Install or Use App in my jailbroken ipodtouch - iphone

I developed an app for my own use.I want to use it on my ipodtouch.I jailbroke my device.But don't know how can i install my app in my device.Can any one give me proper instruction what should be the approach to do this?
Thanks in advance

You can connect to you iphone with WinSCP with username:root password:alpine or dottie. After that go to your Applications Folder on the device, make a new folder name (Whatever you want to call it).app then put all your files in that folder. Highlight them all, and set the permissions to 0755. Restart your phone. And thats it.

The standard way of putting applications on to devices is to sign up to the Apple Developer program.
I found this link specifically for jailbroken devices, but it seems a bit dated.


Can we install any .deb/ .ipa file automatically on iPhone device?

I have one task to perform where I have to install one .ipa file on jailbroken iPhone devices. The project is related to jailbroken domain so any solution will work but the entire process should be automatic i.e. through coding only. I have found many solution to this but most of them ask to get the root access for app and this thing never worked for me. So is there any idea how to achieve that. Thanks in advance.
Take a look at the function MobileInstallationInstall
You can find some code how to use it here
It will required you to add entitlement with an array containing "Install".
However, I am not sure whether it will be completely silent or not.

Viewing application in simulator

I need to show my app to customer but without sending sources codes to him.
He does not own any iDevice at the moment, but only a Xcode installed on his host with iPhone simulator.
So my question is there a "normal/official" way I can pass him the application binary so he can test it on his simulator ? Probably using xcode archiving ?
PLEASE NOTE : I know what is ad-hoc distribution, please do not suggest this, he does not own a device.
NO. You cannot give him the ipa to launch it in simulator. Only the source code. (If he is smart enough to launch it, I think you guess how confused will the client be when you try to explain him stuff around the provisioning profiles and certificates and keys to pair them) ....
I see your problem - however, if this is just about a small tour through the app and not a long time testing, might I suggest another way around this:
Why not using a screensharing app like TeamViewer, which has a version that works without installation and is quite hassle free. And then let him play with the App running on your computer?
Sorry for not having an answer on the question, but that would be an alternative route to take.
Very simple solution:
Set up a contract with penalty fee if he copy's the code or distributes the code that'll settle you for life.
If he doens't own a device, you could also loan him one with the app installed. Just do an iphone without a sim card or an ipod
Creating an ipa file and run on the simulator is not possible. We can run the simulator using Xcode only. (means by sharing the code). If you are not interested, ask him to buy device.

installing other apps(ipa) from within app iphone/ipad

I want to install other apps within one of my app,just like what appstore does, when you click install and confirm the app starts downloading on the springboard.I had tried with openURL, but seems it does not fulfill my requirements. Is there any other way out to achieve this one.please suggest.
thanks in advance.
The security sandbox on stock OS iOS devices does not allow the installation of other apps. You can only write non-executable files to a few directories within your own apps sandbox.

How can I get to installed app list on iPhone device?

I'm new for iPhone dev.
I got a question for development of iPhone app.
Is it possible to get to installed app list on iPhone device?
Connect you device in your system, use following command in terminal
ideviceinstaller -l
you will get the list of app installed in you iphone device
note: you should install ideviceinstaller package in your system
Apps on a non-jailbroken phone are "sandboxed" so you don't get unfettered access to the filesystem. This means that you can't directly see what other applications are available. Also, just because they're installed does not mean that they are available to the current user. For instance, Safari is always installed but can be disabled in the Parental Controls settings.
The best supported (i.e., in a way that Apple will approve of) way of of doing it might be to check the available URL schemes. For example, if "http:" is supported then Safari is usable; if "mailto:" is available then Mail is usable, etc. Of course, not all applications have URL schemes.
You might want to grab yourself a copy of the Apple iPhone Configuration Utility, which will give you a list of installed apps, plus access to the console output from the iPhone.
Grab the iPhone configuration tool and run this regex on the Export:
[ \t]+<key>CFBundleDisplayName</key>[ \t\r\n]+<string>([A-Za-z \&\-,\!]+)</string>
You can then grab the list of apps nice and easily.
Here's what I did, without jailbreaking. (yes it sounds stupid, but it was simple and worked well for me)
Go to your home screen.
Hit the lock button + home button (takes a screenshot)
Open you folders and do the same.
Do the same for any other pages you have.
All the names of installed apps are now in your pictures folder, just copy the pictures to your computer, and finished!

How to read iPhone files without jailbreaking?

I'd like to access files in an iPhone, such as using remotely connecting via ssh and telnet. But it appears that the iPhone's ssh or telnet are not supported. I can ping it, but cannot use telnet or ssh.
I read through some internet article, it appears that using jailbreak or Cydia it is doable, but I guess it would break my iPhone's license.
Is there an official way to ssh or telnet into my iPhone?
You can't just access any file in a non-jailbroken iPhone.
You can access data files for your own programs during development using Xcode's Organizer, go to Devices -> your iphone -> Summary -> Applications -> your app, click on the triangle thingy to show the Application Data, which you can download.
Otherwise use something like Airsharing (see moogs' answer which came as I was writing this) to upload&download a bunch of files.
I loved ssh-ing before, but Airsharing is even better. You can upload files via a wifi connection to your ipod (using a browser or via webDAV). It was free for the first few weeks, but now it goes for $4.99. That's still not bad.
You can view office, image, pdf and html files.
(I'm not affiliated with airsharing, just a happy user :) )
No you can't. You have to jailbreak to do that.
Even when not jailbroken, you can access some part of the filesystem with iPhone Broswer
I was very surprised and please with iPhone Explorer. It's one of those softwares that just work and needs nothing installed on the iPhone, but it will give full file access if your iphone is jailbroken.
Now, of course ideally we'd install something on the iPhone without needing anything on the computer and access files on the iPhone like a pen drive (and unlike some apps that do that but only through HTTP and wi-fi), but this is fairly good enough. And it's free! Because they use it to promote their other apps, and file exploring on iPhone is nearly useless for most users anyway.
There's just no way jose in hell to access all files in the iPhone without jailbreaking. Period. Apple have never allowed it.
Try using iFile I have tried all the others and this one is my favourites.
Hope this helps you.
You can do it with iFunbox, but you dont have access to edit, move , delete the system files , so you dont have full access to have full access you need to jailbreak your iDevice.