Replacing <a>-tag linktext with different text - typo3

I try to map the following html (it´s a small fce)..
<div data-hero="1">
<!-- Headline -->
<!-- Small Text -->
<span><!-- Button Text --></span>
Mapping is ok... But when i map the <span> i get a No content found div[1] div[1] p[2] a[1] span[1] error. The <a>-Tag is mapped outter so it should work..
What I try to achieve: Set a Text that is displayed in the <a>-tag, instead of the link target itself.
It´s a TYPO3 4.7 using the latest TemplaVoilà.
Why is that? Thanks in advance!
#biesior suggested this is not possible - so no i wrap a <span> into the <a>-tag via Typoscript.
Is there a chance to display a certain fields content in this <span> - speak: replacing the linktext, so that i can have a Click here for more ... instead of pageXY?
Btw: I use a linkfield and not the Rich-Text-Editor for setting the link.

You can not map any element nested in previously mapped element.
The fastest solution is mapping the A tag, and wrapping inserted text with <span>|</span> with TypoScript.


Get ChildElement without using element selector

I am using a protractor to get the text in the second Div within #myDiv. Can someone please advise how can I get a text from the second Div (complete Text) which is 'This is a sample text'. I tried getting text in #myDiv but it adds spaces before the phrase. I want to exactly get the text from the 2nd child element of the after #myDiv.
<div id='myDiv'>
<span> (this is second div)
<a name="aTag"></a>
<madcap:concept term="DoSomething">
<span class="myClass">
is a
sample text
please try with following-sibling xpath as below :
Hope this works!
let text = await element(by.xpath('//div[#id="myDiv"]//span[1]')).getText();
worked fine for me
I added your html in component html and checked it.

TinyMCE - adding grids that are editable without the tags disappearing

I have added a custom set of buttons for adding simple grids to the editor. These have the following structure;
<div class="grid">
<div class="col-1-2"><p>Column 1</p></div>
<div class="col-1-2"><p>Column 2</p></div>
A custom CSS assigned displays the grids correctly. However as soon as the user goes to edit the text..understandably by deleting it all or highlighting and trying to replace, TinyMCE immediately removes the empty tags so if the user deletes the text Column 1 we end up with this;
<div class="grid">my new text<br />
<div class="col-1-2"><p>Column 2</p></div>
I have tried adding;
extended_valid_elements : 'div[id|class|style]'
but it had no effect.
How can I stop TinyMCE from removing these empty tags or am I going about this the wrong way..?

XPATH to find a div containg text and specific tag

Assume I have the following HTML snippet
<div id="parent_div">
<!-- First div -->
Hi <span>Dave</span>, how are you?
<!-- Second div -->
Hi, how are you?
<!-- Third div -->
Hi <span>Jenny</span>, how are you?
<!-- Fourth div -->
I would like to use XPATH to find the divs that contain BOTH a span and text. So, in the above example, I would like to find the first div and the third div only. The second div cannot be selected because it does not contain a span (contains text only), and the fourth div cannot be selected because it only contains a span (does not contain text)
How can I do that in XPATH? I am using PHP if that matters.
You can try using this XPath :
//div[text()[normalize-space(.)] and span]
Above XPath will select <div> element that has child : <span> element and non-empty text node (to skip text nodes containing only line-breaks)

TypoScript: select a specific content element from a column

What is the best way to select a single content element?
I have a static html template like this:
<div class="left clearfix">
<h1><img src="fileadmin/templates/images/ueberschrift_startseite.png" alt="Willkommen" /><span>Willkommen</span></h1>
<li>LI 1</li>
<li>LI 2</li>
<li>LI 3</li>
<li>LI 4</li>
In my Backend I have added
A Content Element for the <h1>
A Content Element that should be displayed between the <p> Tags where now Einleitungstext1 is displayed
A Content Element that contains the LI for the UL Section
and so on.
All Elements are in the same column.
I what to take my static HTML Template and fill several SPECIFIC parts with elements that can be edited in the backend.
I hope I could explain what my problem is.
How do you configure your templates? Is there a much better way to replace only specific parts of a static template?
I assume that you know how to use marks and subparts in TypoScript, in such case what you have to do is set marks in your template, put each CE in separate column (maybe you'll need to add custom columns if all left, default, right and border (0-3) columns are used for other things) and finally just map these columns to the marks.
tip: TemplaVoila allows for more combinations as you can map not only container for CE's but also other things (header fields, image fields, TS snippets etc.)

Selecting child div by id knowing a parent div id with JQuery selectors

I have this html:
<div id="top">
<div id="potato"></div>
<div id="bottom">
<div id="potato"></div>
I am trying to use JQuery to access the bottom potato div, and none of the following work.
$('#top #potato').html('Russet');
$('#bottom #potato').html('Red');
$('#top > #potato').html('Russet');
$('#bottom > #potato').html('Red');
All of these just modify the top div and not the bottom one. How do I modify the bottom div?
All elements must have unique IDs, in this case you may use the class attribute, so that you have
<div class="potato" />
Which you may access like this:
$('#bottom > .potato').html('Idaho');
I just ran into this problem. Although it's true you shouldn't have two items with the same ID, it happens.
To get the div you want, this is what works for me:
For one thing you can not have an element that has the same id as another. Id is unique, but class names can be used as many times as you want
<div id="top">
<div id="potato1"></div>
<div id="bottom">
<div id="potato2"></div>
jquery as so:
$("#potato2").html('Idaho'); //if you're going to name it with an id,
// that's all the selector you need
What you posted and said doesn't work seems to work to me.
$('#top #potato').addClass('Russet');
$('#bottom #potato').addClass('Red');
no need to put classes on everything, but you should have unique id's for everything. That aside, try this:
$("#bottom + div").html('Idaho');
Try this:
$("#bottom #potato").html('Idaho');
$("#bottom #potato:last").html('Idaho');
your HTML is not valid, since you have non-unique ids