Where is Xcode located on the hard drive? - iphone

I have looked everywhere but couldn't find it anywhere. I installed it successfully but I don't know where it is installed. Shouldn't it show up at the "start menu"?
I know how to use pc, but this is my new mac mini and I searched the web for tutorials and basic info which doesn't seem to be easily found.
Thank you.

Xcode and the rest of the Apple Developer tools get installed to /Developer
Simply open the Finder (Mac face in bottom left of the Dock) and Choose:
Macintosh HD/Developer/Applications/Xcode.app

Use Spotlight, and just type xcode. You will see it.

I think it installs somewhere under /Developer or something like that...
But you can always use Spotlight to find and start it:
Press Command-Key (the one next to Space with the funny sign) + Space and type xcode. Press enter and it should start.

You might also consider installing Quicksilver, LaunchBar, or Butler — all three are quick-launchers which allow you to press something like Ctrl-Space and type an abbreviation of the app name, so entering 'xc' will get you XCode.
It's the same as you're getting with Spotlight, but you can do other useful things that Spotlight doesn't make so easy: if you've entered an abbreviation for a document, for example, you can hit Tab and enter the abbreviation for the app you want to open it with.
Quicksilver and Butler are free; LaunchBar costs money. Butler has the best icon, IMHO :)
Unfortunately I can't give you direct links as my reputation's too low and I'm not allowed more than one — but you can find them all by searching at http://macupdate.com…


Is there a shortcut to open the directory where Xcode installs apps on the simulator?

I thought I came across a menu item or a right-click command akin to "Open app bundle location in Finder" but I can't find it. Maybe it was a secret wish in during dream. Maybe not. Does this exist?
EDIT: I know where these files live in the file system. I've added the iPhone Simulator folder to the dock in order to make it easy to get there. I'm doing a lot of work where I have to verify that the app bundle got updated as necessary. As I said, I thought I had seen a right-click menu that could get you there faster.
Well, I'm not sure if there is such a shortcut, but you definitely can browser through your files by going to :
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/
Try SimPholders 1.5. From their website:
A small utility for fast access to your iPhone Simulator apps. Opens
folder in Finder, resets library and documents, and deletes the
selected app.

Iphone app sharing file with iTunes problem

Somebody please help me out. This problem is killing me.
I went through tones of documents and posts. All seems to suggest that simply add a UIFileSharing key into info.plist and set boolean value to YES, files in App's Documents folder (not sub-folder, I know) will show up in iTunes.
However my problem is that I don't have an iPhone, so I really have no clue about what exactly the behaviors of both iPhone or iTunes will be when try to verify this file sharing thing. And what is the right way to verify this.
So when my client try to verify this off my watch (we are on different sides of earth), he keeps reporting back that file sharing feature not work. It is certain that file is properly stored under Documents folder.
In the last attempt, he claimed that he can see the app but not files.
I would like to know the following things, so I can guide him through this and end this pain:
Is it really plain and simple like add one key, no changes to code needed? Or did I miss something?
Are there any special requirements for building (like, only work for release build?), deploying?
What will really happen when plug the iPhone into the computer and sync with iTunes? Will the app show up in the Apps tab anyway, or only show up if file sharing feature are enabled correctly?
Thank you all.
Is it really plain and simple like add one key, no changes to code needed? Or did I miss something?
Are there any special requirements for building (like, only work for release build?), deploying?
What will really happen when plug the iPhone into the computer and sync with iTunes? Will the app show up in the Apps tab anyway, or only show up if file sharing feature are enabled correctly?
It will show up in the app view (on top) all the times. But you will only see them in the file sharing area if you have an app with enabled filesharing.
File sharing is only available on iPhone OS 4 onwards and iPad 3.2
Make sure your client has iOS4 or later.

Xcode Debugger Console doesn't display anything

I've been developing iPhone applications for a while with Xcode. But since this morning, my debugger console doesn't display anything anymore. I've reinstalled Xcode, but it doesn't help.
Has someone had a similar problem? What can I do to repair it?
Thanks for your help.
If the console doesn't even display the welcome message maybe see (in Xcode preferences) if the font you are using somehow became corrupted. Also see what foreground color you have assigned for the font and that it isn't a white color. If you click in the console window is there text that is not visible but that you can select?
If so, try Cmd+C and paste it in TextEdit maybe. Also try switching the debug prompts to another font. You will find the settings for switchings those prompts under Xcode prefs > Debugging in Xcode 3 and under Fonts & Colors, I believe for Xcode 4. Even though you did re-install I can't remember if the preferences plist will get deleted in the re-install. The Xcode preferences plist should be under ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Xcode.plist. Try renaming that file temporarily before starting up Xcode.
If the console does display the welcome message but you get no output from your program see if you are using an NSTask and setting stderr to be used for your own output. I had this happen once but I was also using SenTestingKit at the time to do my unit tests and somehow it ended up to where noone was able to print to the console - not my cli program and not the testing kit.
As a last resort, Xcode 3.2.4 is out since a few days.
I had the same problem, after I created a new scheme for testing target according to Apple Unit Test Tutorials. I was seeing only (lldb) message at the top left corner and nothing else. I deleted this scheme and it started working normally. I think, I made something wrong, when followed instructions.
So, try to delete schemas, except the main one.
To anyone wondering why console output isn't shown in tests, ensure the following is selected in Xcode prefs:

how can i get an offline version of the iphone development handbook?

how can i get an offline version of the iphone development handbook?
If you've already got XCode installed and running, from the menu bar go "XCode->Preferences" to open up the preferences window. All the way to the right is a tab marked "Documentation". In that window is a list of documentation, any thing you don't have locally will be grayed out, but will also have a "get" button next to it. Hit that for any set of documentation you don't have installed and it will download itself.
Once that's done go to "Help->Developer Documentation" and you've got access to the doc's offline.
I believe you can only download it online because of the constant changes being made. Sorry bud.
If you have the SDK/Xcode installed, the documentation set should live on your local drive. If you are looking for something like PDF or what ever, I have no help. There is an atom feed that is essentially a single post with an enclosure.
That's true, all the documentation lives within XCode for that version of the SDK.

Developer Documentation in Xcode 3.2 - a step back or is my installation screwed?

I've upgraded to Snow Leopard and Xcode 3.2 but now I don't get the usual Developer Documentation any more. When I click on 'Developer Documentation' all I get is the Xcode QuickStart guide. No search field, no browsing the library, nothing. Only if I cmd+opt+shift (?) double click on e.g. NSString the API documentation of NSString comes up. But again, no search field, I can't browse the library etc.
I can't imagine that this is the normal behavior. I've already tried to deinstall Xcode and reinstall it again - same result.
Any idea of what might have gone wrong?
The "Home" button in the documentation window's toolbar (is your toolbar hidden, perhaps?) will list the documentation sets you have installed. You'll want to install them from the "Documentation" page of Xcode's preferences window, it's the last one.
Yes, this is slightly annoying that you have to take the extra step, and it's very nonobvious where the extra step is.
In 10.6, Xcode relies entirely on the web to retrieve developer docs rather than having a local copy. Have a look at this blog post; it tells how to grab the documentation files off of Apple's servers and make them available locally on your machine within Xcode.