencoded file or a "general" encoding.
And lets add a codacil to this – most Americans can get by without having to take this in to account – most of the time. Because the characters for the first 127 bytes in the vast majority of encoding schemes map to the same set of characters (more accurately called glyphs). And because we only use A-Z without any other characters, accents, etc. – we're good to go. But the second you use those same assumptions in an HTML or XML file that has characters outside the first 127 – then the trouble starts.
The computer industry started with diskspace and memory at a premium. Anyone who suggested using 2 bytes for each character instead of one would have been laughed at. In fact we're lucky that the byte worked best as 8 bits or we might have had fewer than 256 bits for each character. There of course were numerous charactersets (or codepages) developed early on. But we ended up with most everyone using a standard set of codepages where the first 127 bytes were identical on all and the second were unique to each set. There were sets for America/Western Europe, Central Europe, Russia, etc.
And then for Asia, because 256 characters were not enough, some of the range 128 – 255 had what was called DBCS (double byte character sets). For each value of a first byte (in these higher ranges), the second byte then identified one of 256 characters. This gave a total of 128 * 256 additional characters. It was a hack, but it kept memory use to a minimum. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean each have their own DBCS codepage.
And for awhile this worked well. Operating systems, applications, etc. mostly were set to use a specified code page. But then the internet came along. A website in America using an XML file from Greece to display data to a user browsing in Russia, where each is entering data based on their country – that broke the paradigm.
Fast forward to today. The two file formats where we can explain this the best, and where everyone trips over it, is HTML and XML. Every HTML and XML file can optionally have the character encoding set in it's header metadata. If it's not set, then most programs assume it is UTF-8, but that is not a standard and not universally followed. If the encoding is not specified and the program reading the file guess wrong – the file will be misread.
Point 1 – Never treat specifying the encoding as optional when writing a file. Always write it to the file. Always. Even if you are willing to swear that the file will never have characters out of the range 1 – 127.
Now lets' look at UTF-8 because as the standard and the way it works, it gets people into a lot of trouble. UTF-8 was popular for two reasons. First it matched the standard codepages for the first 127 characters and so most existing HTML and XML would match it. Second, it was designed to use as few bytes as possible which mattered a lot back when it was designed and many people were still using dial-up modems.
UTF-8 borrowed from the DBCS designs from the Asian codepages. The first 128 bytes are all single byte representations of characters. Then for the next most common set, it uses a block in the second 128 bytes to be a double byte sequence giving us more characters. But wait, there's more. For the less common there's a first byte which leads to a sersies of second bytes. Those then each lead to a third byte and those three bytes define the character. This goes up to 6 byte sequences. Using the MBCS (multi-byte character set) you can write the equivilent of every unicode character. And assuming what you are writing is not a list of seldom used Chinese characters, do it in fewer bytes.
But here is what everyone trips over – they have an HTML or XML file, it works fine, and they open it up in a text editor. They then add a character that in their text editor, using the codepage for their region, insert a character like ß and save the file. Of course it must be correct – their text editor shows it correctly. But feed it to any program that reads according to the encoding and that is now the first character fo a 2 byte sequence. You either get a different character or if the second byte is not a legal value for that first byte – an error.
Point 2 – Always create HTML and XML in a program that writes it out correctly using the encode. If you must create with a text editor, then view the final file in a browser.
Now, what about when the code you are writing will read or write a file? We are not talking binary/data files where you write it out in your own format, but files that are considered text files. Java, .NET, etc all have character encoders. The purpose of these encoders is to translate between a sequence of bytes (the file) and the characters they represent. Lets take what is actually a very difficlut example – your source code, be it C#, Java, etc. These are still by and large "plain old text files" with no encoding hints. So how do programs handle them? Many assume they use the local code page. Many others assume that all characters will be in the range 0 – 127 and will choke on anything else.
Here's a key point about these text files – every program is still using an encoding. It may not be setting it in code, but by definition an encoding is being used.
Point 3 – Always set the encoding when you read and write text files. Not just for HTML & XML, but even for files like source code. It's fine if you set it to use the default codepage, but set the encoding.
Point 4 – Use the most complete encoder possible. You can write your own XML as a text file encoded for UTF-8. But if you write it using an XML encoder, then it will include the encoding in the meta data and you can't get it wrong. (it also adds the endian preamble to the file.)
Ok, you're reading & writing files correctly but what about inside your code. What there? This is where it's easy – unicode. That's what those encoders created in the Java & .NET runtime are designed to do. You read in and get unicode. You write unicode and get an encoded file. That's why the char type is 16 bits and is a unique core type that is for characters. This you probably have right because languages today don't give you much choice in the matter.
Point 5 – (For developers on languages that have been around awhile) – Always use unicode internally. In C++ this is called wide chars (or something similar). Don't get clever to save a couple of bytes, memory is cheap and you have more important things to do.
Wrapping it up
I think there are two key items to keep in mind here. First, make sure you are taking the encoding in to account on text files. Second, this is actually all very easy and straightforward. People rarely screw up how to use an encoding, it's when they ignore the issue that they get in to trouble.

From Joel Spolsky
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)

As usual, Wikipedia is a good starting point: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_encoding

I have a very basic introduction on my blog, which also includes links to in-depth resources if you REALLY want to dig into the subject matter.


Why can't we store Unicode directly?

I read some article about Unicode and UTF-8.
The Unicode standard describes how characters are represented by code points. A code point is an integer value, usually denoted in base 16. In the standard, a code point is written using the notation U+12CA to mean the character with value 0x12ca (4,810 decimal). The Unicode standard contains a lot of tables listing characters and their corresponding code points:
Strictly, these definitions imply that it’s meaningless to say ‘this is character U+12CA‘. U+12CA is a code point, which represents some particular character; in this case, it represents the character ‘ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE WI’. In informal contexts, this distinction between code points and characters will sometimes be forgotten.
To summarize the previous section: a Unicode string is a sequence of code points, which are numbers from 0 through 0x10FFFF (1,114,111 decimal). This sequence needs to be represented as a set of bytes (meaning, values from 0 through 255) in memory. The rules for translating a Unicode string into a sequence of bytes are called an encoding.
I wonder why we have to encode U+12CA to UTF-8 or UTF-16 instead of saving the binary of 12CA in the disk directly. I think the reason is:
Unicode is not Self-synchronizing code, so if
10 represent A
110 represent B
10110 represent C
When I see 10110 in the disk we can't tell it's A and B or just C.
Unicode uses much more space instead of UTF-8 or UTF-16.
Am I right?
Read about Unicode, UTF-8 and the UTF-8 everywhere website.
There are more than a million Unicode code-points (you mentionned 1,114,111...). So you need at least 21 bits to be able to separate all of them (since 221 > 1114111).
So you can store Unicode characters directly, if you represent each of them by a wide enough integral type. In practice, that type would be some 32 bits integer (because it is not convenient to handle 3-bytes i.e. 24 bits integers). This is called UCS-4 and some systems or software do already handle their Unicode string in such a format.
Notice also that displaying Unicode strings is quite difficult, because of the variety of human languages (and also since Unicode has combining characters). Some need to be displayed right to left (Arabic, Hebrew, ....), others left to right (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian ...), and some top to down (Chinese, ...). A library displaying Unicode strings should be capable of displaying a string containing English, Chinese and Arabic words.... Then you see that decoding UTF-8 is the easy part of Unicode string displaying (and storing UCS-4 strings won't help much).
But, since English is the dominant language in IT technology (for economical reasons), it is very often cheaper to keep strings in UTF8 form. If most of the strings handled by your system are English (or in some other European language using the Latin alphabet), it is cheaper and it takes less space to keep them in UTF-8.
I guess than when China will become a dominant power in IT, things might change (or maybe not).
(I have no idea of the most common encoding used today on Chinese supercomputers or smartphones; I guess it is still UTF-8)
In practice, use a library (perhaps libunistring or Glib in C), to process UTF-8 strings and another one (e.g. pango and GTK in C) to display them. You'll find many Unicode related libraries in various programming languages.
I wonder why we have to encode U+12CA to UTF-8 or UTF-16 instead of saving the binary of 12CA in the disk directly.
How do you write 12CA to a disk directly? It is a bigger value than a byte can hold, so you need to write at least two bytes. Do you write 12 followed by CA? You just encoded it in UTF-16BE. That's what an encoding is...a definition of how to write an abstract number as bytes.
Other reading:
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
Pragmatic Unicode
For good and specific reasons, Unicode doesn't specify any particular encoding. If it makes sense for your scenario, you can specify your own.
Because Unicode doesn't specify any serialization, there is no way to "directly" store Unicode, just like you can't "directly" store a mathematical number or a flow chart to implement a program you designed. The question isn't really well-defined.
There are a number of existing serialization formats (encodings) so it is very likely that it makes the most sense to use an existing one unless your requirements are significantly different than what any existing encoding provides; even then, is it really worth the cost?
A stream of bits is just a stream of bits. Conventionally, we chop them up into groups of 8 and call that a "byte" and the latter half of your question is really "if it's not a byte, how can you tell which bits belong to which symbol?" There are many ways to do that, but the common ones generally define a sequence of some particular length (8, 16, and 32 are often convenient for reasons of compatibility with bus width on modern computers etc) but again, if you really wanted to, you could come up with something different. Huffman trees come to mind as one way to implement a way to communicate a structure of variable length (and is used for precisely that in many compression algorithms).
Consider one situation, even if you can directly save unicode binary into disk and close the file, what happens when you open the file again? It's just a bunch of binary, you don't know how many bytes a char occupied right, which means, if '🥶'(U+129398) and 'A' are the content of your file, then if you take it 1 byte for a char, then '🥶' can't be decoded correctly, which takes 2 bytes, then instead 1 emoji you see, you get two, which is U+63862 and U+65536 unicode char.

How do I create a character set like ASCII?

I'm curious about the way that in the past it was implemented and I want to get information about how can I implement a character set of my own.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) was the "original" characterset, and remains the basis for most text data. ASCII is actually a 7-bit code (the numeric values range from 0 to 127) with the most significant bit of a byte indicating if the rest of the byte refers to ASCII (if zero) or the current Codepage.
Extra (non-ascii) characters were then added to these codepages, and the user's computer would load a specific codepage to use. Unfortunately this meant that you needed to load the correct codepage before viewing a file or the wrong characters would appear.
We have now moved on, and most systems use Unicode which is a variable character length (rather than the single-byte characters used previously) which can contain thousands upon thousands of characters, allowing for a single encoding to cater for what would have been multiple codepages using the ASCII+Codepage method of old.
That's the brief history; As to how to create your own characterset, I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve - You can create your own fonts, but if you're talking about an actual characterset (i.e. characters that do not already exist) then you'll have to get your characterset added to a standard such as Unicode so that other computers can make use of your new characters, which would be a considerable amount of work (and I have no idea how you'd even go about it) -- It's worth considering, however, that almost every character in existence already exists in Unicode so you may want to review what's already been done before you try and take on a mammoth undertaking such as creating an entirely new characterset.

Why are there different encoding types?

This is a noob question, but I wanna know why there are different encoding types and what are their differences (ie. ASCII, utf-8 and 16, base64, etc.)
Reasons are many I believe but the main point is: "How many characters you need to display (encode)?" If you live in US for example, you could go pretty far with ASCII. But in many counties we need characters like ä, å, ü etc. (If SO was ASCII only or you try to read this text as ASCII encoded text, you'd see some weird characters in the places of ä, å and ü.) Think also the China, Japan, Thailand and other "exotic" countires. Those weird figures on photos you may have seen around the world just might be letters, not pretty pictures.
As for the differences between different encoding types you need to see their specification. Here's something for UTF-8.
I'm not familiar with UTF-16. Here's some information about the differences.
Base64 is used when there is a need to encode binary data that needs to be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with textual data. If you've ever made somesort of email system with PHP, you've probably encountered Base64.
Is short: To support computer program's user interface localizations to many different languages. (Programming languages still mainly consist of characters found in ASCII encoding, althought it's possible for example in Java to use UTF-8 encoding in variable names, and the source code file is usually stored as something else than ASCII encoded text, for example UTF-8 encoding.)
In short vol.2: Always when different people are trying to solve some problem from a specific point of view (or even without a point of view if it's even possible), results may be quite different. Quote from Joel's unicode article (link below): "Because bytes have room for up to eight bits, lots of people got to thinking, "gosh, we can use the codes 128-255 for our own purposes." The trouble was, lots of people had this idea at the same time, and they had their own ideas of what should go where in the space from 128 to 255."
Thanks to Joachim and tchrist for all the info and discussion. Here's two articles I just read. (Both links are on the page I linked to earlier.) I'd forgotten most of the stuff from Joel's article since I last read it a few years back. Good introduction to the subject I hope. Mark Davis goes a little deeper.
The real reason why there are so many variants is that the Unicode consortium came along too late.
In The Beginning memory and storage was expensive and using more than 8 (or sometimes only 7) bit of memory to store a single character was considered excessive. Thus pretty much all text was stored using 7 or 8 bit per character. Clearly, 8 bit are not enough memory to represent the characters of all human languages. It's barely enough to represent most characters used in a single language (and for some languages even that's not possible). Therefore many different character encodings where designed to allow different languages (English, German, Greek, Russian, ...) to encode their texts in 8 bits per characters. After all a single text file (and usually even a single computer system) will only ever used in a single language, right?
This led to a situation where there was no single agreed-upon mapping of characters to numbers of any kind. Many different, incompatible solutions where produced and no real central control existed. Some computer systems used ASCII, others used EBCDIC (or more precisely: one of the many variations of EBCDIC), ISO-8859-* (or one of its many derivatives) or any of a big list of encodings that are hardly heard about now.
Finally, the Unicode Consortium stepped up to the task to produce that single mapping (together with lots of auxiliary data that's useful but outside of the bounds of this answer).
When the Unicode consortium finally produced a fairly comprehensive list of characters that a computer might represent (together with a number of encoding schemes to encode them to binary data, depending on your concrete needs), the other character encoding schemes were already widely used. This slowed down the adoption of Unicode and its encodings (UTF-8, UTF-16) considerably.
These days, if you want to represent text, your best bet is to use one of the few encodings that can represent all Unicode characters. UTF-8 and UTF-16 together should suffice for 99% of all use cases, UTF-32 covers almost all the others. And just to be clear: all the UTF-* encodings can encode all valid Unicode characters. But due to the fact that UTF-8 and UTF-16 are variable-width encodings, they might not be ideal for all use cases. Unless you need to be able to interact with a legacy system that can't handle those encodings, there is rarely a reason to choose anything else these days.
The main reason is to be able to show more characters. When the internet was in it's infancy, noone really planned ahead thinking that one day there would be people using it from all countries and all languages around the world. So a small character set was good enough. Gradually it was revealed to be limited and English-centric, thus the demand for bigger character sets.

What are some common character encodings that a text editor should support?

I have a text editor that can load ASCII and Unicode files. It automatically detects the encoding by looking for the BOM at the beginning of the file and/or searching the first 256 bytes for characters > 0x7f.
What other encodings should be supported, and what characteristics would make that encoding easy to auto-detect?
Definitely UTF-8. See http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html.
As far as I know, there's no guaranteed way to detect this automatically (although the probability of a mistaken diagnosis can be reduced to a very small amount by scanning).
I don't know about encodings, but make sure it can support the multiple different line ending standards! (\n vs \r\n)
If you haven't checked out Mich Kaplan's blog yet, I suggest doing so: http://blogs.msdn.com/michkap/
Specifically this article may be useful: http://www.siao2.com/2007/04/22/2239345.aspx
There is no way how you can detect an encoding. The best thing you could do is something like IE and depend on letter distributions in different languages, as well as standard characters for a language. But that's a long shot at best.
I would advise getting your hands on some large library of character sets (check out projects like iconv) and make all of those available to the user. But don't bother auto-detecting. Simply allow the user to select his preference of a default charset, which itself would be UTF-8 by default.
Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) and its Windows extension CP-1252 must definitely be supported for western users. One could argue that UTF-8 is a superior choice, but people often don't have that choice. Chinese users would require GB-18030, and remember there are Japanese, Russians, Greeks too who all have there own encodings beside UTF-8-encoded Unicode.
As for detection, most encodings are not safely detectable. In some (like Latin-1), certain byte values are just invalid. In UTF-8, any byte value can occur, but not every sequence of byte values. In practice, however, you would not do the decoding yourself, but use an encoding/decoding library, try to decode and catch errors. So why not support all encodings that this library supports?
You could also develop heuristics, like decoding for a specific encoding and then test the result for strange characters or character combinations or frequency of such characters. But this would never be safe, and I agree with Vilx- that you shouldn't bother. In my experience, people normally know that a file has a certain encoding, or that only two or three are possible. So if they see you chose the wrong one, they can easily adapt. And have a look at other editors. The most clever solution is not always the best, especially if people are used to other programs.
UTF-16 is not very common in plain text files. UTF-8 is much more common because it is back compatible with ASCII and is specified in standards like XML.
1) Check for BOM of various Unicode encodings. If found, use that encoding.
2) If no BOM, check if file text is valid UTF-8, reading until you reach a sufficient non-ASCII sample (since many files are almost all ASCII but may have a few accented characters or smart quotes) or the file ends. If valid UTF-8, use UTF-8.
3) If not Unicode it's probably current platform default codepage.
4) Some encodings are easy to detect, for example Japanese Shift-JIS will have heavy use of the prefix bytes 0x82 and 0x83 indicating hiragana and katakana.
5) Give user option to change encoding if program's guess turns out to be wrong.
Whatever you do, use more than 256 bytes for a sniff test. It's important to get it right, so why not check the whole doc? Or at least the first 100KB or so.
Try UTF-8 and obvious UTF-16 (lots of alternating 0 bytes), then fall back to the ANSI codepage for the current locale.

Codepages and encodings

Before anyone recommends that I do a google search on this, I have. I just need a bit more clarity around what codepages and encodings.
If I use UTF8 encoding, and use an italian code page and then a french code page, does this mean ill get different characters even though the bytes havent changed?
Joel has a nice summary of this:
And no. if I understand your question correctly it doesn't mean that.
When you're converting UTF-8 to a specific code page, it is possible that only some of the characters are going to be converted. What happens to the ones that don't get converted depends on how you call the conversion. A possible result is that the characters which could not be mapped to the code page would be converted to question mark characters.
An encoding is simply a mapping between numerical values and "characters".
US-ASCII maps the number 65 to the letter A, 32 to a space and 49 to the digit "1". (How these things are rendered is another matter.) In fact, UTF-8 does the same! But there are other values which UTF-8 treats differently to ASCII. It is a variable-length encoding, i.e. a character may be encoded with 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes; common characters generally consume less bytes.
Plain text files, including web pages, are stored and transmitted as sequences of bytes. These bytes are supposed to represent something textual. Software applications (like text editors and web browsers) are responsible for rending the information within these files on the screen. Usually they make use of library or OS functions.
If the software assumes a different encoding to the software that created the file, the wrong characters may be displayed!
Note that it is possible to convert between different encodings; however if you convert to an encoding that does not contain a certain character, the software must make a choice as to what to use instead. This conversion often happens transparently (when you save a file with a certain encoding, whatever you've typed must be changed into that encoding).
UTF-8 includes all characters from your French and Italian code page, but the language specific code pages does not include all of each others characters.
So you can take input from each language and convert it to UTF-8 for storage, but you can not be certain that you will get the right characters if you take Italian input and show it as French.
Use UTF-8 all the way if you can.