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Closed 10 years ago.
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I need a raw YUV file for research purposes. Neither the size nor the content is critical. Any ideas on where such files exist?
You can find all kinds of YUV files with different formats: here.
You can use ffmpeg to convert any other video type to raw YUV. Your source could be from a DVD home movie, for instance, or perhaps a digital video camera.
HI try this link
I also have some YUV files but there is no option to upload.
You can convert anything to YUV using mencoder:
mencoder.exe -of rawvideo clock.avi -o clock.yuv -nosound -ovc raw
You may add -vf swapuv to swap the U and V components if the colrs aren't correct.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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Are there any tools available for adding Playready protection to MP4 content?
You have to use Microsoft Expression Encoder to convert MP4 -> WMV.
Then you need to obtain PlayReady SDK and run the encryptor to encrypt the WMV file.
This will given you what you need.
If you need to protect the content in order to share via adaptive streaming use a Transformation Manager IIS extension.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a good tool that I can try out to convert my .flv file to .mp4? I need to use it on a mac, so not on a windows PC.
I have made an iPhone application and I want to try out how a webcast of 40 minutes streams on it. To do this i must convert my .flv file to .mp4.
I have found a converter (This one) but if you use it as trial you can only edit 3 minutes.
I've done this in the past using ffmpeg:
I really like handbrake. I have used a converted video in my app.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Anyone know of good examples for the presentation of Extended Backus-Naur Form for electronic media (i.e. HTML)?
I am looking for suggestions about form, not content -- I'm looking to make it as readable as possible, so that rules, terminals, and EBNF symbols are easily distinguished from each other.
Not sure if this is what you mean (or whether it's way too late), but I've been playing with this visualisation tool:
At the moment it appears to only support png output, and it's not that pretty. Otherwise I have had recommended to me (untried, YMMV) Graphviz.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm providing a free sample page that will be downloaded from my website that is in .pdf format. I want to prevent users from selecting and copying the text content of that document. How can I do this for free?
Convert the text to image before fetching it as a PDF.
With Adobe Acrobat, you can create passwords to protect pdf files. But others can still use some pdf tools to crack passwords. Look at this article.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does anyone know how to make a movie (avi / mpg) thats uploadable to YouTube from a series of PNG images? Also, how would I add a .caf audio file to that videostream?
There are plenty of libraries like x264 to do this type of thing for you, but you'll probably need to use a library. Video encoding is not an easy task.
I'm pretty sure you can do it with ImageMagick which has been ported to the iPhone Try the 'convert' command. (I haven't done this myself, so you might need to do some research on the latest iPhone port and how to use the command.)