Viewing application in simulator - iphone

I need to show my app to customer but without sending sources codes to him.
He does not own any iDevice at the moment, but only a Xcode installed on his host with iPhone simulator.
So my question is there a "normal/official" way I can pass him the application binary so he can test it on his simulator ? Probably using xcode archiving ?
PLEASE NOTE : I know what is ad-hoc distribution, please do not suggest this, he does not own a device.

NO. You cannot give him the ipa to launch it in simulator. Only the source code. (If he is smart enough to launch it, I think you guess how confused will the client be when you try to explain him stuff around the provisioning profiles and certificates and keys to pair them) ....

I see your problem - however, if this is just about a small tour through the app and not a long time testing, might I suggest another way around this:
Why not using a screensharing app like TeamViewer, which has a version that works without installation and is quite hassle free. And then let him play with the App running on your computer?
Sorry for not having an answer on the question, but that would be an alternative route to take.

Very simple solution:
Set up a contract with penalty fee if he copy's the code or distributes the code that'll settle you for life.
If he doens't own a device, you could also loan him one with the app installed. Just do an iphone without a sim card or an ipod

Creating an ipa file and run on the simulator is not possible. We can run the simulator using Xcode only. (means by sharing the code). If you are not interested, ask him to buy device.


How can I test my signed app on an unjailbroken iOS device

As part of our software development life cycle, we want to make sure that the binary we test in house before pushing to iTunes, is the same as the binary that we push to iTunes. I know that sounds really silly, but it's a matter of checks and balances in a mid size company, so that the testers can be sure the coders didn't add in anything after testing occurred.
So is there a way to run a signed/certed app on a device that's not jail broken? Or is there a way to verify that an IPW is the exact identical code in the zip that gets pushed to iTunes?
Or possibly a way to accomplish my goals with a different way?
We have a valid developer account and around 15 different devices that are not jail broken. Would prefer to test with them left stock and not jail broken.
If you compile your app for distribution using an ad-hoc profile you can later take that archive and resign it with the appstore profile and upload it.
You can't however upload an application that was compiled with an development certificate.
A binary signed to go to the App Store cannot be run on devices via the normal ways. You can test the code by having the developers create an Ad Hoc build. This will have the same functionality as the App Store version, but you can test it.
Unfortunately, when the app is recompiled for the App Store, more code can be added.
Do you not have access to the code to test? If you must, you can have them create an adhoc in front of you, test it, and then recompile for the app store all in front of you. Seems a bit overkill, however.
There is with another trick:
first test you code for functionality's, buggs in normal way.
Than push the code to AppStore, but set the release date farther with 3 weeks, while your testers are validating it is that what they tested last time or not. Somewhere here, I have read that possibility forgot where. Never tried!

Apple rejects our latest App

Our latest app was rejected by giving following reason
"when the user launches the app, a blank black screen is produced"
We had tested this many times and did not notice this issue. We tested again now, but it is working properly for us.
Can someone help us to find out the issue?
I don't think anyone can help you find this issue, My suggestion would be to follow up with the Review Team and try to obtain as much information as you can from them. Such as, what device was it tested on, what OS version and so forth.
Ah, the many woes of the app store process.
Make sure that you have tested your app not only on the simulator but also on a physical device.
Secondly the issue might be that you have made some (false) assumptions about the data on the device, that you might have put there manually, but isn't handled when installing anew.
Therefore a plan of attack might be to remove the application complete from both device and simulator and try running them from a fresh install rather than on top of an already installed installation.
Best of luck!
Try to build and install your app from a clean state. You may not be seeing the same as the reviewer, because if you only "build&run" all the time, old files, which are not part of the final build, are still present on your device or in the simulator.
So clean the build folder, remove the app from your device, and try again. Also, check if you app can live without an internet connection.
Your best bet is to discuss this directly with the Apple guys (Resolution Center).

How to publish an app for testing

I'm currently creating an iPhone app and we need some testing with about 20~30 users.
Actually we put the app on our iPhone by connecting the iPhone to the computer and debugging the app.
But now we need to have a more efficient way to install the app on iPhone but without submitting it to Apple Store and also without the need to connect the iPhone to the computer hosting Xcode.
Do you think there is a way to do that ?
Thanks in advance :)
Yeah there's a very slick way to do adhoc distribution under iOS 4 that's outlined here. This method involves absolutely zero usb cables and does not require a jailbroken device either. Perfectly legit and above board.
You need to use AdHoc installation. Please see this nice Apple document, it should cover every step necessary even with step-by-step instructions.
I use, it's a great services, not out yet, but recently opened up their beta's, it does all the ad hoc stuff for you alls you need to do is invite testers, let it export it to your dev portal. Then you just upload the ipa to the site, and all your testers get an email.

How do I launch an iOS app upon startup?

I am working on a project where the iPad will be used for a specific purpose, and only run one app. When the device starts up, I want my app to run, and I want to override the home button so that it does not quit the app (like the iPhone/ iPod demos in the store).
I have seen bits and pieces of this functionality, but am unsure how to implement it. I realize that it would have to be on a jailbroken device, and the client is fine with that.
Any ideas?
Edit 1: I found this site, which explains some iOS daemons. I'm still researching, so I'll just keep posting what I find.
Edit 2: I found Saurik's IRC channel and asked around in there. One of the participants told me that it is possible, but probably not as simple as I thought. I am still doing some digging around in the iPhone 3G filesystem now just to get the feel of what certain things do.
The project has been scrapped, but I'm still looking for help on this though....just cuz I'm interested lol.
Here's my progress on the issue. Question's still not completely answered, but I'm making some headway :-)
I've been researching Jailbreak and the iOS filesystem as well. That has helped my understanding of the issue some.
Without jailbreaking this would not be possible.
There has to be something in /etc somewhere that runs through all the things that start up, just like on Linux.
It so happens that my current ipod touch has a WALD screen after me manually deleting a few mp3 files. Some anti mp3 mocking code policing it, and not liking me touching the mp3 file structures... otherwise I'd look for you right now.
Do you know how to ssh into your ipod/iphone?
Well, I believe Apple itself uses this on the iPads running at the Apple Stores (those showing animations about the products where you can ask to talk with a blue shirt).
I would look for something on the official IPCU (iPhone Configuration Utility) to check if there is an option for auto-loading apps on boot time.
If not, try to get friends with someone working on an Apple Store and get some hints on how they run their app on those iPads.
you can add the "voip" key in the information plist.
This is backed up by Apple:
You can also see this sample project:

code signing of iPhone application

1) i developed one application.. it is working fine in simulator. does it work in real
iPhone with out any modification..
a) when i select in xcode projectmenu -> SetActiveSDK -> Device-iPhone OS 2.2 getting one
error. but i can't see what is the error, how to solve this ?.
b) if it is not working with Device -iPhone OS SDK, is it work on the real iPhone.?
pls help , thanx and regards.
Good job on your app. It's a good sign that it works in the simulator, but you never know if it will work on the device until you try. Some things will be faster on the device and many things will be slower. There are other differences. It's possible to have your app crash on the device but not on the sim, or the other way around. It's even more common to have memory leaks on one but not the other. XCode lets you debug on either and run the code tools on either.
Signing is a bit of a nightmare. It's easy to mess it up. Follow the instructions carefully. If you think you've messed up your project beyond hope, start a new project and move your source and assets over to it.
At some point you'll have everything working, then you'll turn off your computer or something and you'll get a message that you don't have a valid device connected. Reboot your iPhone when that happens.
Be warned that it's even hairier signing your code for the App store.
Just stay calm and keep trying. Also, ask on Apple's boards. Many people have gone through the trama and shared your pain. Good luck.