Basic route information with Cloudmade - iphone

I am trying to use CloudMade's route-me service in my application. All I need from the service is driving distance between two locations, I don't want to display it in a map.
There doesn't seem to be any tutorial in CloudMade's website that handles this. I mailed to the support address they have provided. Nothing back from them so far. Any help from people who done this before would be highly appreciated.

I lost hope with this one, and asked for an alternate option, and found a good solution with CloudMade after all.
Calculating driving distance in iPhone


how to create openstreetmap offline ios map

Dose anyone have any good tutorials or suggestions on how to create an offline map app of a specific area, using the openstreetmaps or something similar? This topic is so hard to find anything out about t I was hoping someone here might have an idea or has tried it before.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but check out MapBox, which has offline map support.

Nice Core-Plot implementations OSX

I am using Core Plot for a little App I am programming at the moment and I was wondering if there are any good looking examples or resources. With good looking I don't mean the google docs Example App ;)
Core Plot includes a number of example apps that demonstrate various features. There is also wiki page on the Core Plot site with links to many apps that use it.
I am not sure that what are you looking for as you have not cleared your question. But i am telling you this link: which certainly will help you.

Looking for generic guide on using GPS with my own created maps - iOS

I have created my own maps of US states that I want to use in my app. I would like to use GPS to reference the user's position as well as various locations I have entered into my database.
Does anyone know of any guides for doing this? My main issue is in converting the known points on my map to something my app can understand and reference.
If you are new to this subject, the wikipedia article on map projection is really good and could provide a starting point:

Service development framework solutions for Windows Phone 7

I've been trying to get Thrift to work with WP7, but has put it on hold preliminary.
I'm now looking for other solutions to this and would like to get some feedback on which solution to choose, if any.
Any suggestions is much appreciated, so don't hesitate :)
You might need to hive us a little more detail. Like a link to Thrift would be helpful. Not sure what you are trying to do.
I bing "Thrift" and get a bunch of things (one of which appears to be a commercial service/web site). I bing "thrift api" and get references to an Apache project.
Help us to help you.

Using Route-Me to as Mapping Alternative

I would like to user route-me in a mapping application because I need to support disconnected use 90% of the time.
I have looked at their tutorials, but I am looking for how to download tiles and store them on my device so the application works with no network connectivity at all.
If I missed a similar question in stackoverflow, I apologize in advance.
You'll want to use RMMBTilesTileSource
Check out this example from the folks over at mapbox (also they have a great tool for creating mbtile [sqlite] db's too)