Selecting child div by id knowing a parent div id with JQuery selectors - jquery-selectors

I have this html:
<div id="top">
<div id="potato"></div>
<div id="bottom">
<div id="potato"></div>
I am trying to use JQuery to access the bottom potato div, and none of the following work.
$('#top #potato').html('Russet');
$('#bottom #potato').html('Red');
$('#top > #potato').html('Russet');
$('#bottom > #potato').html('Red');
All of these just modify the top div and not the bottom one. How do I modify the bottom div?

All elements must have unique IDs, in this case you may use the class attribute, so that you have
<div class="potato" />
Which you may access like this:
$('#bottom > .potato').html('Idaho');

I just ran into this problem. Although it's true you shouldn't have two items with the same ID, it happens.
To get the div you want, this is what works for me:

For one thing you can not have an element that has the same id as another. Id is unique, but class names can be used as many times as you want
<div id="top">
<div id="potato1"></div>
<div id="bottom">
<div id="potato2"></div>
jquery as so:
$("#potato2").html('Idaho'); //if you're going to name it with an id,
// that's all the selector you need

What you posted and said doesn't work seems to work to me.
$('#top #potato').addClass('Russet');
$('#bottom #potato').addClass('Red');

no need to put classes on everything, but you should have unique id's for everything. That aside, try this:
$("#bottom + div").html('Idaho');

Try this:
$("#bottom #potato").html('Idaho');
$("#bottom #potato:last").html('Idaho');

your HTML is not valid, since you have non-unique ids


Is it possible to find elements that do not follow the locator?

Current situation that is repeated several times:
<div ng-repeat="r in ids">
<span> DESIRED TEXT </span>
<div ng-repeat="c in ids">
<span> ng-bind-html="" UNDESIRED TEXT</span>
I tried using: element.all(by.repeater('r in ids')).all(by.tagName('span')).getText()
The problem is that this includes the second span as well. I would greatly prefer not to use xpath in the answer. So is there a way to specify only the first of each <span>, or to filter by not having ng-bind-html, etc?
Found a solution:
element.all(by.repeater('r in ids')).each(function (theElement, index) {
theElement.all(by.tagName('span')).first().getText().then(function (text){
You can also use css selector to find the same:
element.all(by.css("div[ng-repeat='r in ids'] span")).getText();
Hope this helps.

Replacing <a>-tag linktext with different text

I try to map the following html (it´s a small fce)..
<div data-hero="1">
<!-- Headline -->
<!-- Small Text -->
<span><!-- Button Text --></span>
Mapping is ok... But when i map the <span> i get a No content found div[1] div[1] p[2] a[1] span[1] error. The <a>-Tag is mapped outter so it should work..
What I try to achieve: Set a Text that is displayed in the <a>-tag, instead of the link target itself.
It´s a TYPO3 4.7 using the latest TemplaVoilà.
Why is that? Thanks in advance!
#biesior suggested this is not possible - so no i wrap a <span> into the <a>-tag via Typoscript.
Is there a chance to display a certain fields content in this <span> - speak: replacing the linktext, so that i can have a Click here for more ... instead of pageXY?
Btw: I use a linkfield and not the Rich-Text-Editor for setting the link.
You can not map any element nested in previously mapped element.
The fastest solution is mapping the A tag, and wrapping inserted text with <span>|</span> with TypoScript.

jquery selector for different instances of the same class

I don't know if the title is all apt...... but here is my situation....i have a class called dropper and another class drop_list...these two are sub-classes of the class drop_head, the drop_list has to drop down whenever the dropper is clicked...
<div class="drop_head">
<div class="dropper"> Content-1</divr>
<div class="drop_list"> List-1</div>
<div class="drop_head">
<div class="dropper"> Content-2</divr>
<div class="drop_list"> List-2</div>
when content-1 is clicked list-1 has to toggle and when content-2 is clicked list-2 has to drop down... how do i achieve this using single jquery..?? thanks in advance......
If i understand you correctly this should be pretty simple:
$('.dropper', e).click(function(){
$('.drop_list', e).slideToggle();
by using the .drop_head as the context for the list and clickable element you dont need to use id's. additionally if you omit a list or dropper by accident it will only screw up that one "widget" and wont effect the others, which wouldnt be the case with closest.
you have two way (that I see =))
-just give two different ID names to your couples drop-list/dopper
<div class="dropper" id="id_1"> Content-1</divr>
<div class="drop_list" id="id_1"> List-1</div>
<div class="dropper" id="id_2"> Content-2</divr>
<div class="drop_list" id="id_2"> List-2</div>
and then say something like:
$(".dropper #id_1").click(function(){$("#id_1").slideToggle("slow")})
or shorter:
Hope it helps

jQuery: getting current selector's inner html PLUS selector's header (outer html)

Using jQuery, I've got a selector -- call it $('#someDiv1') -- that I'd like to get the inner HTML for, but also the header of the tag as well. So given this HTML structure..
<div id="parentDiv">
<div id="someDiv1">
<div id="innerDiv1_1"></div>
<div id="innerDiv1_2"></div>
<div id="someDiv2">
<div id="innerDiv2_1"></div>
<div id="innerDiv2_2"></div>
If I've got the selector $('#someDiv1') in a variable -- call it $someDiv1 -- I'd like to be able to use that variable to get a string that is:
"<div id='someDiv1'>
<div id='innerDiv1_1'></div>
<div id='innerDiv1_2'></div>
I thought about just saying $someDiv1.parent().html(), but that would give me the div's sibling(s) as well (someDiv2, etc..). Any ideas? Thanks.
You also try
$('#parentDiv').clone().find("> :not(#someDiv1)").remove().end().html();
You can try something like this:

jQuery inconsistent .remove by class on element with multiple classes

I've got a page where messages and associated elements (responses, forwards, etc) all share a class based on the database id of the parent.
For example
<div id="recentMessages">
<div id="a3" class="message a3">this is a message</div>
<div id="a5" class="message a5">this is another message</div>
<div id="recentComments">
<div id="a3" class="comment a3">this is a comment</div>
<div id="a5" class="comment a5">this is another comment</div>
<div id="recentActions">
<div id="a3" class="action a3">tim posted a new message</div>
<div id="a4" class="action a4">sara forwarded a message to john</div>
at times I need to remove all elements with the same id, so I originally had
but that would sometimes not remove all the ids because ids are supposed to be unique.
So I added the id as a class. now I use
but this seems to be about 80% effective, and sometimes the divs aren't being removed.
I'm not sure if the issue is because the div has more than one class, but I need the classes because that is how I refer to the elements when somebody clicks.
For instance,
get the id, send it to the server and get the message
is there something wrong I'm doing here? or is there a better way to do this?
Looks like this was an issue where a function was being called using a variable which had already been defined. I didn't realize this would cause a problem.
For instance:
var removeId=jQuery(this).attr('id').replace('','a');
function removeDiv(removeId){
I can't say for sure this was the issue, but changing the function to:
function removeDiv(cancelId){
seems to be working.