Trac configured to access Perforce repository? - plugins

Have someone used with success TRAC ticketing + wiki system accessing a code base residing in Perforce repository?
I've browsed in the TRAC related web sites and found this one, but the latest change on the page is something like an year ago, so I have concluded (correct me if I'm wrong) that the plugin is hardly in working state OR that for some reason there is no recent developments.

We are using Trac with Perforce, based on the PerforcePlugin you already mentioned. We have used the combination for about 1.5 years.
The plugin is basically stable enough for day-to-day work, but be prepared to fiddle with server memory allocation and have patience if working with large repositories. Also, it has some irritating bugs, and as you have already noticed, development seems to have stalled completely. In fairness it must be said that some of the bugs are due to shortcomings in Trac behaviuor and incompatability with "The Perforce Way".
Would I install Trac with Perforce again? Probably not. If forced to use Perforce, I would consider Redmine + Perforce.

Something else to watch out for on Trac-hacks is the quantity and content of the open tickets for the plug-in. The PerforcePlugin has a lot of open tickets.

This update may help you:, people got it working okay with Trac 1.0


Should I close my issues on abandoned GitHub projects?

This is a question regarding project management and collaboration between developers.
GitHub is now old enough that it includes many abandoned projects. The majority of my page is now issues I have opened on projects that have not had commits in years.
I would like to clean up my issues page so I can quickly find the important ones. Is the correct way to do this to just close all issues on abandoned projects?
Yes, closing the issue is the only way to remove it from this view. Note, though, that you can sort by recent activity if you don't mind having many pages of ancient issues. :)

How do I do source code management without version control tools?

I work on a software project which has a suite of source code that undergoes periodic change. The code is typically promoted to a production environment, and development continues in a development environment. Emergency hotfixes in production need to be backported to development. A third environment for testing may also exist from time to time. Many developers work on this code at the same time, often needing to make changes to the same individual file.
In short, a classic use-case for version control software. Unfortunately, we have a stone age IT department, and we do all our development in a stock Windows XP environment with absolutely no possibility of using any other software without approval - which never happens. We are lucky to have Winzip.
So what's the best way of managing the above workflow without any real tools? At the moment we are just editing files on a Windows shared drive, making ad-hoc working copies into folders with names like "James's Copy of X", doing backups with Winzip, and calling across the room, "is anybody working on this file at the moment?"
Edit: Some clarifications:
The irony is that the system is hardly locked down at all - I could download, install and configure TortoiseHg in about 7 minutes. But I need to do this by the book.
I am also actively pursuing getting version control software through official channels, but ETA for that is 6-9 months if ever, so I'm just trying to do the best I can with what I have now.
Finally, trust me, you will be reading about this project on TheDailyWTF one day, so please help me out with what I can do now rather than what management should have done last week.
Get source control. Talk to management, refuse to work, do whatever you can to get it in.
Bring in a netbook, install a SVN server and use that. Run Git off USB drives.
Really - anything.
It is not just an industry standard now - it is irresponsible of you and your management to continue working like this.
After notifying management and explaining that this is an issue, if they do nothing, just let the inevitable happen. Something that shouldn't have been promoted to production will be (regression, bug, new feature, whatever). When they come to blame you, explain how source control can help ensure that such things do not happen again. Perhaps they will listen then.
Ok, two actual options occur to me here.
First. You have Winzip, and you appear to have web access since you're posting on Stack Overflow. Assuming you have the ability to upload files (which isn't a given, since you're still using a generic StackOverflow avatar) you could find - or build - an externally-hosted service that'll allow you to upload a ZIP file via a web browser, unzip it, and then commit the unzipped contents to a Git or Subversion repository. Stick a secure web front end on it (Apache + mod-dav-svn) and you'll have the ability to browse, review and commit changes to individual files. You won't get the benefits of local SVN/GIT capabilities like merging, but you'll have centralized project history. There could even be a quite lucrative business model in this - selling web-based SCM to developers who are stuck on IE6 and WinXP and can't install anything.
Second: You find a junior/admin in your IT team who's just as frustrated as you are at the draconian restrictions being enforced, persuade them that you know what you're doing, and get them to 'accidentally' set up a local administrator account on your workstation. WinXP is sufficiently insecure out of the box that this shouldn't be too hard to make this look like an accident.
Copy and paste the files into a seperate folder and call that folder vers_x, or get the windows backup utility to save them each day, or another backup utility to do the same? though the first post is correct, strike till vers cont is implemented.
Get git. git init on the current source "repository". Install git on everyone's pc's.
Also, the strike idea is definitely not so bad in this case.

Is it possible to somehow migrate from Google Code to Github?

We have a fairly large project, and I've decided that Google Code is not quite living up to expectations. Github looks like a much more suitable platform -- but I feel like there's no escape for us. Is it a case of migrating stuff over manually? We're using svn currently, so I understand that we'll need to move to git somehow - is this going to be possible considering that I don't have admin access to our repository? Also, I know this is subjective and I don't want to start a holy war, but please also comment on your feelings about Google Code vs Github. Should we also be considering SourceForge?
I've used all, and now I am using github and I am completely satisfied. Sourceforge had annoying ads and was slow, google code didn't have the features I wanted/needed.
As for moving to github, they have a guide here, the process should be quite simple:
We're using svn currently, so I understand that we'll need to move to git somehow - is this going to be possible considering that I don't have admin access to our repository?
Nope, you can use git svn to convert a repo, even if you don't have admin access. Here's a good tutorial (from one of the GitHub guys, no doubt) that explains how to convert an SVN repo to Git (including how to migrate tags and branches properly, which git-svn doesn't do very well).
but please also comment on your feelings about Google Code vs Github.
I've never used Google Code for personal projects. I know from a visitor's standpoint, I like the interface and tools used by GitHub a lot better.
Should we also be considering SourceForge?
Ugh... I personally think SourceForge is probably the worst of the free source code hosting facilities nowadays.
I think before you go through all the work to migrate to github (which is great yes) I would consider what your problem actually is. If it is just that you are using svn and that is not a distributed version control system you could just migrate your google code repository to be HG (Mercurial) based and you would get all the benefits of a distributed version control system but could otherwise stay at google code (which has great features that github does not have as well..)
Google announced today that they're closing Google Code. They added a migration tool to export projects to GitHub, it just takes one click.

Distributed issue tracker for git with usable Eclipse Mylyn support?

I'm using git for version control but I'm currently lacking a good issue/bug/ticket tracker with Eclipse Mylyn integration.
The features I'm looking for:
Open source implementation (so that I can add the features I need in the future. GPL, LGPL, MIT or BSD license preferred).
Distributed (the issues must be stored in git the repository, I'm open for suggestions for trackers that store issues in the same or separate branch to the code).
Must have Eclipse Mylyn support (so that I can open and close issues through mylyn interface, I think a sensible implementation could provide a localhost HTTP server in a specific port and mylyn would use "web template" connector to speak with the issue tracker). Preferably the Mylyn would automatically see issues opening and closing as I switch branches but I'm okay with this being less smart.
Able to track issues between branches, example:
I have branches X and Y with a common parent commit Z.
the commit Z has an open issue Z1.
the branch Y has a fix (commit Y4) and closes the issue in Y.
the branch Y has a new issue (commit Y2)
the branch Y is merged in X.
the issue tracker automatically knows that the issue Z1 is fixed in X but there's now a new issue from commit Y2.
Able to deal with the case where multiple repositories open, modify and close same or different issues (the distributed part, I'm just making this explicit).
Must be runnable on 64 bit and 32 bit linux (ubuntu 10.04 for now)
Preferably implemented in bash, c/c++, python or perl (possibly java or ruby, too).
Secondary features (would be nice but I can live without):
Small enough to be included in the project's source code: preferrably a single file with an executable bit set (e.g. a single bash or python script with full implementation)
Some kind of web user interface so that people without Eclipse Mylyn can at least add new issues and add comments to existing ones (no need to be able to set priorities or even close issues)
Can you suggest anything?
Update: As of 2012-09-13 no suitable tool has been found. Summary of the best matches this far:
Bugs Everywhere - no Mylyn support, the status has been "Adrian Wilkins would like to see a Mylyn connector for BE" in the "Plannet features" for the last two years. Otherwise the project keeps going.
git-issues - this project seems to be dead. Original author stopped making commits about two years ago and other authors have done less than ten commits in about last two years.
git-case - this project seems to be dead. The original author stopped making commits three years ago.
stick - this project seems to be dead. I couldn't even find public repository anymore.
TicGit this project seems to be dead. All repositories I could find have disclaimer that the project is no longer developed.
TigGit-NG - this projects seems to have died multiple times but this far, somebody has always adopted the project again. No Mylyn support here either. Requires pretty recent Ruby environment to run. - this project seems to be win32/.Net specific fork of TicGit written in C#. Does not match my needs.
You could have a look at GitIssues which is well integrated with the git command line. But sadly, it doesn't support Mylyn. Nevertheless it should be easy to create a Mylyn connector since it can export to XML.
You can have a look at this list of distributed bug tracking systems.
Have you looked at Bugs Everywhere? It says on the page that Mylyn support is still a requested feature, but I think it meets almost all of your other requirements. (Just to be clear, I haven't actually tried out this myself, but it looks like a very sensible approach to me.)

Is there any place to host your code online?

There are many free online services which provides you with large spaces to store your personal materials, mails, etc. But is there any place that can let us host our code - which keeps the change history?
Google Code or SourceForge may not be a ideal place because it requires creating a project which is specific and useful to others, while what I want is a place to hold any kind of code which I think is useful but may not be for anybody else.
It's all about Github. 300 MB repository for free. Nice interface, easy to use. Plus we all know GIT > SVN :)
You can get free GIT and SVN hosting at
BitBucket allow for public and private Mercurial repositories.
Github has Gists that might work for you. Also, Snipplr. is where MS provides open source source control via Team Foundation Server.
projectlocker is also a good alternative for free Subversion, Git hosting..
You can also get free, private SVN hosting at Their 100MB package is free.
Google Code link.
How about which paid or which is free.
come on guys don't you see that he is interest only in hosting online some fragments
of code like some functions etc not full projects and also not public but private.
Of course it is possible with each and every solution you all said in your posts
but it is not exactly what he was looking for .
You all replied like spammers and is that's funny
So why don't you just use
as someone already mentioned
You can host private projects on DevjaVu is you want to use Subversion.
CVSDude does free 2M subversion repository, you can also use CVS if you pay.
I've used to store all sorts of bits of code. Users even upload entire applications.
There are even online code editors available (well, a kind of, that project is still in the development phase).
I've used CodeSpaces for over a year now and never had a problem. I'm a new user so I apparently can't post links...
There are plenty of answers already submitted which are suited to hosting full-fledged applications so I won't bother adding to the list but if you're looking at hosting smaller things (code snippets, simpler projects) with revision history you could consider using a wiki?
I know this was posted 4 years ago, but you could always just sign up on Pastebin and have private source code there.
Pastebin has been around since 2002 and is currently "the #1 paste tool". It supports a number of syntaxes (including C++, C, Ruby, and Java. Full list on site.)
Their PRO plan is only $2.95 USD for one month or $1.99 USD/mo if you purchase for a full year. You can find out more on the limits of free vs Pro here.
Edit 2;
If nothing else, sign up for Dropbox, SkyDrive, or Mediafire and upload your files there.
Team Services has free, private, unlimited, Git repos for version control. You also get integrated bug and work item tracking, enterprise Agile tools for DevOps, like backlogs and Kanban boards, automated build, test, and release plus other team capabilities to build and ship apps.
You can connect with Xcode, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Android Studio, Visual Studio, or any dev tool you like.
Team Services is free for the first 5 users with Basic access, plus unlimited stakeholders working on the backlog, and Visual Studio subscribers. Here's how to get started with Team Services.