iphone/ipad game development [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm a iOS developer. I have developed many apps for iPhone and iPad. Now planning to start with game development. I need few details before starting with it??
How different is game development from appl. development?
Any extra training required for gamin?
Is 2D gaming possible with just Objective C??
what search engines or libraries should i use for 2D/3D games?
any tutorials or books for game development?
Will gaming work purely on Objective C? or other languages like C/C++ needs to be used?
Thanks in advance :)

There are many answers out there, and StackOverflow is not the best place to answer these questions, and you will need to learn a lot about it until you can make something nice (but you will, if you work enough). To answer your points, there is never one true answer, but anyway:
Game is something visual (unless you are writing a text-based game), you'll need good object-oriented programming skills and a thinking that will associate objects at your code level with your actual objects on screen. Most games have loops that handle physics/draw objects every second for many frames.
For a professional game, you'll be needing a framework/tool to develop. It's hard to write barebone Objective-C code and make a game out of it.
Yes, it is possible, but hard.
For 2D, have a look at Cocos2D and Flash, and using Box2D physics engine is a good idea. For 3D, I recommend Unity.
Not one specific I can think of, just search over the web, there are TONS of resources. Everyone understands concepts differently, so one 'super tutorial' of someone may be the 'worse' tutorial for another. Just search until you find a one you understand clearly.
Theoretically, yes, games can run purely using Objective-C, but most of the tools that help creating games use other languages too.


How to make a game like Panda Mania in Cocos2d? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I m new to this forum and in cocos2d world. I want to make a game like Panda Mania, in which I have to use swipe/fick to fire an arrow with force and gravity involve. I need some guideline how to progress in gaming world and what is the best option for achieving swipe/flick in iphone, should i use cocos2d or box2d for it.
Anam, like Ali mentioned, you are asking many things at once.
In general you can look for examples and see how things are done and go from there. A good page is www.raywenderlich.com
Also Cocos2D brings a good amount of examples that you can benefit from.
This tutorial comes to mind with your post: http://www.raywenderlich.com/14302/how-to-make-a-game-like-fruit-ninja-with-box2d-and-cocos2d-part-1
On the other hand, Cocos2D Vs Box2D may be a misdirected question because Box2D's main goal is to be a physics engine, not a general game engine like Cocos2d.
Depending on the game you can use them together, or use Cocos2D with Chipmunk or something else.
But many of the tutorials in Wenderlich's site will make this much more clear.

Where to start for Augmented Reality in iPhone? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have done lots of applications for iOS using Xcode. And i want to explore the feasability of Augmented Reality in iPhone. I searched for it and found that we need SDKs for it i.e Qualcom or String. Can anybody suggest me whichone is best to start with? And any sample tutorial for start-up related to that.?
If you want to learn about Augmented Realty and many different APIs, IDEs, Engines and SDKs, this book may be the best resource for you
Pro iOS 5 Augmented Reality
It is for iOS 5, but I see no adoption that prevents it from working with iOS 6. It is great! It shows Qualcomm demoes, Open-CV, String and more!'
The author works with you throughout the book with examples and explanations which are beyond interesting and cool.
After reading this book I feel like a professional, just read the reviews, a great valuable book!
Answering your ultimate question, which is the best SDK/API? I think that it depends on what you want, they have different purposes, functionalities, learning curves etc. I suggest you read this book to explore all
You could use iPhone-AR-Toolkit. It's up on GitHub, and I've added in lots of helpful things like a radar, modern callouts etc...

Iphone Game development Esimate [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I have been asked to give an estimate for an iphone game application.
I really have bad estimates for game application.
Can you share me links or stuff which will give me some idea of how long it will take me to develop the game.
I know this is very crude data, but some link that will give me database or share experiences about how much time other developers took for different games.
It really depends on your skills Amol.
Among other elements:
will you be doing the art assets, or are they given to you
are you designing the game, or just implementing it
do you "discover" Objective-C or are you an experienced iPhone or even Mac business application developer?
All these change your estimate drastically.
You also have to take into account the technique you will use:
pure OpenGL
which partly depends on the previous questions.
Then you need to know which frameworks you intend to use:
Core Graphics
Core Data
Game Center
and many other possibilities.
If the game is very simple, you probably won't need a database or a leaderboard. If you're implementing a huge tridimensional multiplayer online roleplaying game client, you might need a team to help you out.
You need to figure out the answers to all this before you can even put out a time estimate...

cinema App in Iphone [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
M very new to this field of iphone development.I need to make one app in which customer will be Purchasing ticket for movie by selecting the Location,Movie,Timing of show and seat.
Can anyone help me out in implementing Ticket Purchasing Part.
Although you haven't asked a specific question and you say nothing about your experience in other programming languages I can give you some hints:
Look at the WWDC videos on http://developer.apple.com
Understand the Model-View-Controller paradigm
Make sure you really understood the Model-View-Controller paradigm
Start with designing your user interface first. Take your time for this. Make mockups on paper, each sheet of paper corresponds to a screen and play with it and show it to some colleagues and watch if they get what to do on each screen. You can also do this in Photoshop or Illustrator or omnigraffle, but in the early stage maybe paper is a simple option.
Build a mockup of your app on the phone itself. Using UIImageViews you can insert the digital screens made digitally to the phone and see how it looks like. Show this version to you customers. If they like the design and feature, you can go on coding.
Code everything
If you want to write a serious application it is good to invest a lot into design. The coding itself is much easier if you know how it will look like in the end, because then you can design the underlying model such that it will be great for your UI.

How does one create an elegant iPhone GUI? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 12 years ago.
This is just one of those things where you feel like your own design is utterly terrible, and that all of the other apps have a beautiful design. This question is just about how you would go about creating a user interface that a user would actually want to use?
I work with a graphic designer, and have them mock up what a good working UI should look like, then I come back and tweak the design with what I feel I can realistically make, and hand that back to the designer and see if they think it's ok or needs more changes. I realize that as a programmer I'm too focused on how to make things work then to make them look good, and as such we typically can't create a great UI on our own. Also after mocking up the UI (usually just a few static images on screen or paper) I show it to a few friends (both programmers and non techies) and get their reaction. This step will really show you any deficiencies that your design may have.
Get your hands dirty and use lots of apps. Experience will teach you the interface cues that other developers use to make a seamless and sensible user session. Take notes on how controls transition from one context to another. Observe how controls are organized to make the optimal use of a small screen.
A good review of the iPad noted that the operating system details "fall away" and the user can just use the device through intuition. This is a good ideal to strive for.
User controls should be simple but informative, communicating enough to identify their function, but subtle enough to fall into the background when unused.
Functionality should be organized in a sensible and repeatable fashion. Use the tab and navigation stack design patterns that Apple provides to organize your app's functions.
Edward Tufte is a good source for reading material on how to communicate ideas simply and clearly.
Of course, you will also want to read Apple's own iPhone HIG which explains many of the iPhone widgets that users will use and have prior experience with.
I work with a graphic designer. I provide him specifications about what my app does and he provides a PSD with all screens.
But I have to say, that there is a lot of graphic designers, but the quality is not equal.
My preferred is http://www.sockho.com
He designed my both apps :
Check-in 360 : http://www.check-in360.com
Vegas Radio : http://www.vegasradioapp.com