How do I programatically remove an application from a Windows Mobile device? - deployment

We've recently updated a Windows Mobile app and I want to create a utility that will:
remove the old version from the device
install the .NET Compact Framework
install the new app
Steps 2 and 3 seem simple enough, but I don't know about 1. Is it possible? If so, how do I go about it?

Every time I've tried installing an application that is already on the phone, the OS tells you it's going to remove the currently installed version first (as long as the company name / application name remain the same).
So by doing #3 it should automatically do #1.
This is on my WM 6.1 phone.


Installing ios7 application twice from enterprise link but works fine when installed with itunes

I have build the my app which was developed for 5.1 from xcode5 with the deployment target as 5.1 as i want my application to support ios 5 to ios 7.
When i add the application to the enterprise link and when the application is installed in iOS 7 i see the application is being installed twice out of the two apps, one works fine but the other still says installing , I even cant delete the app which says installing . But if try to download the app from link again n while the installation process i was able to delete the unsuccessfully installed application.
Please suggest me how to resolve this issue of shadow app.
Should i change the build settings ? Or is it because of building the old app for ios7 but using deployment target as 5.1 !! I need to solve this problem as soon as possible.
I will be grateful if anyone helps me out.
A couple things that I have discovered with this.
First of all it seems to be less of an issue with iOS 7.1.
Secondly, this can be prevented by making sure that the meta data in your manifest file is correct. Make sure that you have the correct appID (com.yourCompany.yourApp) and it is nice to have an icon included too. See here for what that looks like:

Why does Trigger.IO app need to be uninstalled when upgrading on iOS?

I'm testing a Trigger.IO app built with Forge v1.4 on an iPod running iOS 6. I've been installing the .ipa through a distribution provision profile.
Occasionally, after installing an updated version, the app would launch but not run correctly. I traced this behaviour to the window.forge being absent, presumably due to a bad initialization. I would then make sure to kill the app process before installing updates and my recollection is that this seemed to make the problem go away.
Now, I've added the Facebook and Splash modules and my app now consistently won't go past the splash screen after I install an upgraded version unless I forcibly uninstall the old version first. Presumably, it dies before creating the webview. Any idea why I would need to uninstall my app first before upgrading? Is this a known behaviour?
I want to make sure that my users don't experience this when upgrading.
My app runs happily without Forge, and doesn't have any particular dependencies on localStorage data. I don't have a Mac and have been installing via iTunes in Windows, so I don't think I can access logging information.
You should have a look at this post:
How application get update from apple store?
The quick answer is when you update an app, you install the new bundle but you keep the user data stored previously such as a local DB. If you changed the local DB in the new app (or anything else) your app can crash when updated but is fine when downloaded from scratch.

simulating app upgrade in iOS

I am trying to simulate an upgrade from version 2.0 to 2.1. I have version 2.0 hosted in testflight, so I did install it in my device. Then I tried running the app from xcode. However what happened is that the app did not get overlapped, instead it created two apps with the same name. How can I make it such that when I run the app from xcode it overlays the old version?
I've made sure that the bundle identifier is the same.
Well the info you can get while updating can be found # this link here.
when user updates an app, Documents folder is stored as is, including
NSUserDefaults (but, sometimes user download app via iTunes and
replace the whole application, crying 'OMG! update killed all my
levels progress!'); Application bundle is erased and replaced by new
one (anyway, it is readonly for user); Re-deployment of new build
version will be enough;
You can't access the appstore inside the simulator because: # link here
It's a simulator not an emulator. Even if there was an App Store in
the Simulator, none of the apps in the store would work since they are
compiled for ARM CPUs while the Simulator runs x86 code.
Another stack overflow # link here states:
Build and install your old version, generate some data, and then
install the new version on top of it.
For testing before submitting to the Appstore I generally download
from the AppStore again the old version, and then install with Xcode
the newer version - for your next update... ;-)
And another stack overflow (that I lost the link for) states:
No, the simulator runs i386 binaries and iPhone appstore apps are ARM
binaries apps.
iOS apps are compiled to machine code, Android apps are run in a
Virtual Machine using byte code and are translated to machine code at
the time they are run.
So no, I don't believe you can run it in the simulator, how ever you can have older projects saved on the iPhone and test both out. And the apple documentation is # this link here.
Read this:
You cannot simulate update in XCode (neither in simulator or connected device). You have to create IPA file and simulate update process via iTunes.

iPhone Configuration Utility for Windows Error

We are getting an error when deploying an iPhone application to iOS 4 using the Windows configuration Utility, 3.0. The application loads great using the configuration utility on a mac, fails on windows.
We have confirmed that the provision is copied onto the device, it's just the app.
The error is:
Could not install application on
device. Error: A signed resource has
been added, modified, or deleted.
Several posts talked about special chars used on macs not working on the PC, we have been careful to only use allowed chars in the name of the app.
Any advice on this would be great, and yes, we suggested they buy a ton of macs already. :)
Had the same error. Finally manage to get around by installing my application using the windows version of iTunes . Forget the iphone configuration utility for installing apps. It's too buggy :(

iPhone app doesn't stay installed (icon disappears)

I'm trying to install Zxing on my iphone from source (I know I can get it at the app store, but I want to modify some things in it).
The problem I'm having is that the app won't stay installed on the phone. It will run without a problem, but no icon will appear after I quit the app. I thought it had to do with my manually editing the codesign information in the project.pbxproj but after the developers changed the codesign identity they had left in the checked in version, the problem still persists.
I tried deploying an app I had developed from scratch and that worked fine.
I'm new to this, so any help would be much appreciated. You can download the zxing code from here:
svn checkout zxing-read-only
Have you downloaded a copy from the App Store? I had one app (built from Xcode) that wasn't staying around after a sync and I found it was because iTunes was looking at my application syncing preferences and it wasn't selected to sync (as I had the Xcode build version on there, I didn't want to sync that version). However, it presumably removes the built app because I said I didn't want to sync any version of it.
Checking the checkbox to sync the app in iTunes kept the Xcode built version on there without installing the App Store version.
Hope this helps.
I think the problem had to do with my iPhone firmware. It might be a bug from Apple as I got an email from truphone saying that users were experiencing similar problems. I re-installed firmware, and could install it fine, and sync other apps. As soon as I did a restore from a previous backup, it broke again... what a pain. Case closed.