Trac plugin with graphical representation of Milestones and Tickets - plugins

Do you use any trac plugin to represent graphically the roadmap with the various milestones and tickets ? If so, which one ?
I find the view of active tickets really blur.
I would like a tree-like representation of my various milestones with the tickets attached, a kind of complete map of my project.
I've seen the Gantt plugin is no longer maintained.

I don't really use anything myself, but have you seen the trac-hacks website?
I think there is a project that provides a bunch of Agile viewing reports, etc (sadly I can't remember the name of it and my DNS is dead so I can't search :P) but I think searching for 'agile trac plugin' should get you there.
It's free, and it looked quite nice.
-- edit
This is what I'm talking about :

You might find the TRAC Itteco plugin interesting. I would have used it if my trac had more than two frequent users :-)
[Some screenshots][2]
One image shows nice visualization of milestones and their user stories:
(edit: struck out dead links, unfortunately the new location on github has no more screenshots)


Is there a way to add custom "badges" to files on GitHub?

I have it in my head to help people at my company get better by finding a way to highlight and call out good code.
In particular, I'd like to be able to mark a file (not a repository or directory) as having a "gold star" (or another badge) so people browsing our source code who see the badge can see they're looking at a really good implementation they might take inspiration from.
I'm taking inspiration from the code owners feature on GitHub where there's a little padlock icon on a file if it's assigned ownership by the CODEOWNERS file.
Is it possible to do a custom "badge" on GitHub? If so, what's the API?
Browsing the GitHub documentation and searching online, I wasn't able to find anything explaining how to do something like this. Most folks were talking about the little images badges like the code coverage badges people put in their readme files.
Checkout this thread. You can submit feature request to GitLab and GitHub or in case of GitLab code your own feature and submit PR.
Here are some closely related discussions. Probably you have already seen them and are not looking for them but you might use them to get idea of how to create the feature that you want.
The Shields service (at provides a way to create custom badges for your projects. These are badges are very common and are frequently used to show status information about the project, or demonstrate tools that were used for the development of your project. (...more)
Also checkout Bring Your Own Badge

Linking project and board together with Jira API

I'm working on an app which includes the Jira API (and agile API).
I need a list of projects (this is no problem), I use :
and then I need to be able to click on a project and give me a list of sprints + issues for each sprint. Here I am stuck. I have found another related question (JQL: Get list of sprints), which gives me a list of sprints based on a projectkey, by using :”
However, I don't know how to get the issues for said sprint.
I also know how to get the issues for a sprint directly from the agile API :
but I can't seem to link the board to the projectkey.
I have found a similar topics on the atlassian site itself, but they usually mention there is no REST endpoint to do what I want. Although I'm sure it should be possible (?).
The answers I find elsewhere, I don't really understand (filter on rapidId's or something similar) so I really need a noob-explanation of what to do.
Having a similar issue, but I have found a way to get the board and sprint id(s) needed to get the sprint details. I'd like to improve this as it depends on string matching the board name (which you may not have) to the project.
You can get all the rapidview ids here:
Assuming you have a standard naming convention for boards this will work, buts its a big If.
will give you the sprints.
Interested to see if anyone else have found a better way to do this!

Trac configured to access Perforce repository?

Have someone used with success TRAC ticketing + wiki system accessing a code base residing in Perforce repository?
I've browsed in the TRAC related web sites and found this one, but the latest change on the page is something like an year ago, so I have concluded (correct me if I'm wrong) that the plugin is hardly in working state OR that for some reason there is no recent developments.
We are using Trac with Perforce, based on the PerforcePlugin you already mentioned. We have used the combination for about 1.5 years.
The plugin is basically stable enough for day-to-day work, but be prepared to fiddle with server memory allocation and have patience if working with large repositories. Also, it has some irritating bugs, and as you have already noticed, development seems to have stalled completely. In fairness it must be said that some of the bugs are due to shortcomings in Trac behaviuor and incompatability with "The Perforce Way".
Would I install Trac with Perforce again? Probably not. If forced to use Perforce, I would consider Redmine + Perforce.
Something else to watch out for on Trac-hacks is the quantity and content of the open tickets for the plug-in. The PerforcePlugin has a lot of open tickets.
This update may help you:, people got it working okay with Trac 1.0

Is there any place to host your code online?

There are many free online services which provides you with large spaces to store your personal materials, mails, etc. But is there any place that can let us host our code - which keeps the change history?
Google Code or SourceForge may not be a ideal place because it requires creating a project which is specific and useful to others, while what I want is a place to hold any kind of code which I think is useful but may not be for anybody else.
It's all about Github. 300 MB repository for free. Nice interface, easy to use. Plus we all know GIT > SVN :)
You can get free GIT and SVN hosting at
BitBucket allow for public and private Mercurial repositories.
Github has Gists that might work for you. Also, Snipplr. is where MS provides open source source control via Team Foundation Server.
projectlocker is also a good alternative for free Subversion, Git hosting..
You can also get free, private SVN hosting at Their 100MB package is free.
Google Code link.
How about which paid or which is free.
come on guys don't you see that he is interest only in hosting online some fragments
of code like some functions etc not full projects and also not public but private.
Of course it is possible with each and every solution you all said in your posts
but it is not exactly what he was looking for .
You all replied like spammers and is that's funny
So why don't you just use
as someone already mentioned
You can host private projects on DevjaVu is you want to use Subversion.
CVSDude does free 2M subversion repository, you can also use CVS if you pay.
I've used to store all sorts of bits of code. Users even upload entire applications.
There are even online code editors available (well, a kind of, that project is still in the development phase).
I've used CodeSpaces for over a year now and never had a problem. I'm a new user so I apparently can't post links...
There are plenty of answers already submitted which are suited to hosting full-fledged applications so I won't bother adding to the list but if you're looking at hosting smaller things (code snippets, simpler projects) with revision history you could consider using a wiki?
I know this was posted 4 years ago, but you could always just sign up on Pastebin and have private source code there.
Pastebin has been around since 2002 and is currently "the #1 paste tool". It supports a number of syntaxes (including C++, C, Ruby, and Java. Full list on site.)
Their PRO plan is only $2.95 USD for one month or $1.99 USD/mo if you purchase for a full year. You can find out more on the limits of free vs Pro here.
Edit 2;
If nothing else, sign up for Dropbox, SkyDrive, or Mediafire and upload your files there.
Team Services has free, private, unlimited, Git repos for version control. You also get integrated bug and work item tracking, enterprise Agile tools for DevOps, like backlogs and Kanban boards, automated build, test, and release plus other team capabilities to build and ship apps.
You can connect with Xcode, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Android Studio, Visual Studio, or any dev tool you like.
Team Services is free for the first 5 users with Basic access, plus unlimited stakeholders working on the backlog, and Visual Studio subscribers. Here's how to get started with Team Services.

TFS: Email diffs

Eric suggests that you read your team's diffs every morning. Can I get TFS to automate this in some way? Ideally I'd like an email with all of the differences in, but I'd settle for a link to each of the commits.
As someone who works for Eric and who has the behaviour of checking the diffs each morning let me explain what I do. I'd like to think that I was one of the people he was thinking about when he wrote the post, but I know for a fact that he didn't know I did the diff checking each morning :-)
In Eclipse I use the Team, Synchronize... functionality to compare my local workspace with the latest on the server. As I do a get latest frequently, this tells me what has happened since I last did this (i.e. what changed while I wasn't looking).
In Visual Studio, I can do a similar thing by right clicking on the root folder of the area that interests me and selecting Compare... and then doing a compare of the Workspace version with the latest version.
Alternatively, you can just do a "History..." on the folder that is of interest and a brief scan down the history view will show you what has been happening and you can go look at what is interesting. It also encourages you to leave good check-in comments, and to encourage your developers to do the same :-)
I used to have email alerts configured for each check-in (Team, Project Alerts...), but I just ended up ignoring them most of the time. I even have a robotic rabbit configured to talk to me when someone does a check-in or runs a build - but this is only useful during the day, not checking what has happened the previous day while I was asleep (I live in a different time-zone to the rest of my colleagues so they do a lot of work while I sleep and vice-versa, making the practise of diff-checking even more useful)
In theory it would be possible to write a program that did generate you a diff each day between the latest version and your workspace version, however I've never bothered myself. This is partly because as I find the most value of the practise comes in exploring the changes that were made each day rather than just reading about them. I also admit that I wasn't aware that anyone else in the world was doing this daily diff routine - I figured I was alone in my code voyerisum, but obviously not!
UPDATE Feb 12, 2009: The following blog post just came to my attention.
It talks about (and provides source for) a tool called CRMail that will generate an email from a shelveset that will contain links back to Team System Web Access to show the diffs for each change in the changeset. It would be possible to modify this source to get it to show you diffs between changesets if you wanted to. Then you would just need to hook it up to run either as a nightly scheduled task or on every check-in by subscribing to the check-in event from TFS.
Have you explored setting up a report on the project portal that would show diffs based on date? I haven't done this (and I'm at home now so I can't investigate it), but I know that there is a lot of information you can get out of the portal. Whether you can get code diffs, I don't know.
The other alternative would be automating something with tfsadmin or the power tools. Again, not at work so I can't look at it, though the power tools seem like they may make it possible to do what you want from the docs.
A quick solution would be to configure project alerts to send you one email per changeset.
Filter these into a separate folder in your email client, and review them at your leisure.