Is it possible to change the iPhone microphone input while calling? - iphone

I want to change someones voice while calling on the iPhone. Is this possible, and if it is, where do I start?

This is not possible. There is no API for it and thus you cannot submit something like that to the App Store.

It's not possible with non-jailbroken phones.
The iOS app sandbox is completely closed off from everything related to the phone, and really, there's no access to anything that low-level pretty much anywhere.


Can you modify the iphone password screen?

Is there a way I could make an application to add a button to the lock screen (enter your password)? For iOS/iPhone devices?
Is there a way I could make an application to add a button to the lock screen
No, I don't believe that there's a public API for that sort of thing. Apple can obviously do it, since the iPad lock screen has a button that shows you a photo gallery. But that doesn't mean that third party applications have that capability, and I'd be very surprised if you could pull that off without jailbreaking your device.
No, this is outside of your applications sandbox. Unless you jailbreak the device, there is no way to run outside the application sandbox(with minor exceptions such as playing music).
You can't. This is against the sandbox policy.
but there are apps in cydia that do this kind of thing
To be simple, there is no such API to make customizations on the iOS itself. Neither does Apple allow it.

Is it valid to submit an iPhone app as Universal without any code changes?

I have a simple iPhone app, mostly table views, map views and other standard stuff. When I change the project settings to make it universal, everything works fine after a few small tweaks. So the iPad version looks just as a big iPhone app.
Definitely, the app will look better if I use some split views, pop-ups and generally rework the UI to look better on the iPad. But I wonder - will Apple review team accept a universal app that is basically just an enlarged version of the iPhone app?
As long as you explain what's changed when you do an update submission (e.g. "now with an iPad-friendly User Interface!"), Apple should accept your update no problem.
What are you afraid of? That Apple would give you a reason for rejection? Just do it, and if you get feedback make the necessary changes. Even if Apple is control freak #1 and a humbling power monster megacorp, I'd be much more worried about it being published and USERS not approving it. :)
iPad users can download and run your iPhone app just the way it is and get the same results either way. From any non-marketing point of view, what would be the advantage to calling it 'Universal' with no changes?
Btw, I've submitted the app without any changes, and it was accepted without any problems.

How to build an iPhone app, make sure this app only run on a no Jailbreak device?

I am an iPhone developer, I am doing a project. For security reasons, I must make sure my app run on a no jailbreak iPhone. I want to know how to check it use public API.
Thanks very much!
No API exists to perform such a check.
Jailbreaking a device (using any of the various forms of jailbreaking) only needs to touch files which are outside an application's sandbox. Attempting to inspect them therefore carries a risk that your app will be rejected. Even if you can inspect them you have no way to differentiate a change due to jailbreaking from a change due to an OS update.
Finally please be aware that a jailbroken device does not necessarily mean the user has pirated your app. Users of jailbroken devices are free to purchase and install apps via iTunes just like anyone else and are likely to be rightly unhappy if your app refuses to run.
also, Apple removed the API for detecting jailbreaking. Read here on ars
If that would be possible using a public API, there wouldn't be any problem using jailbreaked iPhones, would there. Every app (including the OS) could just use that API...
It's impossible to verify that your app is running only on a non-jailbroken device. Unfortunately there's nothing you can check.
There are a few tricks you can use to determine programmatically if your app has been pirated, but they're far from foolproof; the most you can really do is determine if your app was pirated using the most common automated pirating techniques. Anyone really determined to pirate it can ensure your app doesn't know it's been pirated even if you use the techniques.
I wouldn't invest time in such things cause sooner or later "they" will find a way to run your App on a jailbreaked iOS device.
Instead take this time and develop more unique feature. Feature people are glad to have and even they pirated your App they will pay for it.
Yeah I know this sounds ridiculous but I think quality software will find honest buyers.
I know this answer doesn't answer your question and I want to add that iOS doesn't have a API to check if the device is jailbroken.
I hope I could help.
As the other answers say, there's no full-proof way of blocking piracy on your apps. I have a couple of apps that have been pirated and, truth be told, I was kind of happy to see that. Unless these people hack every single app on the App Store, it made me feel a little proud that someone had decided my apps were worth pirating. Almost a "yup, I've made it" kind of feeling. :)

How to check if my iPhone app is hacked/cracked?

I'm wondering if there are some ways to check if my application is hacked?
I mean, I don't really want to prevent my application from hacking, but I would like to list all iPhone (UUID) that use my hacked application.
Check out mtiks. They do free piracy monitoring, but you'll have to re-release your app to the appstore. If you don't have anything setup currently, you're not going to be able to tell who's using it.
Check to see if encryption was removed from you app bundle or any other changes were made.
If you don't prevent your app from being cracked by any different behavior, such as not working, this makes your detection code much harder to find.

Iphone - how to programmatically answer a call

I saw this application on Cydia ( forgot the name) that will answer/ reject a call when you shake the phone.
Any ideea how is it done ? Couldn't find anything in SDK.
I don't think it'll be in the SDK for sure. Apple wouldn't include it.
It's not somethhing that you can do using the official SDK. If you want to do this, it'll be using an undocumented/private API that Apple will not allow through their review.
If you want to be able to sell your application on the App Store, then you're going to have to let go of this idea. Else, you're going to have to resort to other means to find out how to do it.
Nothing personal, but I'm against jailbreaking, so I can't help you.