Is rule engine suitable for validating data against set of rules? - drools

I am trying to design an application that allows users to create subscriptions based on different configurations - expressing their interest to receive alerts when those conditions are met.
While evaluating the options for achieving the same, I was thinking about utilizing a generic rule engine such as Drools to achieve the same. Which seemed to be a natural fit to this problem looking at an high-level. But digging deeper and giving it a bit more thought, I am doubting if Business Rule Engine is the right thing to use.
I see Rule engine as something that can select a Rule based on predefined condition and apply the Rule to that data to produce an outcome. Whereas, my requirement is to start with a data (the event that is generated) and identify based on Rules (subscriptions) configured by users to identify all the Rules (subscription) that would satisfy the event being handled. So that Alerts can be generated to all those Subscribers.
To give an example, an hypothetical subscription from an user could be, to be alerted when a product in Amazon drops below $10 in the next 7 days. Another user would have created a subscription to be notified when a product in Amazon drops below $15 within the next 30 days and also offers free one-day shipping for Prime members.
After a bit of thought, I have settled down to storing the Rules/Subscriptions in a relational DB and identifying which Subscriptions are to fire an Alert for an Event by querying against the DB.
My main reason for choosing this approach is because of the volume, as the number of Rules/Subscriptions I being with will be about 1000 complex rules, and will grow exponentially as more users are added to the system. With the query approach I can trigger a single query that can validate all Rules in one go, vs. the Rule engine approach which would require me to do multiple validations based on the number of Rules configured.
While, I know my DB approach would work (may not be efficient), I just wanted to understand if Rule Engine can be used for such purposes and be able to scale well as the number of rules increases. (Performance is of at most importance as the number of Events that are to be processed per minute will be about 1000+)
If rule engine is not the right way to approach it, what other options are there for me to explore rather than writing my own implementation.

You are getting it wrong. A standard rule engine selects rules to execute based on the data. The rules constraints are evaluated with the data you insert into the rule engine. If all constraints in a rule match the data, the rule is executed. I would suggest you to try Drools.


Improve Hasura Subscription Performance

we developed a web app that relies on real-time interaction between our users. We use Angular for the frontend and Hasura with GraphQL on Postgres as our backend.
What we noticed is that when more than 300 users are active at the same time we experience crucial performance losses.
Therefore, we want to improve our subscriptions setup. We think that possible issues could be:
Too many subscriptions
too large and complex subscriptions, too many forks in the subscription
Concerning 1. each user has approximately 5-10 subscriptions active when using the web app. Concerning 2. we have subscriptions that are complex as we join up to 6 tables together.
The solutions we think of:
Use more queries and limit the use of subscriptions on fields that are totally necessary to be real-time.
Split up complex queries/subscriptions in multiple smaller ones.
Are we missing another possible cause? What else can we use to improve the overall performance?
Thank you for your input!
OP question is quite broad and impossible to be answered in a general case.
So what I describe here reflects my experience with optimization of subscriptions - it's for OP to decide is it reflects their situtation.
Short description of system
Users of system: uploads documents, extracts information, prepare new documents, converse during process (IM-like functionalitty), there are AI-bots that tries to reduce the burden of repetitive tasks, services that exchange data with external systems.
There are a lot of entities, a lot of interaction between both human and robot participants. Plus quite complex authorization rules: visibility of data depends on organization, departements and content of documents.
What was on start
At first it was:
programmer wrote a graphql-query for whole data needed for application
changed query to subscription
It was OK for first 2-3 monthes then:
queries became more complex and then even more complex
amount of subscriptions grew
UI became lagging
DB instance is always near 100% load. Even during nigths and weekends. Because somebody did not close application
First we did optimization of queries itself but it did not suffice:
some things are rightfully costly: JOINs, existence predicates, data itself grew significantly
network part: you can optimize DB but just to transfer all needed data has it's cost
Optimization of subscriptions
Step I. Split subscriptions: subscribe for change date, query on change
Instead of complex subscription for whole data split into parts:
A. Subscription for a single field that indicates that entity was changed
Instead of:
# other fields
pages{ # array relation
tasks{ # array relation
# multiple other array/object relations
# pagination and ordering
that returns thousands of rows.
Create a function that:
accepts hasura_session - so that results are individual per user
returns just one field: max_change_date
So it became:
Always one row and always one field
B. Change of application logic
Query whole data
Subscribe for doc_change_date
memorize value of max_change_date
if max_change_date changed - requery data
It's absolutely OK if subscription function sometimes returns false positives.
There is no need to replicate all predicates from source query to subscription function.
In our case: visibility of data depends on organizations and departments (and even more).
So if a user of one department creates/modifies document - this change is not visible to user of other department.
But those changes are like ones/twice in a minute per organization.
So for subscription function we can ignore those granularity and calculate max_change_date for whole organization.
It's beneficial to have faster and cruder subscription function: it will trigger refresh of data more frequently but whole cost will be less.
Step II. Multiplex subscriptions
The first step is a crucial one.
And hasura has a multiplexing of subscriptions:
So in theory hasura could be smart enough and solve your problems.
But if you think "explicit better than implicit" there is another step you can do.
In our case:
user(s) uploads documents
combines them in dossiers
create new document types
converse with other
So subscriptions becames: doc_change_date, dossier_change_date, msg_change_date and so on.
But actually it could be beneficial to have just one subscription: "hey! there are changes for you!"
So instead of multiple subscriptions application makes just one.
We thought about 2 formats of multiplexed subscription:
A. Subscription returns just one field {max_change_date} that is accumulative for all entities
B. Subscription returns more granular result: {doc_change_date, dossier_change_date, msg_change_date}
Right now "A" works for us. But maybe we change to "B" in future.
Step III. What we would do differently with hasura 2.0
That's what we did not tried yet.
Hasura 2.0 allows registering VOLATILE functions for queries.
That allows creation of functions with memoization in DB:
you define a cache for function call presumably in a table
then on function call you first look in cache
if not exists: add values to cache
return result from cache
That allows further optimizations both for subscription functions and query functions.
Actually it's possible to do that without waiting for hasura 2.0 but it requires trickery on postgresql side:
you create VOLATILE function that did real work
and another function that's defined as STABLE that calls VOLATILE function. This function could be registered in hasura
It works but that's trick is hard to recommend.
Who knows, maybe future postgresql versions or updates will make it impossible.
That's everything that I can say on the topic right now.
Actually I would be glad to read something similar a year ago.
If somebody sees some pitfalls - please comment, I would be glad to hear opinions and maybe alternative ways.
I hope that this explanation will help somebody or at least provoke thought how to deal with subscriptions in other ways.

When to use multiple KieBases vs multiple KieSessions?

I know that one can utilize multiple KieBases and multiple KieSessions, but I don't understand under what scenarios one would use one approach vs the other (I am having some trouble in general understanding the definitions and relationships between KieContainer, KieBase, KieModule, and KieSession). Can someone clarify this?
You use multiple KieBases when you have multiple sets of rules doing different things.
KieSessions are the actual session for rule execution -- that is, they hold your data and some metadata and are what actually executes the rules.
Let's say I have an application for a school. One part of my application monitors students' attendance. The other part of my application tracks their grades. I have a set of rules which decides if students are truant and we need to talk to their parents. I have a completely unrelated set of rules which determines whether a student is having trouble academically and needs to be put on probation/a performance plan.
These rules have nothing to do with one another. They have completely separate concerns, different rule inputs, and are triggered in different parts of the application. The part of the application that is tracking attendance doesn't need to trigger the rules that monitor student performance.
For this application, I would have two different KieBases: one for attendance, and one for academics. When I need to fire the rules, I fire one or the other -- there is no use case for firing both at the same time.
The KieSession is the runtime for when we fire those rules. We add to it the data we need to trigger the rules, and it also tracks some other metadata that's really not relevant to this discussion. When firing the academics rules, I would be adding to it the student's grades, their classes, and maybe some information about the student (eg the grade level, whether they're an "honors" student, tec.). For the attendance rules, we would need the student information, plus historical tardiness/absence records. Those distinct pieces of data get added to the sessions.
When we decide to fire rules, we first get the appropriate KieBase -- academics or attendance. Then we get a session for that rule set, populate the data, and fire it. We technically "execute" the session, not the rules (and definitely not the rule base.) The rule base is just the collection of the rules; the session is how we actually execute it.
There are two kinds of sessions -- stateful and stateless. As their names imply, they differ with how data is stored and tracked. In most cases, people use stateful sessions because they want their rules to do iterative work on the inputs. You can read more about the specific differences in the documentation.
For low-volume applications, there's generally little need to reuse your KieSessions. Create, use, and dispose of them as needed. There is, however, some inherent overhead in this process, so there comes a point in which reuse does become something that you should consider. The documentation discusses the solution provided out-of-the box for Drools, which is session pooling.
(When trying to wrap your head around this, I like to use an analogy of databases. A session is like a JDBC connection: for small applications you can create them, use them, then close them as you need them. But as you scale you'll quickly find that you need to look into connection pooling to minimize this overhead. In this particular analogy, the rule base would be the database that the rules are executing against -- not the tables!)

Composite unique constraint on business fields with Axon

We leverage AxonIQ Framework in our system. We've faced a problem implementing composite uniq constraint based on aggregate business fields.
Consider following Aggregate:
public class PersonnelCardAggregate {
private UUID personnelCardId;
private String personnelNumber;
private Boolean archived;
We want to avoid personnelNumber duplicates in the scope of NOT-archived (archived == false) records. At the same time personnelNumber duplicates may exist in the scope of archived records.
Query Side check seems NOT to be an option. Taking into account Eventual Consistency nature of our system, more than one creation request with the same personnelNumber may exist at the same time and the Query Side may be behind.
What the solution would be?
What you're asking is an issue that can occur as soon as you start implementing an application along the CQRS paradigm and DDD modeling techniques.
The PersonnelCardAggregate in your scenario maintains the consistency boundary of a single "Personnel Card". You are however looking to expand this scope to achieve a uniqueness constraints among all Personnel Cards in your system.
I feel that this blog explains the problem of "Set Based Consistency Validation" you are encountering quite nicely.
I will not iterate his entire blog, but he sums it up as having four options to resolving the problem:
Introduce locking, transactions and database constraints for your Personnel Card
Use a hybrid locking field prior to issuing your command
Really on the eventually consistent Query Model
Re-examine the domain model
To be fair, option 1 wont do if your using the Event-Driven approach to updating your Command and Query Model.
Option 3 has been pushed back by you in the original question.
Option 4 is something I cannot deduce for you given that I am not a domain expert, but I am guessing that the PersonnelCardAggregate does not belong to a larger encapsulating Aggregate Root. Maybe the business constraint you've stated, thus the option to reuse personalNumbers, could be dropped or adjusted? Like I said though, I cannot state this as a factual answer for you, as I am not the domain expert.
That leaves option 2, which in my eyes would be the most pragmatic approach too.
I feel this would require a combination of a cache at your command dispatching side to deal with quick successions of commands to resolve the eventual consistency issue. To capture the occurs that an update still comes through accidentally, I'd introduce some form of Event Handler that (1) knows the entire set of "PersonnelCards" from a personalNumber/archived point of view and (2) can react on a faulty introduction by dispatching a compensating action.
You'd thus introduce some business logic on the event handling side of your application, which I'd strongly recommend to segregate from the application part which updates your query models (as the use cases are entirely different).
Concluding though, this is a difficult topic with several ways around it.
It's not so much an Axon specific problem by the way, but more an occurrence of modeling your application through DDD and CQRS.

SOA Service Boundary and production support

Our development group is working towards building up with service catalog.
Right now, we have two groups, one to sale a product, another to service that product.
We have one particular service that calculates if the price of the product is profitable. When a sale occurs, the sale can be overridden by a manager. This sale must also be represented in another system to track various sales and the numbers must match. The parameters of profitability also change, and are different from month to month, but a sale may be based on the previous set of parameters.
Right now the sale profitability service only calculates the profit, it also provides a RESTful URI.
One group of developers has suggested that the profitability service also support these "manager overrides" and support a date parameter to calculate based on a previous date. Of course the sales group of developers disagree. If the service won't support this, the servicing developers will have to do an ETL between two systems for each product(s), instead of just the profitability service. Right now since we do not have a set of services to handle this, production support gets the request and then has to update the 1+ systems associated for that given product.
So, if a service works for a narrow slice, but an exception based business process breaks it, does that mean the boundaries of the service are incorrect and need to account for the change in business process?
Two, does adding a date parameter extend the boundary of the service too much, or should it be excepted that if the service already has the parameters, it would also have a history of parameters as well? At this moment, we don't not have a service that only stores the parameters as no one has required a need for it.
If there is any clarification needed before an answer can be given, please let me know.
I think the key here is: How much pain would be incurred by both teams if and ETL was introduced between to the two?
Not that I think you're over-analysing this, but if I may, you probably have an opinion that adding a date parameter into the service contract is bad, but also dislike the idea of the ETL.
Well, strategy aside, I find these days my overriding instinct is to focus less on the technical ins and outs and more on the purely practical.
At the end of the day, ETL is simple, reliable, and relatively pain free to implement, however it comes with side effects. The main one is that you'll be coupling changes to your service's db schema with an outside party, which will limit options to evolve your service in the future.
On the other hand allowing consumer demand to dictate service evolution is easy and low-friction, but also a rocky road as you may become beholden to that consumer at the expense of others.
Another possibility is to allow the extra service parameters to be delivered to the consumer via a message, rather then across the same service. This would allow you to keep your service boundary intact and for the consumer to hold the necessary parameters local to themselves.
Apologies if this does not address your question directly.

Rules Based Database Engine

I would like to design a rules based database engine within Oracle for PeopleSoft Time entry application. How do I do this?
A rules-based system needs several key components:
- A set of rules defined as data
- A set of uniform inputs on which to operate
- A rules executor
- Supervisor hierarchy
Write out a series of use-cases - what might someone be trying to accomplish using the system?
Decide on what things your rules can take as inputs, and what as outputs
Describe the rules from your use-cases as a series of data, and thus determine your rule format. Expand 2 as necessary for this.
Create the basic rule executor, and test that it will take the rule data and process it correctly
Extend the above to deal with multiple rules with different priorities
Learn enough rule engine theory and graph theory to understand common rule-based problems - circularity, conflicting rules etc - and how to use (node) graphs to find cases of them
Write a supervisor hierarchy that is capable of managing the ruleset and taking decisions based on the possible problems above. This part is important, because it is your protection against foolishness on the part of the rule creators causing runtime failure of the entire system.
Broadly, rules engines are an exercise in managing complexity. If you don't manage it, you can easily end up with rules that cascade from each other causing circular loops, race-conditions and other issues. It's very easy to construct these accidentally: consider an email program which you have told to move mail from folder A to B if it contains the magic word 'beta', and from B to A if it contains the word 'alpha'. An email with both would be shuttled back and forward until something broke, preventing all other rules from being processed.
I have assumed here that you want to learn about the theory and build the engine yourself. alphazero raises the important suggestion of using an existing rules engine library, which is wise - this is the kind of subject that benefits from academic theory.
I haven't tried this myself, but an obvious approach is to use Java procedures in the Oracle database, and use a Java rules engine library in that code.
Basically you'll need to capture data events (inserts, updates, deletes), map to them to your rulespace's events, and apply rules.