When to use multiple KieBases vs multiple KieSessions? - drools

I know that one can utilize multiple KieBases and multiple KieSessions, but I don't understand under what scenarios one would use one approach vs the other (I am having some trouble in general understanding the definitions and relationships between KieContainer, KieBase, KieModule, and KieSession). Can someone clarify this?

You use multiple KieBases when you have multiple sets of rules doing different things.
KieSessions are the actual session for rule execution -- that is, they hold your data and some metadata and are what actually executes the rules.
Let's say I have an application for a school. One part of my application monitors students' attendance. The other part of my application tracks their grades. I have a set of rules which decides if students are truant and we need to talk to their parents. I have a completely unrelated set of rules which determines whether a student is having trouble academically and needs to be put on probation/a performance plan.
These rules have nothing to do with one another. They have completely separate concerns, different rule inputs, and are triggered in different parts of the application. The part of the application that is tracking attendance doesn't need to trigger the rules that monitor student performance.
For this application, I would have two different KieBases: one for attendance, and one for academics. When I need to fire the rules, I fire one or the other -- there is no use case for firing both at the same time.
The KieSession is the runtime for when we fire those rules. We add to it the data we need to trigger the rules, and it also tracks some other metadata that's really not relevant to this discussion. When firing the academics rules, I would be adding to it the student's grades, their classes, and maybe some information about the student (eg the grade level, whether they're an "honors" student, tec.). For the attendance rules, we would need the student information, plus historical tardiness/absence records. Those distinct pieces of data get added to the sessions.
When we decide to fire rules, we first get the appropriate KieBase -- academics or attendance. Then we get a session for that rule set, populate the data, and fire it. We technically "execute" the session, not the rules (and definitely not the rule base.) The rule base is just the collection of the rules; the session is how we actually execute it.
There are two kinds of sessions -- stateful and stateless. As their names imply, they differ with how data is stored and tracked. In most cases, people use stateful sessions because they want their rules to do iterative work on the inputs. You can read more about the specific differences in the documentation.
For low-volume applications, there's generally little need to reuse your KieSessions. Create, use, and dispose of them as needed. There is, however, some inherent overhead in this process, so there comes a point in which reuse does become something that you should consider. The documentation discusses the solution provided out-of-the box for Drools, which is session pooling.
(When trying to wrap your head around this, I like to use an analogy of databases. A session is like a JDBC connection: for small applications you can create them, use them, then close them as you need them. But as you scale you'll quickly find that you need to look into connection pooling to minimize this overhead. In this particular analogy, the rule base would be the database that the rules are executing against -- not the tables!)


CQRS projections, joining data from different aggregates via probe commands

In CQRS when we need to create a custom-tailored projections for our read-models, we usually prefer a "denormalized" projections (assume we are talking about projecting onto a DB). It is not uncommon to have the information need by the application/UI come from different aggregates (possibly from different BCs).
Imagine we need a projected table to contain customer's information together with her full address and that Customer and Address are different aggregates in our system (possibly in different BCs). Meaning that, addresses are generated and maintained independently of customers. Or, in other words, when a new customer is created, there is no guarantee that there will be an AddressCreatedEvent subsequently produced by the system, this event may have already been processed prior to the creation of the customer. All we have at the time of CreateCustomerCommand is an UUID of an existing address.
We have several solutions here.
Enrich CreateCustomerCommand and the subsequent CustomerCreatedEvent to contain full address of the customer (looking up this information on the fly from the UI or the controller). This way the projection handler will just update the table directly upon receiving CustomerCreatedEvent.
Use the addrUuid provided in CustomerCreatedEvent to perform an ad-hoc query in the projection handler to get the missing part of the address information before updating the table.
These are commonly discussed solution to this problem. However, as noted by many others, there are problems with each approach. Enriching events can be difficult to justify as well described by Enrico Massone in this question, for example. Querying other views/projections (kind of JOINs) will work but introduces coupling (see the same link).
I would like describe another method here, which, as I believe, nicely addresses these concerns. I apologize beforehand for not giving a proper credit if this is a known technique. Sincerely, I have not seen it described elsewhere (at least not as explicitly).
"A picture speaks a thousand words", as they say:
The idea is that :
We keep CreateCustomerCommand and CustomerCreatedEvent simple with only addrUuid attribute (no enriching).
In API controller we send two commands to the command handler (aggregates): the first one, as usual, - CreateCustomerCommand to create customer and project customer information together with addrUuid to the table leaving other columns (full address, etc.) empty for time being. (Warning: See the update, we may have concurrency issue here and need to issue the probe command from a Saga.)
Right after this, and after we have obtained custUuid of the newly created customer, we issue a special ProbeAddrressCommand to Address aggregate triggering an AddressProbedEvent which will encapsulate the full state of the address together with the special attribute probeInitiatorUuid which is, of course our custUuid from the previous command.
The projection handler will then act upon AddressProbedEvent by simply filling in the missing pieces of the information in the table looking up the required row by matching the provided probeInitiatorUuid (i.e. custUuid) and addrUuid.
So we have two phases: create Customer and probe for the related Address. They are depicted in the diagram with (1) and (2) correspondingly.
Obviously, we can send as many such "probe" commands (in parallel) as needed by our projection: ProbeBillingCommand, ProbePreferencesCommand, etc. effectively populating or "filling in" the denormalized projection with missing data from each handled "probe" event.
The advantages of this method is that we keep the commands/events in the first phase simple (only UUIDs to other aggregates) all the while avoiding synchronous coupling (joining) of the projections. The whole approach has a nice EDA feeling about it.
My question is then: is this a known technique? Seems like I have not seen this... And what can go wrong with this approach?
I would be more then happy to update this question with any references to other sources which describe this method.
There is one significant flaw with this approach that I can see already: command ProbeAddrressCommand cannot be issued before the projection handler had a chance to process CustomerCreatedEvent. But this is impossible to know from the API gateway (or controller).
The solution would probably involve a Saga, say CustomerAddressJoinProjectionSaga with will start upon receiving CustomerCreatedEvent and which will only then issue ProbeAddrressCommand. The Saga will end upon registering AddressProbedEvent. Or, if many other aggregates are involved in probing, when all such events have been received.
So here is the updated diagram.
As noted by Levi Ramsey (see answer below) my example is rather convoluted with respect to the choice of aggregates. Indeed, Customer and Address are often conceptualized as belonging together (same Aggregate Root). So it is a better illustration of the problem to think of something like Student and Course instead, assuming for the sake of simplicity that there is a straightforward relation between the two: a student is taking a course. This way it is more obvious that Student and Course are independent aggregates (students and courses can be created and maintained at different times and different places in the system).
But the question still remains: how can we obtain a projection containing the full information about a student (full name, etc.) and the courses she is registered for (title, credits, the instructor's full name, prerequisites, etc.) all in the same table, if the UI requires it ?
A couple of thoughts:
I question why address needs to be a separate aggregate much less in a different bounded context, in view of the requirement that customers have an address. If in some other bounded context customer addresses are meaningful (e.g. you want to know "which addresses have more customers" etc.), then that context can subscribe to the events from the customer service.
As an alternative, if there's a particularly strong reason to model addresses separately from customers, why not have the read side prospectively listen for events from the address aggregate and store the latest address for a given address UUID in case there's a customer who ends up with that address. The reliability per unit effort of that approach is likely to be somewhat greater, I would expect.

Composite unique constraint on business fields with Axon

We leverage AxonIQ Framework in our system. We've faced a problem implementing composite uniq constraint based on aggregate business fields.
Consider following Aggregate:
public class PersonnelCardAggregate {
private UUID personnelCardId;
private String personnelNumber;
private Boolean archived;
We want to avoid personnelNumber duplicates in the scope of NOT-archived (archived == false) records. At the same time personnelNumber duplicates may exist in the scope of archived records.
Query Side check seems NOT to be an option. Taking into account Eventual Consistency nature of our system, more than one creation request with the same personnelNumber may exist at the same time and the Query Side may be behind.
What the solution would be?
What you're asking is an issue that can occur as soon as you start implementing an application along the CQRS paradigm and DDD modeling techniques.
The PersonnelCardAggregate in your scenario maintains the consistency boundary of a single "Personnel Card". You are however looking to expand this scope to achieve a uniqueness constraints among all Personnel Cards in your system.
I feel that this blog explains the problem of "Set Based Consistency Validation" you are encountering quite nicely.
I will not iterate his entire blog, but he sums it up as having four options to resolving the problem:
Introduce locking, transactions and database constraints for your Personnel Card
Use a hybrid locking field prior to issuing your command
Really on the eventually consistent Query Model
Re-examine the domain model
To be fair, option 1 wont do if your using the Event-Driven approach to updating your Command and Query Model.
Option 3 has been pushed back by you in the original question.
Option 4 is something I cannot deduce for you given that I am not a domain expert, but I am guessing that the PersonnelCardAggregate does not belong to a larger encapsulating Aggregate Root. Maybe the business constraint you've stated, thus the option to reuse personalNumbers, could be dropped or adjusted? Like I said though, I cannot state this as a factual answer for you, as I am not the domain expert.
That leaves option 2, which in my eyes would be the most pragmatic approach too.
I feel this would require a combination of a cache at your command dispatching side to deal with quick successions of commands to resolve the eventual consistency issue. To capture the occurs that an update still comes through accidentally, I'd introduce some form of Event Handler that (1) knows the entire set of "PersonnelCards" from a personalNumber/archived point of view and (2) can react on a faulty introduction by dispatching a compensating action.
You'd thus introduce some business logic on the event handling side of your application, which I'd strongly recommend to segregate from the application part which updates your query models (as the use cases are entirely different).
Concluding though, this is a difficult topic with several ways around it.
It's not so much an Axon specific problem by the way, but more an occurrence of modeling your application through DDD and CQRS.

understanding Lagoms persistent read side

I read through the Lagom documentation, and already wrote a few small services that interact with each other. But because this is my first foray into CQRS i still have a few conceptual issues about the persistent read side that i don't really understand.
For instance, i have a user-service that keeps a list of users (as aggregates) and their profile data like email addresses, names, addresses, etc.
The questions i have now are
if i want to retrieve the users profile given a certain email-address, should i query the read side for the users id, and then query the event-store using this id for the profile data? or should the read side already keep all profile information?
If the read side has all information, what is the reason for the event-store? If its truly write-only, it's not really useful is it?
Should i design my system that i can use the event-store as much as possible or should i have a read side for everything? what are the scalability implications?
if the user-model changes (for instance, the profile now includes a description of the profile) and i use a read-side that contains all profile data, how do i update this read side in lagom to now also contain this description?
Following that question, should i keep different read-side tables for different fields of the profile instead of one table containing the whole profile
if a different service needs access to the data, should it always ask the user-service, or should it keep its own read side as needed? In case of the latter, doesn't that violate the CQRS principle that the service that owns the data should be the only one reading and writing that data?
As you can see, this whole concept hasn't really 'clicked' yet, and i am thankful for answers and/or some pointers.
if i want to retrieve the users profile given a certain email-address, should i query the read side for the users id, and then query the event-store using this id for the profile data? or should the read side already keep all profile information?
You should use a specially designed ReadModel for searching profiles using the email address. You should query the Event-store only to rehydrate the Aggregates, and you rehydrate the Aggregates only to send them commands, not queries. In CQRS an Aggregate may not be queried.
If the read side has all information, what is the reason for the event-store? If its truly write-only, it's not really useful is it?
The Event-store is the source of truth for the write side (Aggregates). It is used to rehydrate the Aggregates (they rebuild their internal & private state based on the previous emitted events) before the process commands and to persist the new events. So the Event-store is append-only but also used to read the event-stream (the events emitted by an Aggregate instance). The Event-store ensures that an Aggregate instance (that is, identified by a type and an ID) processes only a command at a time.
if the user-model changes (for instance, the profile now includes a description of the profile) and i use a read-side that contains all profile data, how do i update this read side in lagom to now also contain this description?
I don't use any other framework but my own but I guess that you rewrite (to use the new added field on the events) and rebuild the ReadModel.
Following that question, should i keep different read-side tables for different fields of the profile instead of one table containing the whole profile
You should have a separate ReadModel (with its own table(s)) for each use case. The ReadModel should be blazing fast, this means it should be as small as possible, only with the fields needed for that particular use case. This is very important, it is one of the main benefits of using CQRS.
if a different service needs access to the data, should it always ask the user-service, or should it keep its own read side as needed? In case of the latter, doesn't that violate the CQRS principle that the service that owns the data should be the only one reading and writing that data?
Here depends on you, the architect. It is preferred that each ReadModel owns its data, that is, it should subscribe to the right events, it should not depend on other ReadModels. But this leads to a lot of code duplication. In my experience I've seen a desire to have some canonical ReadModels that own some data but also can share it on demand. For this, in CQRS, there is also the term query. Just like commands and events, queries can travel in your system, but only from ReadModel to ReadModel.
Queries should not be sent during a client's request. They should be sent only in the background, as an asynchronous synchronization mechanism. This is an important aspect that influences the resilience and responsiveness of your system.
I've use also live queries, that are pushed from the authoritative ReadModels to the subscribed ReadModels in real time, when the answer changes.
In case of the latter, doesn't that violate the CQRS principle that the service that owns the data should be the only one reading and writing that data?
No, it does not. CQRS does not specify how the R (Read side) is updated, only that the R should not process commands and C should not be queried.

Defining gRPC RPCs

I'm looking for some suggestions here. The usecase is a networking device (like router) with networking operations performed over gRPC.
Let's say there are "n" model objects, like router, interfaces, routing configuration objects like OSPF etc. Every networking operation, like finally be a CRUD on on or many of the model objects.
Now, when defining this over a gRPC service, there seems to be 2 options:
Define generic gRPC RPCs, like "SET" and "GET". The parameter will be a list of objects and operations. Like SET((router, update), (interface, update)..
Define very specific RPCs. Like "setInterfaceProperty_x", "createOSPFInstance".. And there could be many many such RPCs.
With #2, we are building the application intelligence in the RPCs itself. Every new feature might need new RPCs from this service.
With #1, the RPCs are the means, but the intelligence reside with the application which uses the RPC in a context. The RPC list will be just a very few and doesn't change over time.
What is the preferred approach? Generic RPCs (and keep it very few) or have tens (or more) of operation driven RPCs? I see some opensource projects like P4Runtime take approach #1.
Thanks for your time. I can provide more information if required.
You should use option #2. This puts your interface contract in the proto, rather than in your application. You leave your self many open doors by picking option #2 that would be cumbersome or unsupportable otherwise:
If the API definition of an object doesn't match the internal representation, you need to define a mapping between the two. Suppose you update your internal code to not need InterfaceProperty any more, and it was instead moved to a new field called BetterInterfaceProperties. Option one would force you to keep the old field exposed, while option 2 would allow you to reinterpret the call and do the right thing.
Fine grained access controls are easier with specific methods. All users may be able to set publicProperty, but only admins can set dangerousProperty. By grouping all the fields into a single call (as in #1), your caller has to reinterpret error messages, while option #2 it's more clear why authorization failed.
Smaller return values. Having a method like getSpecificProperty will do much less work than getFullObject. As your data model gets more complex, you will have to include more and more data on return messages. Even if the caller only cares about one thing, they have to wait for all of them. Consider a Database application. The database might have to do several unnecessary queries to fill in fields the client will never read.
There are reason to use #1, but they aren't that valuable until you identify what properties go together and are logically a single RPC. (such as a Get)

Recreate a graph that change in time

I have an entity in my domain that represent a city electrical network. Actually my model is an entity with a List that contains breakers, transformers, lines.
The network change every time a breaker is opened/closed, user can change connections etc...
In all examples of CQRS the EventStore is queried with Version and aggregateId.
Do you think I have to implement events only for the "network" aggregate or also for every "Connectable" item?
In this case when I have to replay all events to get the "actual" status (based on a date) I can have near 10000-20000 events to process.
An Event modify one property or I need an Event that modify an object (containing all properties of the object)?
Theres always an exception to the rule but I think you need to have an event for every command handled in your domain. You can get around the problem of processing so many events by making use of Snapshots.
I assume you mean currently your "connectable items" are part of the "network" aggregate and you are asking if they should be their own aggregate? That really depends on the nature of your system and problem and is more of a DDD issue than simple a CQRS one. However if the nature of your changes is typically to operate on the items independently of one another then then should probably be aggregate roots themselves. Regardless in order to answer that question we would need to know much more about the system you are modeling.
As for the challenge of replaying thousands of events, you certainly do not have to replay all your events for each command. Sure snapshotting is an option, but even better is caching the aggregate root objects in memory after they are first loaded to ensure that you do not have to source from events with each command (unless the system crashes, in which case you can rely on snapshots for quicker recovery though you may not need them with caching since you only pay the penalty of loading once).
Now if you are distributing this system across multiple hosts or threads there are some other issues to consider but I think that discussion is best left for another question or the forums.
Finally you asked (I think) can an event modify more than one property of the state of an object? Yes if that is what makes sense based on what that event represents. The idea of an event is simply that it represents a state change in the aggregate, however these events should also represent concepts that make sense to the business.
I hope that helps.