iPhone grouped UITableView - iphone

Hi I'm new in iPhone programming, I'm looking for someone who can give me a tutorial on how to create a grouped TableView style please, if you can post an example with the .h and .m files, that will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

You can just set it up as you would a regular tableView. If you are using Interface Builder, you can change the style there. Or if you are creating it programmatically, you can set initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped, which gives you the desired look.
Here is a good tutorial to help you get started if you are unfamiliar with creating a tableView in general

There is a simple example on the Apple Developer Site called TheElements which shows how to set the different styles.

If you are new to iOS I strongly suggest you check out the stanford course Developing Apps for iOS. Section 10 talks about TableView.


How to create tabs dynamically in Objective C

I am trying to implement the following kind of tabs into my Application. I have first tried it with creating buttons. So can anyone guide me how to create this kind of interface ?
I want to clarify that this are the groups & it will be dynamically created & it can be in any number.
Any suggestions & references will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I've been implementing pretty much exactly what you are asking in an app im working on, i've uploaded the source files here. its pretty much plug-and-play, just make a TabView where you want your tabs and hook up the delegate methods. can swap out all the images with your own (my tabs were underneath something and not on top so they will look upside down initially for you).
Dont really have time to explain the inner workings of it all, but if you play around with the code im sure you will manage to customise it how you want. otherwise, just learn from it and implement your own.
edit: oh and there is some code that changes how the tabs look depending if iOS 7 or not, you will get an error when first importing it because i have a variable in my appDelegate isIOS7 which you can either implement in your app, or just take out all the relevant iOS 7 checks in the code

navigation in UITableView in monotouch iPhone

i am new to iPad developer,
i have created two or three iPad application in objective c using Xcode 4.
but now i want to create iPad application using Monodeveloper tool in C# language...
in which, i want to do navigation,
when user selects any row of UITableVIew, on selection of row of tableView i want to navigate to a new Page..
i searched in google but i didn't got any syntax.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks In Advance !!
Using UITableView should be fairly identical to your previous ObjectiveC applications, i.e. you need to override the selected method and push your new view.
However there's a much simpler way of doing tables using MonoTouch, it's called MonoTouch.Dialog and it is now bundled with MonoTouch 5.2 (and more recent) releases.
There's a very complete sample application on github that will show you how to use most features and a great video tutorial from Xamarin's Seminars.

Iphone - grid of pictures using scroll view and ad UIImageViews to it

Can someone give me one source file working ?
Alternatively you can look at my AQGridView, which can display anything in a grid, using an API similar to that of UITableView.
You might want to take a look at Facebook's Three20, specifically their TTPhotoViewController class.
Update: Other options (possibly more modular and easier to integrate in your project):
http://github.com/alanQuatermain/AQGridView (as suggested by Jim)

iphone, tableView and appStore application

I want to create an application excacly like appStore.
A nice table (I have the source code from apple using custom table cell)
But my main problem is that I cannot find a nice tutorial or a guide on how to make the product detail page.
I want to have a label at the top then a text and after that I want to have the images.
I notice that in appStore when you reach the images it locks there for a while!
How can I do that???
I tried using a UIScrollView but I believe this is not the case.
I am thinking using tableView again with custom cells but again I am not sure.
Any ideas? or any good working example? or tutorial?
thanks for your time :)
start from here:
Which will teach you basic table design skills and how to create custom cells with images on the left.
Then if you would like to learn how to create a tab bar application an be able to have a navigation controller at the top then you can follow this descriptive tutorial step by step to achieve this.
What do you get after following these two tutorials?
the appStore application, well not exactly but you will get your own version.
EDIT: Added Details page how to achieve appStore like UIScrollView effect.
follow this brilliant video tutorial.
Have fun

Switching Views

I have two XIb files and I need to switch between them with the swipe of a finger, like the native iphone weather app. does anyone know how to do this. please give some sample code if possible. thank you. P.S I am programming in Objective-C.
Why don't you check following sample source?
07e - FlipViewSwipe in C02 - Views.zip