Using Route-Me to as Mapping Alternative - iphone

I would like to user route-me in a mapping application because I need to support disconnected use 90% of the time.
I have looked at their tutorials, but I am looking for how to download tiles and store them on my device so the application works with no network connectivity at all.
If I missed a similar question in stackoverflow, I apologize in advance.

You'll want to use RMMBTilesTileSource
Check out this example from the folks over at mapbox (also they have a great tool for creating mbtile [sqlite] db's too)


data persistence on remote server

I'm trying to understand some basic things. I'm a php programmer and I'm interested in flutter. If anyone can answer, I would really appreciate it...
I use mysql in my projects, which are on hostgator. I heard that sqlite is only for local storage and in my case the entire web project will be hosted on the remote server. Can I use sqlite to save my customers' data? Or is there something native better? A big concern of mine!
Is flutter mature enough for robust commercial applications?
Does the documentation indicate when something applies to an earlier version? Or is the information all mixed up and it's up to the programmer to identify when something is only valid for versions prior to flutter 3?
thank you for any guidance
You can use Sqlite, but I would recommend Firestore/Firebase for stuff like that. It's very easy to implement it and they have great solutions for many thigs.
Yes it is! Many commercial applications are running on flutter now. For example the Google Ads app is built with flutter.
I don't really know for sure, but I know that the one time I had a problem with it, it was declared.
I'd prefer saving user's data on the cloud. I personally like Google's firebase which helps with authentication and storage using RealTime Database. It's pretty easy to sync your user's data into the DB and even stores data using cache in case the user is offline and syncs to DB once device is online. You can find more about firebase and their products here.
Flutter is a really great framework to get your apps done for multiple platforms at once, thanks to its cross platform compatibility! If you don't want to spend time creating app for multiple devices, flutter's the way to go. I personally think flutter web is yet to grow, but it will overtime, afterall, it's opensource framework by Google. I'd suggest this idea 8.5/10
Flutter docs are pretty well written and an beginner could get through it with some video examples (included in documentation) as well. In case something you want to use isn't supported in newer version of flutter, the text editor will show a line over the code meaning that it is deprecated and wouldn't be supported. There's always an alternative, which you could find using flutter docs or YouTube. Flutter docs are optimised for beginners 9/10
Ad 1. There is the official package repository for Dart and Flutter. You can find many interesting packages there. They give you possibilities that the native Flutter doesn't give.
For example mysql1- driver for MySQL and MariaDB.

Image/scene recognition

Hi guys I'm looking for a solution to that enable a user compare a image to a previously store image. For example, i take a picture on my iPhone of a chair and then it will compare to a locally store image, if the similarity is reasonable then it confirms the image and calls another action.
Most solutions I've been able to find require cloud processing on third party servers(Visioniq, moodstocks, kooaba etc). Is this because the iPhone doesn't have sufficient processing power to complete this task?
A small reference library will be stored on the device and referenced when needed.
Users will be able to index their own pictures for recognition.
Is there any such solution that anyone has heard of? My searches have only shown cloud solutions from the above mentioned BaaS providers.
Any help will be much appreciated.
Try using OpenCV library in iOS
You can try using FlannBasedMatcher to match images. Documentation and code is available here You can see "Feature Matching FLANN" here.

Nice Core-Plot implementations OSX

I am using Core Plot for a little App I am programming at the moment and I was wondering if there are any good looking examples or resources. With good looking I don't mean the google docs Example App ;)
Core Plot includes a number of example apps that demonstrate various features. There is also wiki page on the Core Plot site with links to many apps that use it.
I am not sure that what are you looking for as you have not cleared your question. But i am telling you this link: which certainly will help you.

Cached/offline maps for iPhone?

I'd like to use use maps in my application, so that there will be as less as possible traffic. Perfect solution would be caching of map slices. I know it's not possible with google maps (license). I took a look on OpenStreetMaps and it seems as good solution. The next: SDK. The only one I've found is from CloudMade. The problem is, I found no related API methods for caching/offline calls.
Are there any alternative solutions?
You might find more information on the Route-Me project Wiki.

Basic route information with Cloudmade

I am trying to use CloudMade's route-me service in my application. All I need from the service is driving distance between two locations, I don't want to display it in a map.
There doesn't seem to be any tutorial in CloudMade's website that handles this. I mailed to the support address they have provided. Nothing back from them so far. Any help from people who done this before would be highly appreciated.
I lost hope with this one, and asked for an alternate option, and found a good solution with CloudMade after all.
Calculating driving distance in iPhone