jquery selector for different instances of the same class - jquery-selectors

I don't know if the title is all apt...... but here is my situation....i have a class called dropper and another class drop_list...these two are sub-classes of the class drop_head, the drop_list has to drop down whenever the dropper is clicked...
<div class="drop_head">
<div class="dropper"> Content-1</divr>
<div class="drop_list"> List-1</div>
<div class="drop_head">
<div class="dropper"> Content-2</divr>
<div class="drop_list"> List-2</div>
when content-1 is clicked list-1 has to toggle and when content-2 is clicked list-2 has to drop down... how do i achieve this using single jquery..?? thanks in advance......

If i understand you correctly this should be pretty simple:
$('.dropper', e).click(function(){
$('.drop_list', e).slideToggle();
by using the .drop_head as the context for the list and clickable element you dont need to use id's. additionally if you omit a list or dropper by accident it will only screw up that one "widget" and wont effect the others, which wouldnt be the case with closest.

you have two way (that I see =))
-just give two different ID names to your couples drop-list/dopper
<div class="dropper" id="id_1"> Content-1</divr>
<div class="drop_list" id="id_1"> List-1</div>
<div class="dropper" id="id_2"> Content-2</divr>
<div class="drop_list" id="id_2"> List-2</div>
and then say something like:
$(".dropper #id_1").click(function(){$("#id_1").slideToggle("slow")})
or shorter:
Hope it helps


BEM css - Mix elements/modifiers

I've a question about BEM structure. Is it semantically correct to mix elements/modifiers? I have a hero and portfolio module. I want to use an portfolio__item in the hero module, but it should use the base styling of the hero__item. Is this an correct way of doing this, is it 'allowed' to mix these elements?
<section class="hero hero--collage hero--bottom-decoration">
<div class="portfolio__item hero__item hero__item--animated">
<a href="http://www.google.nl">
<div class="hero__hover">
<span class="hero__hover__content h1">Hover title</span>
<img src="http://www.google.nl" class="hero__image">
<section class="portfolio">
<div class="portfolio__item">
<a href="http://www.google.nl">
<img src="http://www.google.nl" class="hero__image">
You can do whatever you want. But BEM methodology says:
block set namespace
It's a little messy to read this.
I can't understand it at a glance.
The goal of BEM - separate blocks so you don't need write same block again. And the same for styles. With this and modifiers you can reuse and tweak every block you need.
You can mix block and elements
<img src="http://www.google.nl" class="block-name hero__image">
So on 'block-name' you can match styles for every instance. On hero__image or another element you can match unique styles.
You can't create elements of elements
You don't need write 2 lvl. Cause name of your block set namespace.
<span class="hero__hover__content h1">Hover title</span>
<span class="hero__hover-content h1">Hover title</span>
docs: https://en.bem.info/methodology/naming-convention/
"Is it semantically correct to mix elements/modifiers" - I assume you want to place portfolio__item element within the hero block - it's not a good thing. You can nest a block within a block but not block's element within another block's element.
You can use modifiers to hero__item element thought like
<div class="hero__item hero__item--portfolio"></div>
which will change it's style.

Dynamically adding Semantic UI modals with SilverStripe

I'm having a hard time trying to connect SUI modal with SilverStripe to generate them dynamically.
I want to achieve something like this:
I have button (attach events) to trigger modal with some content. I wanted to loop that elements (GridField) to generate everything dynamically. But the only thing I can achieve is multiple modals with the same "trigger class" and it doesn't matter which button I have clicked (first, last or whatever). I only have one modal (the last in hierarchy). Without SUI the solution is easy - put "this" to fetch the closest element and I can have as many different modals as I want, but SUI seems to complicate things.
I think the best solution will be to generate a class/id with SilverStripe and pass it to the JavaScript to use with modal or use one class for every modal and to "somehow inform" that this button triggers this modal.
Basically I need one code snippet to handle many modals, not many snippets to handle many modals. I hope it's clear enough what the the problem is.
Here is my code:
(without specific SilverStripe tags)
<% loop SomeName %>
<div class="job-offers">
<a class="ui right floated button job-application">Click here</a>
<div class="ui basic modal job-application">
<div class="job-application-sheet">
<div class="job-application-sheet-content">
<div class="ui grid">
<div class="ui center aligned container job-application-action">
<p>Lorem ipsum</p>
<button class="ui primary button">Click here</button>
<% end_loop %>
autofocus : false,
observeChanges: true
.modal('attach events', '.job-application', 'show');
As you can see "job-application" class is a trigger for modal, so is this possible to change it to "(this)" so I don't have to write "specific" class for each button/modal. Or maybe there is a different/easier solution?
first i generated a data-type attribute for each of my elements that are going to display a modal when they are clicked, and in send as a local the same index to the modal this way:
<% #relateds_array.each.with_index do |related,i| %>
<div class="card custom" data-id="<%=i%>">
<%= render partial: 'my_modal', locals: {index: i} %>
<% end %>
the i put the modal in the partial that i called my_modal for this example and used the index that i sent as a local to create an unique id for each my modals, like this:
<div class="ui modal" id="modal-<%=index%>">
<p>blabla things inside this modal.</p>
and then with javascript, simply get the data-id of the element clicked and select the element that contain the id for that data-id, like this:
var card_clicked = $(this).attr('data-id');
$('#modal-' + card_clicked).modal('show');
Hope this was useful for you.
Note that i used Ruby on Rails for this example, but the behaviour that you should use should be something similar to this, no matter what framework you use.
Answer based on Sebastian's solution. I did some minor tweaks to meet my needs, like I've used ID variable to automatically get DataObject ID which is generated dynamically.
Basically to dynamically add Semantic UI (SUI) modal in SilverStripe, first you should add "data-id" in a modal trigger, for example:
<a class="ui button custom-trigger" data-id="my-item-$ID">Click here</a>
then inside modal container add an "id" tag, for example:
<div id="modal-my-item-$ID" class="ui basic modal">
Finally in JavaScript file:
var triggerItem = $(this).attr('data-id');
$('#modal-' + triggerItem).modal('show');
I meet problem with SUI autofocus, so after a modal opens, screen went to the bottom and button placed there was highlighted.
I tweaked original snippet adding SUI settings:
var triggerItem = $(this).attr('data-id');
autofocus: false,
observeChanges: true
$('#modal-' + triggerItem).modal('show');
If someone wants to write "data-id trigger" manually using fields in CMS, then change $ID to $SomeField variable. Then normally add that field in .php file and in Page Controller add something like this:
public function init() {
Requirements::javascriptTemplate($this->ThemeDir().'/js/script.js', array(
'SomeField' => $this->SomeField
Hope this helps someone.

Dynamic String in UiBinder (not for i18n)

I'm trying to make a Widget that generalizes a bootstrap style from twitter for collapsible items.
I got to make it work hardcoding it, but I find some dificulties abstracting it.
The widget looks like:
<div class="accordion" id="accordion1">
<div class="accordion-group">
<div class="accordion-heading">
<a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion1" href="#collapseOne">
... text to show collapsed ...
<div id="collapseOne" class="accordion-body collapse">
<div class="accordion-inner">
... anything to show expanded ...
The thing is, this uses a javascript which depends on ids of some div tags. The generalized widget would need this to be randomized or depending on some seed passed in the constructor.
It would also be nice to have access to those generated Strings from Java part, as it would be a fancy way to set the text showing in the widget.
My first approach was to use something like <ui:with type="com.a.b.c.IdGenerator" field="idGenerator"></ui:with> but it seems to instanciate dynamically the class IdGenerator so no access to the Strings is obtained in Java part.
Is there any fancy way to dinamically generate those Strings having access to them from the Java part?
You simply need a #UiField IdGenerator idGenerator on the Java side to have the instance created by the <ui:with> injected in it (or you can #UiField(provided = true) it).

jQuery inconsistent .remove by class on element with multiple classes

I've got a page where messages and associated elements (responses, forwards, etc) all share a class based on the database id of the parent.
For example
<div id="recentMessages">
<div id="a3" class="message a3">this is a message</div>
<div id="a5" class="message a5">this is another message</div>
<div id="recentComments">
<div id="a3" class="comment a3">this is a comment</div>
<div id="a5" class="comment a5">this is another comment</div>
<div id="recentActions">
<div id="a3" class="action a3">tim posted a new message</div>
<div id="a4" class="action a4">sara forwarded a message to john</div>
at times I need to remove all elements with the same id, so I originally had
but that would sometimes not remove all the ids because ids are supposed to be unique.
So I added the id as a class. now I use
but this seems to be about 80% effective, and sometimes the divs aren't being removed.
I'm not sure if the issue is because the div has more than one class, but I need the classes because that is how I refer to the elements when somebody clicks.
For instance,
get the id, send it to the server and get the message
is there something wrong I'm doing here? or is there a better way to do this?
Looks like this was an issue where a function was being called using a variable which had already been defined. I didn't realize this would cause a problem.
For instance:
var removeId=jQuery(this).attr('id').replace('','a');
function removeDiv(removeId){
I can't say for sure this was the issue, but changing the function to:
function removeDiv(cancelId){
seems to be working.

Selecting child div by id knowing a parent div id with JQuery selectors

I have this html:
<div id="top">
<div id="potato"></div>
<div id="bottom">
<div id="potato"></div>
I am trying to use JQuery to access the bottom potato div, and none of the following work.
$('#top #potato').html('Russet');
$('#bottom #potato').html('Red');
$('#top > #potato').html('Russet');
$('#bottom > #potato').html('Red');
All of these just modify the top div and not the bottom one. How do I modify the bottom div?
All elements must have unique IDs, in this case you may use the class attribute, so that you have
<div class="potato" />
Which you may access like this:
$('#bottom > .potato').html('Idaho');
I just ran into this problem. Although it's true you shouldn't have two items with the same ID, it happens.
To get the div you want, this is what works for me:
For one thing you can not have an element that has the same id as another. Id is unique, but class names can be used as many times as you want
<div id="top">
<div id="potato1"></div>
<div id="bottom">
<div id="potato2"></div>
jquery as so:
$("#potato2").html('Idaho'); //if you're going to name it with an id,
// that's all the selector you need
What you posted and said doesn't work seems to work to me.
$('#top #potato').addClass('Russet');
$('#bottom #potato').addClass('Red');
no need to put classes on everything, but you should have unique id's for everything. That aside, try this:
$("#bottom + div").html('Idaho');
Try this:
$("#bottom #potato").html('Idaho');
$("#bottom #potato:last").html('Idaho');
your HTML is not valid, since you have non-unique ids