Access iTunes library on Mac from iPhone app - iphone

Is there a way I can connect to the iTunes library on Mac from my iPhone app. The functionality which is available in Remote app from apple. I beleive this is something to do with bonjour programming.
Can anyone provide me any head start and point me in the right direction to look for?

You can't. iTunes uses a protocol called DAAP. While DAAP itself has been reverse engineered, the current version of iTunes uses an authentication mechanism that is not public and has not been reverse engineered.
What that means is while people can implement unauthenticated servers that iTunes can connect to, no one but Apple can currently implement clients that connect to iTunes itself.

This is a good place to start. He's the guy who wrote the Android remote, after reverse-engineering DACP.

What about installing software like Accesstunes on your computer, then use the IP in your browser !? I used to do it with my Nokia N95-8G..! I will try with the iphone in a bit to see !


Install apps on iPhone from Windows programmatically

Is there an official API to communicate with iPhone from Windows programmatically?
There are some apps that do that, but they require iTunes to be installed.
I wonder how one can develop such an app.
Does one have to reverse engineer something?
I heard Apple doesn't like 3rd party apps and wants everybody to use iTunes (and therefore doesn't provide any API).
Is it illegal to develop such an app?
There is a plugin for the TotalCommander file manager called t-pot that allows browsing the contents of an iPod Touch or iPhone. Looking at its code hosted on google code could help.
libmobiledevice has an API for that.
instproxy_error_t instproxy_install (instproxy_client_t client,
const char * pkg_path,
plist_t client_options,
instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb,
void * user_data
Install an application on the device.

Phonegap: Can iPhone web app access/check for wifi connections

I have tried looking for some answers but could not get anything concrete from the other questions in here.
I am looking for an answer to these two questions:
Using PhoneGap, if I create an iPhone web app, can I use it as
plain web app (i.e. without using iTunes to deploy it)? Just via a
web url?
Using PhoneGap, can an iPhone web app check for wifi
connectivity? i.e. If wifi/3g is available, if wifi is available,
can it scan for ssids.
Thanks for any help in advance.
You can create host the web app on your own server (or local). Then it is accessible via web url. If you want to use it as a normal app (there are differences - phonegap uses few native plugins for better experience), then you must have a developer license from apple and then deploy it to your device. Otherwise you can only use the simulator. You can also use Safari + USB to debug your app using the browser.
It is possible but limited. Only certain functionalities are available. Check out the following plugin for cordova (phonegap):
Good luck!

How to create a remote virtual machine client for iPhone? (in XCode)

I desperately need to integrate a virtual machine/remote desktop connection into my iOS app because the app is going to be developed for a school and they want to access the school management system.
Is it very hard? How can I do it? Are there any tutorials out there?
Bear in mind that I'm not an advanced dev.
Many thanks,
It's likely to be a challenge.
A better way would be trying to use a web service to interact with the system.
It's hard. Look into porting some open source RDesktop code. Or just use one of the dozens of existing remote desktop iPhone apps in conjunction with your app.
Most mobile apps use a RESTful API to communicate between servers and devices.

How can I target push notifications to both iPhone and Android?

I am developing apps for both Android and iPhone, and am looking for how I can push notifications to both (if you only have an answer for one, that's ok, I'm sure someone has an answer for the other).
For example, if I'm having a special on something and want to notify people so it sort of dings and a message pops up (I have a Groupon app that does that) how can I accomplish this? And do I have to reprogram each time, or can I do it through an RSS or something else?
For Android 2.2+ use C2DM. Apple also has a proprietary push notification service. In both cases you need to register with the company to use the system. Also in both cases you will need a web server able to communicate to Google and Apple.
If you don't want to have to support an entire server framework for communicating with both iOS and Android devices, take a look at UrbanAirship. It's a dirt-cheap service that allows you to push both plain- and rich- text messages to iOS, Android, and BlackBerry.
Gravy: It also has mechanisms for In-App Purchasing, and statistics tracking.
Maybe PushOver can be a solution but there is probably other web services like that !

Add media from iphone (outside of iPod library) into iTunes

Is there a way for my iPhone app to add media (mp3s) not in its iPod library to iTunes once the user plugs/syncs to a desktop such that the media will get sync'd back into the iPhone's iPod library?
I know the question is rather general, but if it is indeed possible, can anyone nudge me in the right direction?
Who wants to write a sync app for mac and windows? Try serving a bonjour discoverable upload page from the iPhone. I got cocoahttpserver up and running in a few minutes.
No, it's not possible to do this using anything provided by the iPhone SDK. The only way to do something similar would be to store the media in your iPhone application's local storage, write an OS X application that discovered your iPhone via Bonjour, synced the content via WIFI, and then added it to iTunes.
Take a look at "Things" (an iPhone todo list application) if you'd like to see an example with sync-to-desktop functionality.
there is a way, i've done it through an app and it wasn't complicated. sadly I forgot and am currently looking for where I found the answer and thats how I stumbled upon this.