Starting an app when iPhone turns on? - iphone

I don't care if its something Apple wont accept but, how would I get an iPhone app to start up when the iPhone turns on?

It isn't that Apple won't accept it, but that they just won't run it. The only way to achieve this would be to jailbreak the phone and play with launchd.

Put a plist in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ with a path to your tool, just like MacOSX.


Viewing application in simulator

I need to show my app to customer but without sending sources codes to him.
He does not own any iDevice at the moment, but only a Xcode installed on his host with iPhone simulator.
So my question is there a "normal/official" way I can pass him the application binary so he can test it on his simulator ? Probably using xcode archiving ?
PLEASE NOTE : I know what is ad-hoc distribution, please do not suggest this, he does not own a device.
NO. You cannot give him the ipa to launch it in simulator. Only the source code. (If he is smart enough to launch it, I think you guess how confused will the client be when you try to explain him stuff around the provisioning profiles and certificates and keys to pair them) ....
I see your problem - however, if this is just about a small tour through the app and not a long time testing, might I suggest another way around this:
Why not using a screensharing app like TeamViewer, which has a version that works without installation and is quite hassle free. And then let him play with the App running on your computer?
Sorry for not having an answer on the question, but that would be an alternative route to take.
Very simple solution:
Set up a contract with penalty fee if he copy's the code or distributes the code that'll settle you for life.
If he doens't own a device, you could also loan him one with the app installed. Just do an iphone without a sim card or an ipod
Creating an ipa file and run on the simulator is not possible. We can run the simulator using Xcode only. (means by sharing the code). If you are not interested, ask him to buy device.

Install or Use App in my jailbroken ipodtouch

I developed an app for my own use.I want to use it on my ipodtouch.I jailbroke my device.But don't know how can i install my app in my device.Can any one give me proper instruction what should be the approach to do this?
Thanks in advance
You can connect to you iphone with WinSCP with username:root password:alpine or dottie. After that go to your Applications Folder on the device, make a new folder name (Whatever you want to call it).app then put all your files in that folder. Highlight them all, and set the permissions to 0755. Restart your phone. And thats it.
The standard way of putting applications on to devices is to sign up to the Apple Developer program.
I found this link specifically for jailbroken devices, but it seems a bit dated.

Is it possible to change the iPhone microphone input while calling?

I want to change someones voice while calling on the iPhone. Is this possible, and if it is, where do I start?
This is not possible. There is no API for it and thus you cannot submit something like that to the App Store.
It's not possible with non-jailbroken phones.
The iOS app sandbox is completely closed off from everything related to the phone, and really, there's no access to anything that low-level pretty much anywhere.

How can I convert a Universal iOS app to a stand-alone iPhone app?

I started building a Universal app and it turned out the design doesn't work well with the iPad, so I've decided to make it a stand-alone iPhone app instead. By that, I mean I'd like the app store to see my app as an iPhone app, not a Universal app. I was just about to create a new project and move my existing iPhone code over to it and it's a ton of work because I had existing Core Data stores and other files that require some labor.
Is that the route I should take or is it easy to convert my existing Universal app to a stand alone iPhone app? If it's easier to convert it, what do I need to do?
I was exploring the Build settings of my project (I don't know what most of them mean), but I see the "Targeted Device Family" setting. Am I fortunate enough that I could simply set this to "iPhone" and that's the end of it?
Thanks in advance for your help! I'm going to continue looking into this now...
UPDATE: I found that all I needed to do was set the "Targeted Device Family" build setting to "iPhone". Seems to be working fine so far.
I believe that ends up setting the UIDeviceFamily key in Info.plist, which should be what the App Store looks at. You might still have a bunch of iPad resources floating around, but I wouldn't worry too much about that.

How do I launch an iOS app upon startup?

I am working on a project where the iPad will be used for a specific purpose, and only run one app. When the device starts up, I want my app to run, and I want to override the home button so that it does not quit the app (like the iPhone/ iPod demos in the store).
I have seen bits and pieces of this functionality, but am unsure how to implement it. I realize that it would have to be on a jailbroken device, and the client is fine with that.
Any ideas?
Edit 1: I found this site, which explains some iOS daemons. I'm still researching, so I'll just keep posting what I find.
Edit 2: I found Saurik's IRC channel and asked around in there. One of the participants told me that it is possible, but probably not as simple as I thought. I am still doing some digging around in the iPhone 3G filesystem now just to get the feel of what certain things do.
The project has been scrapped, but I'm still looking for help on this though....just cuz I'm interested lol.
Here's my progress on the issue. Question's still not completely answered, but I'm making some headway :-)
I've been researching Jailbreak and the iOS filesystem as well. That has helped my understanding of the issue some.
Without jailbreaking this would not be possible.
There has to be something in /etc somewhere that runs through all the things that start up, just like on Linux.
It so happens that my current ipod touch has a WALD screen after me manually deleting a few mp3 files. Some anti mp3 mocking code policing it, and not liking me touching the mp3 file structures... otherwise I'd look for you right now.
Do you know how to ssh into your ipod/iphone?
Well, I believe Apple itself uses this on the iPads running at the Apple Stores (those showing animations about the products where you can ask to talk with a blue shirt).
I would look for something on the official IPCU (iPhone Configuration Utility) to check if there is an option for auto-loading apps on boot time.
If not, try to get friends with someone working on an Apple Store and get some hints on how they run their app on those iPads.
you can add the "voip" key in the information plist.
This is backed up by Apple:
You can also see this sample project: