Rules Based Database Engine - rule-engine

I would like to design a rules based database engine within Oracle for PeopleSoft Time entry application. How do I do this?

A rules-based system needs several key components:
- A set of rules defined as data
- A set of uniform inputs on which to operate
- A rules executor
- Supervisor hierarchy
Write out a series of use-cases - what might someone be trying to accomplish using the system?
Decide on what things your rules can take as inputs, and what as outputs
Describe the rules from your use-cases as a series of data, and thus determine your rule format. Expand 2 as necessary for this.
Create the basic rule executor, and test that it will take the rule data and process it correctly
Extend the above to deal with multiple rules with different priorities
Learn enough rule engine theory and graph theory to understand common rule-based problems - circularity, conflicting rules etc - and how to use (node) graphs to find cases of them
Write a supervisor hierarchy that is capable of managing the ruleset and taking decisions based on the possible problems above. This part is important, because it is your protection against foolishness on the part of the rule creators causing runtime failure of the entire system.
Broadly, rules engines are an exercise in managing complexity. If you don't manage it, you can easily end up with rules that cascade from each other causing circular loops, race-conditions and other issues. It's very easy to construct these accidentally: consider an email program which you have told to move mail from folder A to B if it contains the magic word 'beta', and from B to A if it contains the word 'alpha'. An email with both would be shuttled back and forward until something broke, preventing all other rules from being processed.
I have assumed here that you want to learn about the theory and build the engine yourself. alphazero raises the important suggestion of using an existing rules engine library, which is wise - this is the kind of subject that benefits from academic theory.

I haven't tried this myself, but an obvious approach is to use Java procedures in the Oracle database, and use a Java rules engine library in that code.
Basically you'll need to capture data events (inserts, updates, deletes), map to them to your rulespace's events, and apply rules.


When to use multiple KieBases vs multiple KieSessions?

I know that one can utilize multiple KieBases and multiple KieSessions, but I don't understand under what scenarios one would use one approach vs the other (I am having some trouble in general understanding the definitions and relationships between KieContainer, KieBase, KieModule, and KieSession). Can someone clarify this?
You use multiple KieBases when you have multiple sets of rules doing different things.
KieSessions are the actual session for rule execution -- that is, they hold your data and some metadata and are what actually executes the rules.
Let's say I have an application for a school. One part of my application monitors students' attendance. The other part of my application tracks their grades. I have a set of rules which decides if students are truant and we need to talk to their parents. I have a completely unrelated set of rules which determines whether a student is having trouble academically and needs to be put on probation/a performance plan.
These rules have nothing to do with one another. They have completely separate concerns, different rule inputs, and are triggered in different parts of the application. The part of the application that is tracking attendance doesn't need to trigger the rules that monitor student performance.
For this application, I would have two different KieBases: one for attendance, and one for academics. When I need to fire the rules, I fire one or the other -- there is no use case for firing both at the same time.
The KieSession is the runtime for when we fire those rules. We add to it the data we need to trigger the rules, and it also tracks some other metadata that's really not relevant to this discussion. When firing the academics rules, I would be adding to it the student's grades, their classes, and maybe some information about the student (eg the grade level, whether they're an "honors" student, tec.). For the attendance rules, we would need the student information, plus historical tardiness/absence records. Those distinct pieces of data get added to the sessions.
When we decide to fire rules, we first get the appropriate KieBase -- academics or attendance. Then we get a session for that rule set, populate the data, and fire it. We technically "execute" the session, not the rules (and definitely not the rule base.) The rule base is just the collection of the rules; the session is how we actually execute it.
There are two kinds of sessions -- stateful and stateless. As their names imply, they differ with how data is stored and tracked. In most cases, people use stateful sessions because they want their rules to do iterative work on the inputs. You can read more about the specific differences in the documentation.
For low-volume applications, there's generally little need to reuse your KieSessions. Create, use, and dispose of them as needed. There is, however, some inherent overhead in this process, so there comes a point in which reuse does become something that you should consider. The documentation discusses the solution provided out-of-the box for Drools, which is session pooling.
(When trying to wrap your head around this, I like to use an analogy of databases. A session is like a JDBC connection: for small applications you can create them, use them, then close them as you need them. But as you scale you'll quickly find that you need to look into connection pooling to minimize this overhead. In this particular analogy, the rule base would be the database that the rules are executing against -- not the tables!)

Is rule engine suitable for validating data against set of rules?

I am trying to design an application that allows users to create subscriptions based on different configurations - expressing their interest to receive alerts when those conditions are met.
While evaluating the options for achieving the same, I was thinking about utilizing a generic rule engine such as Drools to achieve the same. Which seemed to be a natural fit to this problem looking at an high-level. But digging deeper and giving it a bit more thought, I am doubting if Business Rule Engine is the right thing to use.
I see Rule engine as something that can select a Rule based on predefined condition and apply the Rule to that data to produce an outcome. Whereas, my requirement is to start with a data (the event that is generated) and identify based on Rules (subscriptions) configured by users to identify all the Rules (subscription) that would satisfy the event being handled. So that Alerts can be generated to all those Subscribers.
To give an example, an hypothetical subscription from an user could be, to be alerted when a product in Amazon drops below $10 in the next 7 days. Another user would have created a subscription to be notified when a product in Amazon drops below $15 within the next 30 days and also offers free one-day shipping for Prime members.
After a bit of thought, I have settled down to storing the Rules/Subscriptions in a relational DB and identifying which Subscriptions are to fire an Alert for an Event by querying against the DB.
My main reason for choosing this approach is because of the volume, as the number of Rules/Subscriptions I being with will be about 1000 complex rules, and will grow exponentially as more users are added to the system. With the query approach I can trigger a single query that can validate all Rules in one go, vs. the Rule engine approach which would require me to do multiple validations based on the number of Rules configured.
While, I know my DB approach would work (may not be efficient), I just wanted to understand if Rule Engine can be used for such purposes and be able to scale well as the number of rules increases. (Performance is of at most importance as the number of Events that are to be processed per minute will be about 1000+)
If rule engine is not the right way to approach it, what other options are there for me to explore rather than writing my own implementation.
You are getting it wrong. A standard rule engine selects rules to execute based on the data. The rules constraints are evaluated with the data you insert into the rule engine. If all constraints in a rule match the data, the rule is executed. I would suggest you to try Drools.

Any alternative to BPMN and DMN notations for describing business logic?

I am looking for some tool capable of creating complex process of data manipulation which can be more or less easily modified by people who do not write code.
For example, my task is:
fetch data from sourceA
2.1 if data is full - filter it by condition 45
2.2 if data is not full - fetch additional data from source B
if result passes validation - return 1, otherwise 0
This should be described in some readable manner, best option is if one can modify this process in some UI tool.
What are the requirements?
Each process consists of two parts: steps, and a way to arrange them in a sequence.
The process in each step should be able to
1. emit commands for fetching some data from data-sources and inserting this into process context
2. filter, enrich, transform datasets obtained
Thus each step of this process should be described with some more or less simple DSL.
The selection of the step to go, i.e. the consequence of steps should be described by some visual tool, or again, as in (1), with some simple dsl.
Can you advise something for this typical, from my point of view, task?
Meanwhile, here are my own ideas.
First think comes to mind is BPMN combined with Drools.
For steps I may use DRL rules: they can make only basic data manipulation themselves, but I can call Java functions from them if I need something complicated.
For steps consequence I may use standart BPMN diagramm.
Mat be, there is something better?
The combination of BPMN with DMN would allow you indeed to describe with these visual standards, the execution of the process and decision logic to be applied, in order to achieve what in the "For example" paragraph.
In order to make it fully accessible by the business people, the BPMN task for fetching the data or performing any interaction with external system, should be prepared in advance and made available during the composition of the BPMN/DMN diagrams.
Alternatively to BPMN+DMN combination, you can look into Fuse or Fuse Online, it cannot describe all the semantics of the BPMN+DMN combination, but with Fuse Online for instance you can fully visually implement the steps you described in the "For example" paragraph.

EventStore basics - what's the difference between Event Meta Data/MetaData and Event Data?

I'm very much at the beginning of using / understanding EventStore or get-event-store as it may be known here.
I've consumed the documentation regarding clients, projections and subscriptions and feel ready to start using on some internal projects.
One thing I can't quite get past - is there a guide / set of recommendations to describe the difference between event metadata and data ? I'm aware of the notional differences; Event data is 'Core' to the domain, Meta data for describing, but it is becoming quite philisophical.
I wonder if there are hard rules regarding implementation (querying etc).
Any guidance at all gratefully received!
Shamelessly copying (and paraphrasing) parts from Szymon Kulec's blog post "Enriching your events with important metadata" (emphases mine):
But what information can be useful to store in the metadata, which info is worth to store despite the fact that it was not captured in
the creation of the model?
1. Audit data
who? – simply store the user id of the action invoker
when? – the timestamp of the action and the event(s)
why? – the serialized intent/action of the actor
2. Event versioning
The event sourcing deals with the effect of the actions. An action
executed on a state results in an action according to the current
implementation. Wait. The current implementation? Yes, the
implementation of your aggregate can change and it will either because
of bug fixing or introducing new features. Wouldn’t it be nice if
the version, like a commit id (SHA1 for gitters) or a semantic version
could be stored with the event as well? Imagine that you published a
broken version and your business sold 100 tickets before fixing a bug.
It’d be nice to be able which events were created on the basis of the
broken implementation. Having this knowledge you can easily compensate
transactions performed by the broken implementation.
3. Document implementation details
It’s quite common to introduce canary releases, feature toggling and
A/B tests for users. With automated deployment and small code
enhancement all of the mentioned approaches are feasible to have on a
project board. If you consider the toggles or different implementation
coexisting in the very same moment, storing the version only may be
not enough. How about adding information which features were applied
for the action? Just create a simple set of features enabled, or map
feature-status and add it to the event as well. Having this and the
command, it’s easy to repeat the process. Additionally, it’s easy to
result in your A/B experiments. Just run the scan for events with A
enabled and another for the B ones.
4. Optimized combination of 2. and 3.
If you think that this is too much, create a lookup for sets of
versions x features. It’s not that big and is repeatable across many
users, hence you can easily optimize storing the set elsewhere, under
a reference key. You can serialize this map and calculate SHA1, put
the values in a map (a table will do as well) and use identifiers to
put them in the event. There’s plenty of options to shift the load
either to the query (lookups) or to the storage (store everything as
named metadata).
Summing up
If you create an event sourced architecture, consider adding the
temporal dimension (version) and a bit of configuration to the
metadata. Once you have it, it’s much easier to reason about the
sources of your events and introduce tooling like compensation.
There’s no such thing like too much data, is there?
I will share my experiences with you which may help. I have been playing with akka-persistence, akka-persistence-eventstore and eventstore. akka-persistence stores it's event wrapper, a PersistentRepr, in binary format. I wanted this data in JSON so that I could:
use projections
make these events easily available to any other technologies
You can implement your own serialization for akka-persistence-eventstore to do this, but it still ended up just storing the wrapper which had my event embedded in a payload attribute. The other attributes were all akka-persistence specific. The author of akka-persistence-eventstore gave me some good advice, get the serializer to store the payload as the Data, and the rest as MetaData. That way my event is now just the business data, and the metadata aids the technology that put it there in the first place. My projections now don't need to parse out the metadata to get at the payload.

How to start working with a large decision table

Today I've been presented with a fun challenge and I want your input on how you would deal with this situation.
So the problem is the following (I've converted it to demo data as the real problem wouldn't make much sense without knowing the company dictionary by heart).
We have a decision table that has a minimum of 16 conditions. Because it is an impossible feat to manage all of them (2^16 possibilities) we've decided to only list the exceptions. Like this:
As an example I've only added 10 conditions but in reality there are (for now) 16. The basic idea is that we have one baseline (the default) which is valid for everyone and all the exceptions to this default.
You have a foreigner who is also a pirate.
If you go through all the exceptions one by one, and condition by condition you remove the exceptions that have at least one condition that fails. In the end you'll end up with the following two exceptions that are valid for our case. The match is on the IsPirate and the IsForeigner condition. But as you can see there are 2 results here, well 3 actually if you count the default.
Our solution
Now what we came up with on how to solve this is that in the GUI where you are adding these exceptions, there should run an algorithm which checks for such cases and force you to define the exception more specifically. This is only still a theory and hasn't been tested out but we think it could work this way.
My Question
I'm looking for alternative solutions that make the rules manageable and prevent the problem I've shown in the example.
Your problem seem to be resolution of conflicting rules. When multiple rules match your input, (your foreigner and pirate) and they end up recommending different things (your cangetjob and cangetevicted), you need a strategy for resolution of this conflict.
What you mentioned is one way of resolution -- which is to remove the conflict in the first place. However, this may not always be possible, and not always desirable because when a user adds a new rule that conflicts with a set of old rules (which he/she did not write), the user may not know how to revise it to remove the conflict.
Another possible resolution method is prioritization. Mark a priority on each rule (based on things like the user's own authority etc.), sort the matching rules according to priority, and apply in ascending sequence of priority. This usually works and is much simpler to manage (e.g. everybody knows that the top boss's rules are final!)
Prioritization may also be used to mark a certain rule as "global override". In your example, you may want to make "IsPirate" as an override rule -- which means that it overrides settings for normal people. In other words, once you're a pirate, you're treated differently. This make it very easy to design a system in which you have a bunch of normal business rules governing 90% of the cases, then a set of "exceptions" that are treated differently, automatically overriding certain things. In this case, you should also consider making "?" available in the output columns as well.
One other possible resolution method is to include attributes in each of your conditions. For example, certain conditions must have no "zeros" in order to pass (? doesn't matter). Some conditions must have at least one "one" in order to pass. In other words, mark each condition as either "AND", "OR", or "XOR". Some popular file-system security uses this model. For example, CanGetJob may be AND (you want to be stringent on rights-to-work). CanBeEvicted may be OR -- you may want to evict even a foreigner if he is also a pirate.
An enhancement on the AND/OR method is to provide a threshold that the total result must exceed before passing that condition. For example, putting CanGetJob at a threshold of 2 then it must get at least two 1's in order to return 1. This is sometimes useful on conditions that are not clearly black-and-white.
You can mix resolution methods: e.g. first prioritize, then use AND/OR to resolve rules with similar priorities.
The possibilities are limitless and really depends on what your actual needs are.
To me this problem reminds business rules engine where there is no known algorithm to define outputs from inputs (e.g. using boolean logic) but the user (typically some sort of administrator) has to define all or some the logic itself.
This might sound a bit of an overkill but OTOH this provides virtually limit-less extension capabilities: you don't have to code any new business logic, just define a new rule set.
As I understand your problem, you are looking for a nice way to visualise the editing for these rules. But this all depends on your programming language and the tool you select for this. Java, for example, has JBoss Drools. Quoting their page:
Drools Guvnor provides a (logically
centralized) repository to store you
business knowledge, and a web-based
environment that allows business users
to view and (within certain
constraints) possibly update the
business logic directly.
You could possibly use this generic tool or write your own.
Everything depends on what your actual rules will look like. Rules like 'IF has an even number of these properties THEN' would be painful to represent in this format, whereas rules like 'IF pirate and not geek THEN' are easy.
You can 'avoid the ambiguity' by stating that you'll always be taking the first actual match, in other words your rules have a priority. You'd then want to flag rules which have no effect because they are 'shadowed' by rules higher up. They're not hard to find, so it's something your program should do.
Your interface could also indicate groups of rules where rules within the group can be in any order without changing the outcomes. This will add clarity to what the rules are really saying.
If some of your outputs are relatively independent of the others, you will also get a more compact and much clearer table by allowing question marks in the output. In that design the scan for first matching rule is done once for each output. Consider for example if 'HasChildren' is the only factor relevant to 'Can Be Evicted'. With question marks in the outputs (= no effect) you could be halving the number of exception rules.
My background for this is circuit logic design, not business logic. What you're designing is similar to, but not the same as, a PLA. As long as your actual rules are close to sum of products then it can work well. If your rules aren't, for example the 'even number of these properties' rule, then the grid like presentation will break down in a combinatorial explosion of cases. Your best hope if your rules are arbitrary is to get a clearer more compact presentation with either equations or with diagrams like a circuit diagram. To be avoided, if you can.
If you are looking for a Decision Engine with a GUI, than you can try this one:
We just released it, it's open source and production ready.
You probably need some kind of inference engine. Think about doing it in prolog.