how can i get an offline version of the iphone development handbook? - iphone

how can i get an offline version of the iphone development handbook?

If you've already got XCode installed and running, from the menu bar go "XCode->Preferences" to open up the preferences window. All the way to the right is a tab marked "Documentation". In that window is a list of documentation, any thing you don't have locally will be grayed out, but will also have a "get" button next to it. Hit that for any set of documentation you don't have installed and it will download itself.
Once that's done go to "Help->Developer Documentation" and you've got access to the doc's offline.

I believe you can only download it online because of the constant changes being made. Sorry bud.

If you have the SDK/Xcode installed, the documentation set should live on your local drive. If you are looking for something like PDF or what ever, I have no help. There is an atom feed that is essentially a single post with an enclosure.

That's true, all the documentation lives within XCode for that version of the SDK.


Can one still install hololens 1st gen emulator?

Hi I was trying to install the hololens 1st gen emulator off of the official website but the download link doesn't work, I am wondering if it just me or is the download link actually broken? I tried with the microsoft archive for the previous releases for the emulators as well but none of the 1st gen ones work
The link:
We have reproduced this issue with some third-party browsers. The actual behavior is the browser pops up a new tab and closes immediately without any download task starts.
For now, it is recommended that you use the Edge browser, after checking it can work fine on this link. Or, the workaround for some third-party browsers is to right-click the emulator download link and select copy address link, then paste it into the address bar.

Unity license error on startup

i'm having an issue at launching unity.
I just install Unity, log-in via google and had that error.
Now, the bug appears with not even login in.
I tried to reinstall, remove registry and it stills happen with not even login in anymore.
There's the link where you can see the bucle it keeps doing.
As you can see it keeps refreshing the license screen like it's trying to load something.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
I finally found a way to fix this problem.
First of all you have to know that the issue was with the license, it didn't activate properly, so it just keeps trying to activate again and again, and that's where the bucle was.
To solve this, i follow some steps made by myself, that came from a lot of research and combining some tutorials for others problems.
The first problem was I log-in only once, the first time I installed. After that I was unable to login again even with reinstall and remove registry. So I couldn't stop the bucle.
To fix that you need to uninstall Unity, remove registry (Ccleaner for example) and remove some hidden directories manually:
C:\ProgramFiles\Unity or C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Unity
After removing all those files, you can have a clean install of unity, if you don't remove those, it will keeps login in on the same acc and keeping the bucle on.
So, after doing that the bucle will stop and it will let you login again. First problem solved
Now if you log-in the bucle will happen again, so we need to activate the license without login in. And we're doing it with the offline activation.
Unplug your ethernet, disconect from wifi, whatever, just make sure you don't have connection.
Open Unity and check that says "No connection: Quit or Manual Activation".
Click "Manual Activation" and download the License Request.
Close Unity and connect your internet.
Go to the official Unity Manual Activation Page and upload your Request File.
Download the aproved license, it will request you an Unity account.
Unplug again the internet and open Unity on offline mode.
Click "Manual Activation" and upload the Aproved License.
Make sure you have now access to Unity on offline mode and close it.
Second problem solved: License activated.
Now you only need to connect again your internet, then open Unity and you will see an activated license without login-in, so you can now log-in with the account you used on step 6.
And now the problem is solved. You have the activated license and you're logged-in.
It tooks me like "2 days" to make this solution for this poblem, hope i can help someone with this tuto and save ur time.
1- exit from unity
2- go to C:\ProgramData\Unity
3- remove Unity_lic.ulf
4- open unity
5- reactivate the license
and it work.
Just delete the unity_lic.ulf found in program data and open unity and it will works!
Ok, so what I did was extremely simple. I just selected the re-activate button I found on the right and then I followed the instructions or better, I answered the questions. I selected Unity Personal and since I don't work, I use it as a hobby I selected "I don't use Unity in a professional way". Then, I just pressed the button on the screen and then Unity worked perfectly fine.

How do I remove data that was installed as part of an iPhone App I'm devleoping?

I'm developing an iPhone application that's particularly large, and contains loads of videos. (Not my fault, it's on behalf of a client).
I tried to run it on my iPhone, via XCode, not remembering I didn't have enough space on there to copy all the vids over, it errored halfway through.
However, it seems that the couple of videos it did manage to copy are still on the phone, and I now have 0 space on my phone, according to settings.
So I guess my question is where on the phones filesystem will these be stored, so that I can delete them?
EDIT: As the App didn't sucessfully install, theres no icon on the home screen for it.
You can use iPhoneExplorer to explore/remove the files on your iPhone.
Have you tried the iPhone Configuration Utility?
If the app has somehow been half-installed so it has no icon, then it might still appear in this tool where you can remove it.
If you can see the app on the organizer, try this:
1.- In the devices organizer, select Applications in the device.
2.- Select an application from the list of installed applications.
3.- Click Delete, and confirm that you want to remove the application.
Figured it out, eventually found it in a folder called:

Developer Documentation in Xcode 3.2 - a step back or is my installation screwed?

I've upgraded to Snow Leopard and Xcode 3.2 but now I don't get the usual Developer Documentation any more. When I click on 'Developer Documentation' all I get is the Xcode QuickStart guide. No search field, no browsing the library, nothing. Only if I cmd+opt+shift (?) double click on e.g. NSString the API documentation of NSString comes up. But again, no search field, I can't browse the library etc.
I can't imagine that this is the normal behavior. I've already tried to deinstall Xcode and reinstall it again - same result.
Any idea of what might have gone wrong?
The "Home" button in the documentation window's toolbar (is your toolbar hidden, perhaps?) will list the documentation sets you have installed. You'll want to install them from the "Documentation" page of Xcode's preferences window, it's the last one.
Yes, this is slightly annoying that you have to take the extra step, and it's very nonobvious where the extra step is.
In 10.6, Xcode relies entirely on the web to retrieve developer docs rather than having a local copy. Have a look at this blog post; it tells how to grab the documentation files off of Apple's servers and make them available locally on your machine within Xcode.

Where is Xcode located on the hard drive?

I have looked everywhere but couldn't find it anywhere. I installed it successfully but I don't know where it is installed. Shouldn't it show up at the "start menu"?
I know how to use pc, but this is my new mac mini and I searched the web for tutorials and basic info which doesn't seem to be easily found.
Thank you.
Xcode and the rest of the Apple Developer tools get installed to /Developer
Simply open the Finder (Mac face in bottom left of the Dock) and Choose:
Macintosh HD/Developer/Applications/
Use Spotlight, and just type xcode. You will see it.
I think it installs somewhere under /Developer or something like that...
But you can always use Spotlight to find and start it:
Press Command-Key (the one next to Space with the funny sign) + Space and type xcode. Press enter and it should start.
You might also consider installing Quicksilver, LaunchBar, or Butler — all three are quick-launchers which allow you to press something like Ctrl-Space and type an abbreviation of the app name, so entering 'xc' will get you XCode.
It's the same as you're getting with Spotlight, but you can do other useful things that Spotlight doesn't make so easy: if you've entered an abbreviation for a document, for example, you can hit Tab and enter the abbreviation for the app you want to open it with.
Quicksilver and Butler are free; LaunchBar costs money. Butler has the best icon, IMHO :)
Unfortunately I can't give you direct links as my reputation's too low and I'm not allowed more than one — but you can find them all by searching at…