How to put public comment blog using facebook in iphone application? - iphone

I am a new in a iphone application development i have a required to publish a wall using a facebook connectivity so that user can write a comment on that wall so how to provide this kind of functionality.

You should look at facebook's API:
Not really sure what you are looking for and what framework you're using but you might be interested in looking at this


share on facebook photo api new IOS
I found this tutorial to share photos on the facebook wall is perfect however if I change the ID of the facebook api, putting my ID instead of using the MyGrades it does not work, because the Facebook SDK has been updated and is no longer compatible.
I get the following message: "Sorry, the application you are using is Facebook integration is misconfigured ......"
've researched about the solution would be to update the facebook api.
anyone have a suggestion that works exactly like this example but with the current api?
With ios6, apple as introduced a number of their own sharing tools in the Social framework. I'd suggest that you look into SLComposeViewController. There is a good explanation of it in this question

Sharing image on facebook and twitter from QtQuick application

I have a nokia Qt application (QtQuick QML App) that should share an image on facebook and twitter . is there is any way to do that ?
Simple answer, yes.
Long answer, yes. You'll need to decide how you want to post it but both Facebook and Twitter have exposed APIs for uploading images to their services, or you can post it off to an image hosting service like YFrog or TwitPic then use the returned URL with the Facebook & Twitter APIs to share the link.
I'm not sure on Facebook but there's definitely a Twitter Qt library that'll play nice, I'd assume there's one for Facebook but I've never had need to look into one.
Edit: here's the Qt Twitter lib I've looked at before, had to dig into my GitHub bookmarks
you can do actions on Facebook as well as described on Facebook Graph
that api can be used by javascript QML

Post picture to Facebook from iPhone/iPad app

I have developed an app for the iPad and iPhone that uses the camera to take a picture
Can someone tell me the easiest way to publish that to a users Facebook page?
Do I need to use the Facebook api's? I am not writing a Facebook app, just want to post the picture on the users wall.
Would not make sense not to use FB API. There might be some other API that uses FB API itself but not sure about that..
I found a similar question:
Hope that helps!

Facebook ,twitter and Linkedin integration with Full Functionality in iphone

I have experience of integration of facebook and twitter api. But Its just feed post.
I want full Facebook application which shows friends list their messages and events.
And i want same thing for twitter and linkedin.
If any body have idea or code for this please give me link or post that.
the API for Linkedin You can refer this :
You can use UIWebView to load twitter and facebook. It will let you exploit the entire functionality offered by these two Social networking sites. Though It's not impossible to build an application the way you want it to be but using webview will save your time as well as efforts. Since you are already aware of the FB and twitter integration so I am sure you are already aware as to what all we can do from iPhone application..viz.. Setting Status, reading POSTS etc.. I am not quite sure about Linkedin.. Just in case if you come across any solution for this let me also know about that.

Facebook graph api with 'NATIVE' (no PHP) iPhone application

I want to use the Facebook Graph API in a NATIVE iPhone Application. I need help to POST images/message on facebook.
I know of these two resources on the net but they do not provide any help with posting on the user's feed.
Facebook's new iOS documentation should help point you in the right direction. See the iOS Scrumptious tutorial which walks you through the basics.