EBNF presentation examples? [closed] - presentation

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Anyone know of good examples for the presentation of Extended Backus-Naur Form for electronic media (i.e. HTML)?
I am looking for suggestions about form, not content -- I'm looking to make it as readable as possible, so that rules, terminals, and EBNF symbols are easily distinguished from each other.

Not sure if this is what you mean (or whether it's way too late), but I've been playing with this visualisation tool:
At the moment it appears to only support png output, and it's not that pretty. Otherwise I have had recommended to me (untried, YMMV) Graphviz.


Is there any common Swift coding conventions? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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At my work, I need to do some iOS coding using Swift version 4, which, needless to say, I have never done. As I would like to write from scratch code that is "maintainable" in some sense, I have to ask the question in the title.
First is API Design Guidelines by Apple;
Second one is very popular Swift style guide by Ray Wenderlich team;
Also, i suggest you to use SwiftLint framework, that almost for free helps to find all non-conventions problems in your code.

Any links on creating presentation in windbg [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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The one and only Sasha's tweet below shows that presentations can be created using windbg.
Anyone knows how to do that?
PS: I know Sasha is on stackoverflow, so may be he can answer this question :)
"Presentation" is somewhat of an exaggeration. What you meant to ask is "how to format output in WinDbg?"
To this the answer is "using DML".
Whether you use .printf or send output to the debugger using OutputDebugString, you can use Debugger Markup Language (DML) to output use colors, links etc.
The tag reference is located in the page Customizing Debugger Output Using DML.
"Drawing" using monospace text is your business, however. WinDbg has no facilities to help you with that as far as I know.

How to split a long audio file based on quiet parts? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a few long audio files (about 1 hour each) which contain words and their meanings in a way that a person says a word and its meaning and then waits 1 second, then says another word and so on. I want to split this long audio file into many short files that only contain a word and its meaning. As I'm a programmer, I want to do it using some sort of programming languages. I want to do it with Matlab or any other programming languages. I'm familiar with Matlab, C, C++ and Java but I don't know where to start or how to do this.
Can anyone please tell me how can I do this and what tool or programming languages should I use?
Thank you

Graphic designer / software developer contract [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to hire a graphic designer to draw some elements of my iPhone game and I am looking for some templates of draft contracts between software developer and graphic artist.
This is the first game I am developing and I am new to the industry.
What is the typical scenario? Does the artist get paid a fixed sum or also a percentage of the sales?
Any suggestion where to start looking please? Cheers!
You might want to go to the Fourerr website and ask that question.
You can communicate with the Designer until you find exactly what
you need. There is no penalty in talking to as many Designers as
you choose.

Defining custom syntax highlighting for Atlassian Fisheye/Crucible: MATLAB [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am using Atlassian Fisheye/Crucible ("fecru") for MATLAB code review and fecru is obviously missing a syntax scheme support for matlab code. Apparently there is a mechanism to support a user-defined scheme, one just has to place it into folder syntax/.. and register in filename.map (also see here).
Maybe some one has already implemented matlab.def file? Would appreciate if you can share it.
For now my best starting point is java.def.
I was able to produce a somewhat modified python.def to highlight MATLAB syntax on jsp-side of fecru:
Put this into matlab.def
syntaxdef matlab {
and link it in filename.map
"**/*.m" matlab.def "MATLAB"
make sure it does not conflict with
# "**/*.m" objc.def "Objective C"
You will have to restart fecru for changes to take place.