Is there any place to host your code online? - version-control

There are many free online services which provides you with large spaces to store your personal materials, mails, etc. But is there any place that can let us host our code - which keeps the change history?
Google Code or SourceForge may not be a ideal place because it requires creating a project which is specific and useful to others, while what I want is a place to hold any kind of code which I think is useful but may not be for anybody else.

It's all about Github. 300 MB repository for free. Nice interface, easy to use. Plus we all know GIT > SVN :)

You can get free GIT and SVN hosting at

BitBucket allow for public and private Mercurial repositories.

Github has Gists that might work for you. Also, Snipplr. is where MS provides open source source control via Team Foundation Server.

projectlocker is also a good alternative for free Subversion, Git hosting..

You can also get free, private SVN hosting at Their 100MB package is free.

Google Code link.

How about which paid or which is free.

come on guys don't you see that he is interest only in hosting online some fragments
of code like some functions etc not full projects and also not public but private.
Of course it is possible with each and every solution you all said in your posts
but it is not exactly what he was looking for .
You all replied like spammers and is that's funny
So why don't you just use
as someone already mentioned

You can host private projects on DevjaVu is you want to use Subversion.

CVSDude does free 2M subversion repository, you can also use CVS if you pay.

I've used to store all sorts of bits of code. Users even upload entire applications.

There are even online code editors available (well, a kind of, that project is still in the development phase).

I've used CodeSpaces for over a year now and never had a problem. I'm a new user so I apparently can't post links...

There are plenty of answers already submitted which are suited to hosting full-fledged applications so I won't bother adding to the list but if you're looking at hosting smaller things (code snippets, simpler projects) with revision history you could consider using a wiki?

I know this was posted 4 years ago, but you could always just sign up on Pastebin and have private source code there.
Pastebin has been around since 2002 and is currently "the #1 paste tool". It supports a number of syntaxes (including C++, C, Ruby, and Java. Full list on site.)
Their PRO plan is only $2.95 USD for one month or $1.99 USD/mo if you purchase for a full year. You can find out more on the limits of free vs Pro here.
Edit 2;
If nothing else, sign up for Dropbox, SkyDrive, or Mediafire and upload your files there.

Team Services has free, private, unlimited, Git repos for version control. You also get integrated bug and work item tracking, enterprise Agile tools for DevOps, like backlogs and Kanban boards, automated build, test, and release plus other team capabilities to build and ship apps.
You can connect with Xcode, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Android Studio, Visual Studio, or any dev tool you like.
Team Services is free for the first 5 users with Basic access, plus unlimited stakeholders working on the backlog, and Visual Studio subscribers. Here's how to get started with Team Services.


Uploading source code for specific requirement in github

I have heard that, product based companies will look for what we have done outside of projects and also looking for the github profile.
In the meantime, I have created an automation application which addresses the specific requirement (Timesheet) in our organization. So, I thought of uploading this one too.
I have also done the screen cast and uploaded it to YouTube for adding in the profile (Resume).
This exact tool is not useful for all the people , but useful for the people in our organization, in which they can edit/contribute more.
Now I am having the question like, can I upload this kind of the code to GitHub?
Yes, you can.
Code on GitHub does not have to be useful to other people. You can push code there even if it is only useful to you or people in your organization.
You could also use a private repository if you do not want other people to see the code.

GitHub for Windows - is it open source?

Is GitHub for Windows open source? If so, I can't seem to find the repository.
According to Tom Preston-Werner, one of the GitHub founders, in his post "Open Source (Almost) Everything", about the open-sourcing philosophy
Don't open source anything that represents core business value. [...] Notice that everything we keep closed has specific business value that could be compromised by giving it away to our competitors. Everything we open is a general purpose tool that can be used by all kinds of people and companies to build all kinds of things.
However, Hubot, previsouly a closed-source asset of GitHub, was eventually open-sourced in late 2011.
For the past year or so we've been telling people about Hubot [...] So we decided to rewrite him from scratch, open source him, and share him with everyone.
Currently, the Windows Github client is not an open source software... but who knows, it might be open-sourced one day.
Phil Haack (who currently works at GitHub) gave a hint in his blog comments to this effect:
At the moment, it is not open source. Many of the libraries we created are open source. As we polish up more and more of those libraries, we'll release more components we used to make the app.
So no, the application is not open source, but keep a look out for some parts of it being published on GitHub. (But bear in mind that this is just a blog comment, not an official announcement of any kind).
According to the latest news, GitHub for Windows is renamed to GitHub Desktop. It is redisigned with Electron and completely open sourced. The beta version has been released. The weblink of GitHub Desktop open source repository leaves here: .

How do I post code to GitHub?

I've looked everywhere but I can't find any way to post code to GitHub. I tried making a repository but then it tells me I have to download a command prompt thing?
Why can't I just post code directly to it? Is there any other way?
If you are simply looking for a way to put some code online, then you can use another feature of that site calles "gists".
If you are on a mac, then there is another app you can use (made by the GitHub guys).
But the most relevant piece of software is what you refer to as " command prompt thing", which is a version control application with a relatively steep learning curve called GIT.
On a final note you might be misunderstanding what GitHub is useful for and might be better off looking at something a bit less complicated. If you are willing to explain exactly what you are looking for then i'm sure the StackOverflow community will be willing to help you :)
You may use github's gist.
Although, the main point of using github is to share git repositories.
While GitHub has recently added limited support for editing files through the web interface, it's intended as hosting for software projects using the Git source control software. The most-used interface is the command-line git tool, though there are graphical interfaces such as TortoiseGit as well as Git components for many IDEs.
If all you're looking for is a place to put small code fragments for sending to others (like a pastebin), then you probably want Gists instead:
Github is a code hosting site for Git.
The "command prompt thingy" is likely Git. If you don't use Git, it's unlikely you want Github either.
Luckily there are graphical Git front ends such as SmartGit.

Is it possible to somehow migrate from Google Code to Github?

We have a fairly large project, and I've decided that Google Code is not quite living up to expectations. Github looks like a much more suitable platform -- but I feel like there's no escape for us. Is it a case of migrating stuff over manually? We're using svn currently, so I understand that we'll need to move to git somehow - is this going to be possible considering that I don't have admin access to our repository? Also, I know this is subjective and I don't want to start a holy war, but please also comment on your feelings about Google Code vs Github. Should we also be considering SourceForge?
I've used all, and now I am using github and I am completely satisfied. Sourceforge had annoying ads and was slow, google code didn't have the features I wanted/needed.
As for moving to github, they have a guide here, the process should be quite simple:
We're using svn currently, so I understand that we'll need to move to git somehow - is this going to be possible considering that I don't have admin access to our repository?
Nope, you can use git svn to convert a repo, even if you don't have admin access. Here's a good tutorial (from one of the GitHub guys, no doubt) that explains how to convert an SVN repo to Git (including how to migrate tags and branches properly, which git-svn doesn't do very well).
but please also comment on your feelings about Google Code vs Github.
I've never used Google Code for personal projects. I know from a visitor's standpoint, I like the interface and tools used by GitHub a lot better.
Should we also be considering SourceForge?
Ugh... I personally think SourceForge is probably the worst of the free source code hosting facilities nowadays.
I think before you go through all the work to migrate to github (which is great yes) I would consider what your problem actually is. If it is just that you are using svn and that is not a distributed version control system you could just migrate your google code repository to be HG (Mercurial) based and you would get all the benefits of a distributed version control system but could otherwise stay at google code (which has great features that github does not have as well..)
Google announced today that they're closing Google Code. They added a migration tool to export projects to GitHub, it just takes one click.

Trac configured to access Perforce repository?

Have someone used with success TRAC ticketing + wiki system accessing a code base residing in Perforce repository?
I've browsed in the TRAC related web sites and found this one, but the latest change on the page is something like an year ago, so I have concluded (correct me if I'm wrong) that the plugin is hardly in working state OR that for some reason there is no recent developments.
We are using Trac with Perforce, based on the PerforcePlugin you already mentioned. We have used the combination for about 1.5 years.
The plugin is basically stable enough for day-to-day work, but be prepared to fiddle with server memory allocation and have patience if working with large repositories. Also, it has some irritating bugs, and as you have already noticed, development seems to have stalled completely. In fairness it must be said that some of the bugs are due to shortcomings in Trac behaviuor and incompatability with "The Perforce Way".
Would I install Trac with Perforce again? Probably not. If forced to use Perforce, I would consider Redmine + Perforce.
Something else to watch out for on Trac-hacks is the quantity and content of the open tickets for the plug-in. The PerforcePlugin has a lot of open tickets.
This update may help you:, people got it working okay with Trac 1.0