How can I target push notifications to both iPhone and Android? - iphone

I am developing apps for both Android and iPhone, and am looking for how I can push notifications to both (if you only have an answer for one, that's ok, I'm sure someone has an answer for the other).
For example, if I'm having a special on something and want to notify people so it sort of dings and a message pops up (I have a Groupon app that does that) how can I accomplish this? And do I have to reprogram each time, or can I do it through an RSS or something else?

For Android 2.2+ use C2DM. Apple also has a proprietary push notification service. In both cases you need to register with the company to use the system. Also in both cases you will need a web server able to communicate to Google and Apple.

If you don't want to have to support an entire server framework for communicating with both iOS and Android devices, take a look at UrbanAirship. It's a dirt-cheap service that allows you to push both plain- and rich- text messages to iOS, Android, and BlackBerry.
Gravy: It also has mechanisms for In-App Purchasing, and statistics tracking.

Maybe PushOver can be a solution but there is probably other web services like that !


Push notification mechanism used by other apps in Windows Phone

I want to know what push mechanism does gmail, facebook or other common apps use in Windows Phone? Are they using MPNS only or something else (like MQTT). For example, Facebook is available for all platforms so whether they are using different protocols for different platforms or using a common approach.
I want to implement push notification for my app. The same app is being developed for other platforms like Android and iPhone also. So I want to use a mechanism which can be used across platforms.
You can use Urban Airship, it provides support for Microsoft Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 push through MPNS and WNS, but doesn't support MPNS push to Windows Phone 7 devices
Docs for .net
Docs for iOS
Docs for Android
Or Amazon SNS which requires more work
API for .net
API for iOS
API for Android
You should think of Push Notifications as a transport channel, not more. Each mobile platform (Apple, Google, Microsoft) uses it's own cloud to reach your device, and that's could be enough. Once reached, your mobbile app may do whatever it need (for example, to grab extra details about the notification as size of Push message is usually limited).
Given that in mind, it's not a big deal to create one server app communicating to 3 different clouds if sending notifications.

Is there a way to test Android, iPhone push notification without having one?

I need to create a push notification webservice for Android & iPhone, but I actually own an Iphone only, I'd like to be able to test on my machine the push notification.
I don't know anything to mobile device or development.
In order to push messages to Android using the Google Cloud to Device messaging (C2DM) requires an application on the device which has registered to the C2DM servers to receive push notifications. AFAIK, you cannot do a generic push (using C2DM) which will be received by all applications.
For more info on C2DM you can look at the documentation here and a good article can be found here.
You could download the Android SDK. It gives you the basic stuff you need to get up and running.
If you want a virtual machine, you can set one up using this guide. I set this up and it was pretty painless. I don't know how current it is, but it will at least get you something to work with.

Appcelerator Push Notifications

I was wondering if it's possible to create a generic push notification solution for mobile devices (or at least Android and iPhone) with Appcelerator. I found some examples on how to implement iPhone Push with Appcelerator but nothing generic.
Any ideas? Or are there maybe other cross-plattform development sdk to solve this?
As far as I know, you can use the push notification service with iOS only.
See the documentation here.
Then, for the iOS, the simpliest way to send/receive notifications, is to subscribe for free for the UrbanAirship service.
You can find a nice tutorial here.
I only know of push notifications working in IOS (for iPhone) too. However, I understand that Cocoafish are soon working on push notification for Android. Backends like this and UA are about as generic as you can get.
Using Appcelerator Cloud Service(ACS) you can implement the Push Notification.
It is the simplest and reliable one. Follow below tutorial for ACS Push Notification implementation on Android and iOS
Android :
iOS :
Hope it helps someone

Create a mobile app that listens to incoming phone call events

As the title suggests, I would like to create a mobile app that runs in the background and catches "incoming call" events. Moreover I would like to use a Cross-Platform Development Tool to do this.
I looked at three tools: PhoneGap, Rhomobile and Appcelerator. But I couldn't find any documentation or examples that suggest they support such events.
It seems like the iPhone (correct me if I'm wrong) does not support this but Android and Blackberry do.
Did I miss something when I looked at the above mentioned tools and platforms?
Are there any other well established Cross-Platform Mobile Tools that could solve my problem?
Keeping the cross-platform support in mind, what approach would you follow to develop such an app?
On the iPhone, there's nothing you can do to "catch" or even register incoming calls. The only thing you could do is create an app that protocols the time at which it has been sent to the background or became inactive, because you'r appdelegate will be notified - but that will happen on many occasions, not only when a phone call is received. It won't work while the app is in the background (on multitasking enabled devices) alltogether. So, an app like this would be totally useless...
Sorry, no help there!

iPhone Private distribution

I am new to iPhone world.
I have developed an application, which I would like to send to all the iphones come under the vicinity of a particular wi-fi access point. (It is meant for a shopping mall)
With my limited knowledge in this, I understand, I cannot distribute the application through my webserver. I even cant use the 'Ad hoc mode' suggested by Apple, as registering of all the mobile phones is impractical.
I would like to know whether the only solution is 'distribution through appstore'? Or any other solution available?
Expecting your help.
If you mean that the application would automatically be loaded onto phones when they move into a certain shopping mall, then yes, I can see that you are new to iPhone development! :)
For security reasons, the user has to specifically choose to download the app.
If the app is not iPhone-specific but simply a web page made up to look like an app, then you could use SMS to send a URL to the phone. But that would require you to know the phone number, which is also not made available through any kind of local wireless communication, again for obvious security reasons.
The simplest approach would be to put a poster up in the mall, telling iPhone users that they can find the mall's app on the iTunes App Store.
Another possible solution is to make a web app instead of a native app.