iPhone - Image selection similar to Music Album in iPhone - iphone

I am new in iPhone programming. I want to create a puzzle game and I would really like to implement and image selection screen similar to the way you select a Music Album in iPhone iPod.
I can't upload a picture, but I will send you a link if my description is not detailed enough.
I don't know what to search for details. Can you give me a hint if it is even possible to implement it?
Thank you a lot,

Refer to this, it is much easier one.

That's called Cover Flow and there's an open source library that does something similar here.

Alternatively, Apple has a built-in UIImagePicker.


Panoramic view creation from iphone

I have a iPhone app requirement to create a 3D panaromic view. Users can take photos from their phone and convert it to panoramic view.
what is the good way to do this ? any libraries available for this?
Help is highly appreciable,
Use PanoramaGL Library.Its very good library and very easy to integrate.
You can find it on,

iPhone: iPhoto like tile view for image browsing

In an iPhone application I want to create an UI that just look like iPhoto application where photos will be loaded like iPhoto's tile view.
I am planning to use UITableView To achieve this.
How can I manage showing random sizes images just like iPhoto app shows in there gallery view?
Any library which will help to achieve it? Can you please provide code sample url's?
Shiv you can try AQGridView that may help you to achieve what you are looking for.
You can also wait for IOS 6 and see photo tools.
check out http://three20.info/ as well and may help you. Probably you may have hit iPhone show photos/images sliding (like photo library and Facebook app)? link. but be sure to check this link.
Hope this many things would help you; I tried to give answer in noon but it take me late and it's evening now.

how to rename the images taken from camera through our app?

I want to know how the iphone take the picture from camera through xcode?
and how it is stored ?,How to rename it? And how to delete it after our work completion?
please tell me the details about the UIPickerView also...
Thank You,
You can use UIImagePickerController to take picture from camera. You can refer
You can get an UIImage from the imagepicker which u can use according to your needs
#Anand for your camera issue take help from the 7KV7 suggest link that is the best one from the apples developer document
Take image from camera and then do it what you want to do with that image.
As far as UIPickerView is concerned refer UIPickerView and also have a look at iPhone SDK Tutorial
For pickerview you have to call different delegate methods and those methods are mentioned in the tutorial i had shared you above.

Creating an animation of an app's screenshots?

I am creating a how-to animation of an iphone app. I have got all the screenshots of the app. Wondering what the best tool is to create a short video/animation of these jpgs in your opinion?
Hey, if you go to my site where i've showcased my app, you can see the full source code there - it was just a simple jQuery slideshow inside an iPhone 4 png :)
Please update the post with the source code as the link no longer works.
Essentially, it's like benhowdle89 said. You can take any jQuery slideshow, adjust the image dimensions to the area inside your iPhone 4 .png, and you're pretty much done.

how to create a cover flow menu like ipod app when turn in landscape mode?

As per title, how to create such cover flow menu? Have any reference code or tutorial talk about this?
When you install Xcode, look in
to find an example coverflow app. I hope this helps you.
Plausible Labs has a licensable implementation of a CoverFlow-like UI here.
This is open source project base on opengles. hope this can help