Service development framework solutions for Windows Phone 7 - frameworks

I've been trying to get Thrift to work with WP7, but has put it on hold preliminary.
I'm now looking for other solutions to this and would like to get some feedback on which solution to choose, if any.
Any suggestions is much appreciated, so don't hesitate :)

You might need to hive us a little more detail. Like a link to Thrift would be helpful. Not sure what you are trying to do.
I bing "Thrift" and get a bunch of things (one of which appears to be a commercial service/web site). I bing "thrift api" and get references to an Apache project.
Help us to help you.


How to create a controller and display in browser in zend?

i am new in zend framework. Please help me to create controller and how navigate in browser.
Not the best question, because it shows you haven't searched much. Let's search together:
StackOverflow again
StackOverflow 3
So either search better or please try to explain your need with more details and show what you have already done.
Yeah, this is pretty vague.
I'm assuming that you have some experience with computers, computer programming, the Linux operating system, and developing for the web. Object oriented programming principles, as well as some awareness of php itself are also going to be very helpful.
Do you have an environment to work from? A webserver that's capable of running php? You'll need that, as a bare minimum first. Luckily we live in the days when it's easy to set up virtual environments for that. Try puphpet. It's awesome. While you're at it, make sure you get MySQL, as you'll need it for many of the tutorials provided by Zend (and others).
Have you downloaded the framework?
If you use the zf tool to create a project, as described in the link below, you'll have a basic application that includes a Controller and that you should be able to browse to.
That should be enough to get you going.

Support for NeuronDotNet3.0

I wondered if any of you know, if there is support for NeuronDotNet 3.0. The website is down, and I am looking for more example Files or instructions how to properly use the library.
Do you guys have any ideas? I would be greatly appreciate them.
I recall there being a message on the site stating that the project had been discontinued. If you are looking for a .Net neural network API you might condier.
Disclaimer: I am one of the lead developers for Encog.

What are the factors to bear in mind when choosing framework?

I am currently trying to make use of a object recognition project named object recognition kitchen. This project is built on top of ecto which is a lightweight hybrid C++/Python framework for organizing computations as directed acyclic graphs.
I don't have any experience of developing projects on top of frameworks(I also don't know how to efficiently find useful frameworks). And I am wondering what is the main concerns to bear in mind when choosing the framework for projects.
There's a similar question,but my confusion is not solved by the answers.
Any comments or thoughts are welcomed.Thanks in advance:)
I'm a php web developer and when I was looking for some fw to work with and thus make easy me working I always looked for this.
Easy to learn.
Full docs and tutorials.
Great community either in its forums or elsewhere.
free. XD. many people use free stuff around the world. so there are many people who can help you.
3rd and 4th points can be summarized as very popular.
And the most important: make test about how easy could be develop some task in each of your chosen fw.
Hope this could help you.

SOAP guidance with IOS 5

I'm a starter in Objective-C and IOS programming, and I'd like to have some recent guidance on how to use SOAP with IOS 5. I saw some tutorials online, but they are quite old (over a year old), and I don't really know if there are some more recent ways to deal with the SOAP webservices.
If anyone could give me some guidance / links about that, I'd be very pleased :)
Thanks !
If you really need to use SOAP I suggest you to try SudzC, you've to pass the wsdl to the service and this returns you a folder that contains the sample demo project with all the methods to call the webservice. In the folder you'll find also the documentation of your poject in html. You can also see the implementation file, so you could adapt some functionality based on your requirements. For me this service was very helpful.
There are also other projects similar to SudzC, like wdsl2objc, but i didn't use this yet.

Using Soap Web Services in iPhone with wsdl2objc?

I do realize this is a duplicate question, however the only other question is quite old, so I would like to know if anyone has had any recent experience with the latest version of wsdl2objc.
I am doing an application that will communicate with SOAP Web services exposed by a third party application (it only exposes them this way unfortunately). As far as I understand all wsdl2objc does is convert the WSDL to something useful in objective C code. I have also done the tutorial icodeblog intro to soap
So has anyone used the latest version of wsdl2objc?, what is your experience with it?, did you run into any problems with it?. Please let me know. Also some code sample would be really great.
Any information available on using SOAP Web Services with iPhone would be appreciated. Thank you.
My most recent experiences with wsdl2objc is that it's on the right road, but not really there yet. It's definitely the kind of program you'd want. It just may or may not be able to handle the WSDLs you actually have.
Short answer: try it and see if it works for your WSDLs. If it does, hooray. If it doesn't, you have two options. For reasonably simple WSDLs, write the SOAP by hand. This often is actually the easiest approach. If the WSDL is complex, then use gSOAP to get to C++ and then wrap the C++ in Objective-C++ (or use the -c option to gSOAP and wrap the resulting C, whichever you're more comfortable with).
I think this gives a good example of how to configure your environment (for noobs like me)
The official wiki for wsdl2objc (linked in the article) has a code snippet which gives you the basics.