Post picture to Facebook from iPhone/iPad app - iphone

I have developed an app for the iPad and iPhone that uses the camera to take a picture
Can someone tell me the easiest way to publish that to a users Facebook page?
Do I need to use the Facebook api's? I am not writing a Facebook app, just want to post the picture on the users wall.

Would not make sense not to use FB API. There might be some other API that uses FB API itself but not sure about that..
I found a similar question:
Hope that helps!


how to display profile pic for facebook using sharekit, iphone

I need to publish users profile pic that is available in facebook in my iphone app.
Can you guys please suggest how to make this done using sharekit.
I don't think ShareKit is made for that purpose. The idea is to enable sharing on multiple platforms. For getting the profile pic, you will need to use Facebook's official iOS SDK.
The relevant graph API would be:
There is no graph API for updating the profile picture. You can only retrieve it. However, it is possible to update it, check out this app.
The general approach would be to do a straight up POST to Facebook with the image and the crop dimensions for the final profile picture. However, since that isn't an API-based approach - your code will be brittle.
Sharekit is not the way to go for Facebook profile pictures, but you CAN update a Twitter profile picture with it.

Facebook ,twitter and Linkedin integration with Full Functionality in iphone

I have experience of integration of facebook and twitter api. But Its just feed post.
I want full Facebook application which shows friends list their messages and events.
And i want same thing for twitter and linkedin.
If any body have idea or code for this please give me link or post that.
the API for Linkedin You can refer this :
You can use UIWebView to load twitter and facebook. It will let you exploit the entire functionality offered by these two Social networking sites. Though It's not impossible to build an application the way you want it to be but using webview will save your time as well as efforts. Since you are already aware of the FB and twitter integration so I am sure you are already aware as to what all we can do from iPhone application..viz.. Setting Status, reading POSTS etc.. I am not quite sure about Linkedin.. Just in case if you come across any solution for this let me also know about that.

Uploading pictures to Facebook from iphone app

I'm currently using facebook to post text in the user's wall. I'm wondering if it's possible to post pictures, such as screenshots from my app for example, in the posts, because someone explained me that currently it's only possible to attach pictures from an URL to the post, and not any picture from the iphone.
It's also possible to upload pictures to the user's facebook album ?
I don't for sure how to do it, but the Facebook SDK Api would probably support what you want.
The opensource ShareKit framework -
Does this successfully and easily - You can publish a photo to your wall, and it is added to an album as well.
Great stuff...:)

Publish picture to Facebook from my iphone app

Who can explain step by stem how to publish on the Facebook user account pictures and albums from my iPhone app?
I know about FB iPhone sdk, but cannot understand the whole process.
1. Should I register application on the FB?
2. Can I publish my local pics, or must use links on the previously published pics on hosts like
Yes, implementing FB iPhone SDK for the first time is subject for a book...
Have you seen this video?
It's a little outdated, but it was a good help for me to begin understanding the whole process...
As for question 2., I believe you can upload and publish the picture to FB user account, if you request the appropriate permissions.
You can also try ShareKit:
It makes things real easy :)

Iphone and Facebook Connect?

Does anybody know if you can actually pull done messages/comments from facebook into an iPhone app? Every app I see in the app store allows you to post to facebook. I have an app idea that includes actually seeing your friends messages and wanted to see if the SO community has seen anything like this before or if you are able to do this.
Yes, you should be able to do this; FBConnect lets you call all of the Facebook APIs, so you'd want to look at or I haven't done anything with comments directly, but I do have an app that retrieves lists of friends, photo albums, and photos on the iPhone using FBConnect so I think this would be very similar, and it wasn't that hard to do.