Switching Views - iphone

I have two XIb files and I need to switch between them with the swipe of a finger, like the native iphone weather app. does anyone know how to do this. please give some sample code if possible. thank you. P.S I am programming in Objective-C.

Why don't you check following sample source?
07e - FlipViewSwipe in C02 - Views.zip


cocos2d CCTableView example

I am currently in the middle of developing a card game using cocos2d. I will need to add a tableview (CCtableview) containing the image of the card and the corresponding statistics of them. Examples on the internet are proving to be scarce - does anyone have a good example i can follow? Any help would be much appreciated - many thanks
Take a look at this implementation, it uses a standard table view.
probably not the cleanest solution but cctableview had a number of bugs and so i just wrote my own implementation

CoverFlow effect same with H&M app

Anyone know any sample code which make CoverFlow effect same with H&M app, please tell me, many thank. (H&M app here)
Bellow is H&M app snapshot:
Have a look to this question, you might find what you're looking for : Open source CoverFlow library for iPhone
This worked for me. You might need to modify code if you want to run it to iPad.

iPhone grouped UITableView

Hi I'm new in iPhone programming, I'm looking for someone who can give me a tutorial on how to create a grouped TableView style please, if you can post an example with the .h and .m files, that will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can just set it up as you would a regular tableView. If you are using Interface Builder, you can change the style there. Or if you are creating it programmatically, you can set initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped, which gives you the desired look.
Here is a good tutorial to help you get started if you are unfamiliar with creating a tableView in general
There is a simple example on the Apple Developer Site called TheElements which shows how to set the different styles.
If you are new to iOS I strongly suggest you check out the stanford course Developing Apps for iOS. Section 10 talks about TableView.

iPhone - Image selection similar to Music Album in iPhone

I am new in iPhone programming. I want to create a puzzle game and I would really like to implement and image selection screen similar to the way you select a Music Album in iPhone iPod.
I can't upload a picture, but I will send you a link if my description is not detailed enough.
I don't know what to search for details. Can you give me a hint if it is even possible to implement it?
Thank you a lot,
Refer to this, it is much easier one.
That's called Cover Flow and there's an open source library that does something similar here.
Alternatively, Apple has a built-in UIImagePicker.

iPhone settings screen

I want to design a screen like settings screen. Like in grouped uitableview I want to place the controls.
Can any one please provide me any application sample or code ?
Thanks in advance.
The open source InAppSettingsKit will let you do this easily.
Take a look at Apple's TableViewSuite and their other sample projects.