Platform for develop on multi OS-Phone [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want develop on Android and iPhone...
How Platform can i use?

Phonegap and Titanium Appcelerator both provide platforms where you can develop for both Android and iPhone in the same application without using different languages, just using one JavaScript API.
Native iPhone apps are written in Objective-C and Android's in Java. You can use either of the JS alternatives mentioned earlier, on any platform: unix, or microsoft.
Should you want to build a native iPhone app, people tend to use xcode on OSX.

An intel based Mac,
You need a mac to develop iPone apps, no other choice unless you want to target jail broken phones
The Mac is also supported development
environment for android

It depends on what you mean by platform. You will need at least a Mac Mini (Intel Mac) to develop for the iPhone if you're asking about hardware requirements.
Mono/C# + MonoDevelop fits the bill software wise for writing the code once and (with tweaks) getting it to work on multiple platforms. See this related response.


Is objective C mandatory for creating an iphone app? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Is it mandatory for a developer to be well versed with Objective-C if planning to develop a simple app for iphone?
There are a number of non Objective-C solutions, but they're clunky as heck and users can sense pretty quickly that these apps aren't necessarily optimized for iOS.
Still, people use them.
E.G. Xamarin (e.g. MonoTouch), Titanium, Sencha, good ol' PhoneGap, etc.
It's not mandatory because App Store Review Guidelines doesn't say you have to use iOS SDK to make App Store apps.
Meanwhile, there's also an application called AppStudio that lets you develop iOS and Android apps. Just as Mr. Dautemann says, I wouldn't use it. Developing iOS apps with it is like developing Mac applications with REAL Studio, which is bug-infested and is never ready for the Cocoa-build.
I think Titanium Appcelerator is the best option to program in ios development, you can coding in titanium just like JavaScript. And this code will be compile to objective c code, means you are just using native control of cocoa framework. And of the benefit is you can simply port this code to Android also.
There are many solutions if you don't want to learn Objective-c. You can use any cross platform like PhoneGap, Sencha as Michael Dautermann said.
But I will tell you little difference. If you want to develop iOS application Sencha Touch Framework is Excellent Framework. It provides structruing of the web app and many more.But you need to learn their language too.
If you go for PhoneGap you just require HTML,CSS and Javascript. Its very easy, but disadvantage of the phonegap is that your app will not be be as smooth native application. It's kind of Hybrid Web Application.
Moral: This tools are useful if you want to develop application for all the platform but if you want to develop application for iOS only, then go for Objective-c. Its much better.

Iphone 3g Sample Application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm an android developer.. My brother has received one old iphone 3g and I want to create a sample application for this device.
I have an imac 21" with OSX 10.5.1... What i need to make an application from my mac? thanks boys!
To develop iPhone application, you need Mac OS X computer running the Xcode tool and developer having sound knowledge of Objective C. Xcode is Apple’s suite of development toos that provide support for project management, source level debugging, code editing, code building, performance tuning etc.
Xcode : Xcode is an integrated development environment (IDE) that provides all of the tools you need to create and manage your iPhone projects and source files, build your code into an executable, and run and debug your code either in iPhone simulator or on a device.
Instruments: Instrument will require ensuring that you delivering the best user experience and lets you analyze the performance of your iphone application while running on device. Instrument will help you to gathers data from your running application and present that data in a graphical display called timeline.
Interface Builder: Interface Builder is the tool you use to assemble your application’s user interface visually. Using Interface Builder, you assemble your application’s window by dragging and dropping pre-configured components onto it.
Ok I got the link but you need one appleid to download it the link is this
and you can get one id free at here

iPhone prototyping tools [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
could anyone suggest some good (either free or commercial, web-based or desktop) iPhone / iPad apps prototyping tool?
I'm interested in creating app mockups aimed to both supporting design + development and displaying app stubs in business plans.
Try these Links,
Hope this Helps!
If you have Xcode 4.2 try the built-in storyboarding tool.
Storyboard documentation
If you have an iPad, check out AppCooker. I've been using it recently and it is brilliant!
The one I use is AppCooker. It runs only on the iPad but is fun to use and you can run the prototype right away.
The simpliest you can use is MS PowerPoint but it is very low fidelity. There is also Sketch Flow from Microsoft that goes along with MS Expression Blend.
I made few tools for mobile wireframing - iPhone Wireframe Kit - Google Docs (free) and Photoshop Wireframing Kit (commercial) I hope this tools can help you.

Mobile App Development Tool for Web Developers/Designers [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am a web developer and thus I code in xhtml, css, php, sql databases, etc. I want to create an app for a few sites which interact with my website. However, I have absolutely no knowledge of software programming (ie: C) and don't own a mac.
I have come across which appears to allow people like me to create these apps without any further know-how with software programming.
Before I jump in and start using there solution, I was wondering if anyone else knew any other development tools which might help be develop iphone, ipad and android apps?
It's key that I can access some way to upload files from the device.
there are many other frameworks
like appcelerator
but phonegap is best one I had found yet
, you can go with it, because,
supports many device. I had use it for android, iPhone and now I'm using for BB too.
you can write the HTML/CSS code as you like or choose any framework like jQueryMobile, sencha, jQtouch etc, which you cannot in appcelerator.
I suggest you to go with PhoneGap.
other thing, is for creating iPhone app, you need Apple computer (intel base) . it is necessary for any framework

Which IDE is best for iPhone development? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm going to develop an iPhone application.
Which IDE is the best, Eclipse or Netbeans?
Xcode is the IDE for iOS and Mac OS X development.
Use it, love it, live it.
Oh, and you can't use any other IDE to develop for these platforms.
The best IDE for iOS Development is still Apples XCode. You cannot use Eclipse or Netbeans.
I think you meant Android, not iPhone. For Android you can develop either in Eclipse or Netbeans, the most popular one being Eclipse.
If you find you do not like XCode, you could have a look at MonoTouch ( which allows you to write iPhone applications in C# instead of Objective C.
Note: Costs money, but might be worth it if you are on a tight schedule.