How to develop an iPhone app to work with the current iPhone's music library - iphone

My friend (who knows nothing about programming what-so-ever) asked me if I could develop an iPhone application that lets the user select an artist from thier current synced artists on their iPhone music library, and display to them a list of concerts they will be playing in the near future. Maybe even use your current location to display the certain one you would be interested in.
Obviously, I told him no.
As I have no iPhone development experience and have only recently really started programming properly, I don't think I'm capable. But I'd still like to explore, seeing as I have just purchased a MacBook anyways!
Any ideas on how to approach this app?
Thanks in advance to everyone!

I'd rather recommend you playing with API services.
Not exactly what you want but I am not sure if iPhone lets you access the artist library directly.
If it doesn't (which is yet to find out), you can write a plugin for iTunes that exports your music collection to your website and then access it from the iPhone.
The choice is up to you, but I'd probably stick with

The best place to start learning iPhone/iPad programming in general is to read this book:
And more specific to your question, yes, apps are allowed to access the iPod music library in the phone, through the MPMediaQuery class and its brethren:


Edit iPhone Music ID3 Tags From App

I'd like to develop an iOS app that fixes tags in the user's music library using MusicBrainz. I haven't been able to find anything in the official SDK to facilitate the changing of ID3 tags for the song library, so I'm wondering if I missed something. Or does Apple even allow an app to behave like this? Any help would be appreciated :)
Well , as you know , Apple is pretty strict when it comes to messing up with their data.
iPod library can only be altered via iTunes syncing or iTunes downloading.
I hope they will give us programmers ways to (at least) create playlists , but until then , you could only accomplish that by jailbreaking and using private API's.

What sort of applications we can develop for Iphone?

I want to start developing applications for Iphone but In confusion what are different types of apps I can develop Like User level,Kernel Level, or any other type. I want full detail about categories of application development for Iphone So I can choose one .
If you want your apps to work, they must conform to the SDK/API at They are user level applications. You do not have access to the internals of iOS.
If you want some ideas. You can head over the the App Store. There, you can browse all the categories and view products that people have created for the iPhone.
First you start learning to create simple User Screens for iPhone app. Then think how much in you wanna go really...

Iphone Developer Program

Well im on the edge about paying $99 dollars to join the Iphone Developer Program, I have the sdk, but im wondering if the program comes with programming lessons or tutorials,
If it doesnt do any of you know where i can learn to make game with opengl es for the iphone/ipod touch??
So my main question is where can i get some good tutorials on programming games/apps for the iphone and ipod touch, and does the Iphone Developer Program come with good lessons on how to program?
Thank You
Paying the $99 does not give you any additional content or lessons. You already have access to the Apple-supplied sample code. The SDK only provides the ability to test your application on actual hardware, and it allows you to submit applications to the App Store.
The best place to go for beginning tutorials is the Stanford CS193P course which is available online through iTunesU. I would download all this content soon, as it is not guaranteed to be available when the next term starts.
Other than that, I would Google the exact terms that you had in your question: "Open GL ES" "iPhone" "cocoa touch tutorial" There's a ton of content available.
To the resources available with iPhone Dev Package: Yes, there are many resources availible to you as a developer.
There are so many developer tutorials on the net, I think that stanford even released the lessons as videos for free in itunes.
Of course, it depends why you are getting into it. Apple just released facts that there are 100,000 developers, with >60,000 apps in the store. If you are doing it for fun, or to learn something new, then great. If you want to get rich creating fart apps, your time has passed.
There is lots of book available for iPhone development program.

Add media from iphone (outside of iPod library) into iTunes

Is there a way for my iPhone app to add media (mp3s) not in its iPod library to iTunes once the user plugs/syncs to a desktop such that the media will get sync'd back into the iPhone's iPod library?
I know the question is rather general, but if it is indeed possible, can anyone nudge me in the right direction?
Who wants to write a sync app for mac and windows? Try serving a bonjour discoverable upload page from the iPhone. I got cocoahttpserver up and running in a few minutes.
No, it's not possible to do this using anything provided by the iPhone SDK. The only way to do something similar would be to store the media in your iPhone application's local storage, write an OS X application that discovered your iPhone via Bonjour, synced the content via WIFI, and then added it to iTunes.
Take a look at "Things" (an iPhone todo list application) if you'd like to see an example with sync-to-desktop functionality.
there is a way, i've done it through an app and it wasn't complicated. sadly I forgot and am currently looking for where I found the answer and thats how I stumbled upon this.

iPhone app that access the Core Location framework over web

I was wondering if I could access the iPhones Core Location framework over a website?
My goal is to build a webapp/website that the iPhone would browse to, then upload its current GPS location. This would be a simple site primary for friends/family so we could locate each other. I can have them manually enter lng/lat but its not the easiest thing to find. If the iPhone could display or upload this automatically it would be great.
I don't own a Mac yet (waiting for the new Mac Book Pro) but would like something a little more automatic right now. Once I have the mac I could download the SDK and build a better version later. For now a webapp version would be great if possible. Thanks.
Why not simply use W3C GeoLocation API available in mobile Safari? This will work on ipod touch as well (suburb precision).
It's literally 10 lines of code and the javascript will work without change on Firefox 3.5. Far easier than scrape some third party website.
iPhone App store
While this may not directly answer your question, there are quite a few iPhone apps that already do this kind of thing with GPS. Instamapper is the first one I pulled up from the app store, but I'm sure you could find something to fit your needs.
I'm pretty sure you can't do what you want directly.
The best idea I can come up with is to "reuse" an iPhone app that records location and makes it accessible on the web. Take Twitter for example. If I'm not mistaken, Tapulous' app Twinkle will grab your location and post it to your user profile. Here's an example of what that looks like:
From your webapp, you could then scrape the user page for each person whose location you're interested in. It's a pain in the butt, but like I said, this is the best I could come up with.
Again, if you don't want to mess with Twitter, there may be other apps out there that do this as well, but I don't personally know of any. Good luck.
We built a really thin iphone client app that simply calls a predefined .js file on our site. Works like a charm.
See for the project.