iPhone prototyping tools [closed] - iphone

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Closed 11 years ago.
could anyone suggest some good (either free or commercial, web-based or desktop) iPhone / iPad apps prototyping tool?
I'm interested in creating app mockups aimed to both supporting design + development and displaying app stubs in business plans.

Try these Links,
Hope this Helps!

If you have Xcode 4.2 try the built-in storyboarding tool.
Storyboard documentation

If you have an iPad, check out AppCooker. I've been using it recently and it is brilliant!

The one I use is AppCooker. It runs only on the iPad but is fun to use and you can run the prototype right away.
The simpliest you can use is MS PowerPoint but it is very low fidelity. There is also Sketch Flow from Microsoft that goes along with MS Expression Blend.

I made few tools for mobile wireframing - iPhone Wireframe Kit - Google Docs (free) http://www.vcarrer.com/2010/09/iphone-wireframe-kit-google-docs.html and Photoshop Wireframing Kit http://www.photoshopwireframingkit.com/ (commercial) I hope this tools can help you.


Are there any guides for design MetroUI-like interfaces for desktop apps like Zune or Metrotwit? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Of course, there is the UX Design Guidelines for Windows Phone, but it, obviously, miss tips for the window header design and behavior.
I suppose MS is not interested in Metro apps on classic desktop, but may be some one else (hello, Metrotwit team ;) ) wrote something interesting?
You could use the documentation of the Windows 8 Metro apps that is slowly appearing.
When looking at Zune etc. they decided to get rid of the standard chrome/borders and implemented their own.
The problem is that the desktop still requires a minimize/maximize, title while these do not exist on Metro.
My advise copy the ideas from Zune and others. I do not expect any official guidance on this soon.
Metro is also for Windows 8. Take a look at
8 traits of great Metro style apps
Designing Metro style apps

Airplay SDK, MoSync and others comparison [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Are there any experienced developers to make a comparison between these two SDKs?
What have better learning curve for beginners? Is the deployment for many platforms easy the same in both? Any others sugestions about difference unvisible in the first contact working with these SDKs?
I have not used MoSync, but I have made several games with Airplay SDK, for iPhone, Android, and bada. It's a very solid system with very good community support when you have questions. You need to know C (and a bit of C++ but mostly it's just C), but otherwise it's very easy to use. You can use a 3D API or a 2D API. They include lots of good examples. They have good profiling tools. It's great for people who like Visual Studio, with all the debugging advantages of that system. You can definitely make games for multiple platforms all from the comfort of your PC (or Mac, but I haven't tried the Mac version). I have a bit more about my experiences with it at www.immortalcode.com.

How can I start developing a simple APP on iphone? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
How can I start developing a simple APP on iphone??
Start with these previous answers on SO:
Getting started with iphone dev
How to articles for iphone dev
Best book/article to learn iphone dev
Buy a Mac, install XCode, then go to IPhone tutorial blogs to learn. That should be it.
In my experience you are better off reading a book than browsing blogs when starting to learn a new technology from scratch.
Therefore my recommendation would be to buy a Mac, install XCode, then buy a decent book on IPhone programming.
Consider making an web-app instead. It's 80 percent of the functionality of an real app with 20 percent the effort for anyone new to iOS.
If you want to learn iOS then buy a Mac, install xCode and go with the flow. Watch Stanfords CS193P course on iTunes and do the assignments as a start.

How to learn about iPhone jailbroken programming? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm interested in learning about what additional features and APIs an app has access to when an iPhone is jailbroken. Can someone provide me with some basic resources to learn about this? I would be most interested in:
documentation on the private APIs
filesystem layout
app configuration, e.g. how did WinterBoard replace SpringBoard? Apps that replace the lockscreen?
tools needed
Suggestions appreciated.
Very good question. I've personally spend quite a bit of time on trying to find documentation on the private APIs, and even though I'm pretty sure I've come across it some time ago, right now I can't really find it anymore. However, I do have some answers to your questions. Let me share what I have so far:
Filesystem layout
An old, but still mostly true guide on filesystem layout.
"Replacing" apps
I think most of the "hijacking" of original iPhone apps is based on catching and re-implementing objective-c messages through posing and comparable techniques. A good guide on this is available here. I'm note entirely sure that this is the mechanism at work though.
A toolchain for iphone dev is available on google code. See this guide for info on how to install it.
See this guide for info on how to use the default apple Xcode environment for development on a jailbroken phone.
This is the best thing I'v found on the subject so far :
Jailbroken Development : Starter Pack

Quickest route to get up to speed with iPhone development [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Am currently reading Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X by Hillegass just to get up to speed on Objective-C and the Development tools. What would be the next best step ?
Instructor led course ?
Online training?
Specific books ?
I can't ever learn a new development platform without a programming project.
I would pick a simple project that will touch on a bunch of different design and interface elements - and go to it...
My recommended approach, especially with iPhone development, is 'learning by doing'.
I'd say you should get your hands dirty with a simple app, like "Hello World".
Next step would be to improve on it, making a simple flashlight app (display a image). You'd then improve on it by adding some dynamic text, etc.
Recommended resources:
http://appsamuck.com/ - really simple apps you can code in less than an hour, explained in detail
iPhone Development books: "iPhone Developer's Cookbook" and "Beginning iPhone 3 Development" (get them on Amazon)
CS193P is an excellent resource with all the lectures and homeworks.
Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK is a nice book.
I would pay a cheap freelancer.com to help me out via a remote desktop method. There are out there people who are experienced and for some money they will teach you.