How to create a remote virtual machine client for iPhone? (in XCode) - iphone

I desperately need to integrate a virtual machine/remote desktop connection into my iOS app because the app is going to be developed for a school and they want to access the school management system.
Is it very hard? How can I do it? Are there any tutorials out there?
Bear in mind that I'm not an advanced dev.
Many thanks,

It's likely to be a challenge.
A better way would be trying to use a web service to interact with the system.

It's hard. Look into porting some open source RDesktop code. Or just use one of the dozens of existing remote desktop iPhone apps in conjunction with your app.

Most mobile apps use a RESTful API to communicate between servers and devices.


Help asked for iPhone and Android app

Im new to the development of apps and i've got some questions.
First let me tell you about the app i need to make.
As an intern at a company i need to develop an iPhone and Android app, they want me to create an app that is based on a existing CRM database.
I need to get data from the database and show it on the iPhone, this data should be edited and send back to the database.
The company itself does not has experience in the development of mobile apps.
The requirements i wrote above are the basic of the application, it will have alot more functionality implemented after the basic has been made. Something like an auto sync, either the database or phone will sync with each other once in a while. And when you are called on the phone it will also check the number in the database and if found the name is displayed instead of an unknow number. Just 2 things that should be implemented after the basic app
Is such a thing possible with an iPhone/Android?
As i have no experience with Objective-C, and little experience with java
Is it easy to learn, i have good knowledge of C#
What platform could you suggest for me?
As i need to develop for both iPhone and Android,
What is the quickest way of developing for both at the same time?
i've done research but as i do not have an mac at the moment i can't try stuff out for the iPhone.
Titanium Appcelerator is something i liked, and since this works for both iPhone and Android i think this might be a good option. But as i do not have any experience i want some good advice from those who have experience before i start programming.
tnx in advance,
~kamikze the rookie
You can also try PhoneGap.
You can use web services to connect to databases
As per your requirements, use Titanium Appcelarator, which will make you write your code in JavaScript, and will generate apps for both, iPhone and Android.
What you're wanting it to do is fairly simple and shouldn't introduce a lot of complexity before you.
Go ahead with Appcelerator, if you don't want to spend a lot of time learning Android SDK and Objectiv-C
It sure is possible to access/change databases.
If you have good C# knowledge then getting started with Java should not be an issue for you.
I think it should be quite easy to implement for Android, but I also have no experience in iOS development (donĀ“t have a mac)

Iphone & Web App synch

I am trying to build an Iphone App client for our CRM solution so our sales people would be able to access the information available in our CRM through an Iphone App.
I am trying to find out what is the recommended approach to architect the application when it comes to the database. I am not sure where should the data reside, should I save a subset of the data on the iPhone, or should I just rely on webservices and pull the information I need from the database whenever I need it. Also, is there any best practices or frameworks to build such applications on the Iphone.
The "best" solution from a data synchronization standpoint is work directly with the web based database, the "best" solution from a user experience standpoint is probably not that, due to latency passing data back and forth from the server.
If you do not have experience doing iPhone apps & you have no desire to learn Objective-C & would like to leverage web development skills I recommend a combination of phonegap + jqTouch.
Hope I helped.
Is your CRM based on Rails? You might find ObjectiveReference handy. It's an Objective-C interface into ActiveResources on a RoR site:

iPhone and Windows Active Directory

Is it posable to make an app that can connect to a Windows Active Directory Server and do something like create a new user account or disable an existing account or retrieve a status flag...? help me please...!
What i actually want is that, my windows server has all the web services and database which is capable to run a web application. now i am about to design an iphone version of the same web app. the users information are stored in an Active Directory. is there exist a direct connection between the iphone and the AD??? do i need to write any other web service particular for the iphone version??? what all things i need to setup for that.???
Maybe you can set up a web service on AD server to handle AD related operations.
like this way:
[native AD operate code]<---->[web service]<------> iPhone
Our Smash! User Manager app does this and is available for both IOS and Android for FREE.
ADAssist at
Perhaps you might look into porting Samba to a legitimate iPhone app.
There are certainly ways to do this. There are a few applications on the App Store that do this now. (Several mentioned here, although my favorite "AD HelpDesk" hasn't gotten a plug yet).
Probably the easiest way to go about it would be to use ADWS to allow web service access to the DC. This of course requires a 2008 R2 DC.
If you don't do that you will have to use native protocols such as LDAP to communicate with the DC. You can incorporate openLDAP source code into your iPhone app, and do LDAP queries against the DC directly.

Access iTunes library on Mac from iPhone app

Is there a way I can connect to the iTunes library on Mac from my iPhone app. The functionality which is available in Remote app from apple. I beleive this is something to do with bonjour programming.
Can anyone provide me any head start and point me in the right direction to look for?
You can't. iTunes uses a protocol called DAAP. While DAAP itself has been reverse engineered, the current version of iTunes uses an authentication mechanism that is not public and has not been reverse engineered.
What that means is while people can implement unauthenticated servers that iTunes can connect to, no one but Apple can currently implement clients that connect to iTunes itself.
This is a good place to start. He's the guy who wrote the Android remote, after reverse-engineering DACP.
What about installing software like Accesstunes on your computer, then use the IP in your browser !? I used to do it with my Nokia N95-8G..! I will try with the iphone in a bit to see !

Server Setup for iPhone Push Notifications

I'm new to the whole push notifications thing, and was wondering if somebody could walk me through the process of getting a simple application up and running. I currently rent a server that I use to serve my website that runs cPanel X.
How would I go about setting up the service? What software do I need to install on the server? How do I upload code to the server?
Sorry if these are really dumb questions - I'm not really a web developer.
Thanks in advance!
I would go to the Apple Developer Forums. They have many questions and answers regarding this. For my apps, I use a Ruby On Rails plugin called apn_on_rails, but this is probably not an option for you on a shared host with some sort of admin gui. Your shared host probably runs php so I would look for a php implementation.