Programming an app similar in appearance to the Facebook app - iphone

I'm programming an iPhone application. This application contains a home page, which I would like to be almost the same as the one in facebook for iPhone : rows of icons, each icon corresponding to a category of my application.
I'm a newbie in iPhone development, and I can't find which control is used to show this view. Could someone help me ?
Thanks in advance

The best bet is to use Three20 library - it is opensource and it is the framework that was used to create an original facebook app. There is a bunch of controls in the framework, TTLauncherView is your friend to create a homescreen.


iOS Share Dialog?

I'm curious, is the standard "Share" dialog you see throughout a lot of iOS apps a standard SDK dialog or is everyone just mimicking the ones that Apple created for their apps like Safari? Or perhaps everyone is using ShareKit?
For instance, on iPhone you get a nice 3/4 modal dialog which does a vertical cover appearance, containing a bunch of shiny buttons:
While on iPad you see a "speech bubble" type dialog appear:
This seems too standard across apps to just be coincidence/people ripping off the look and feel.
The situation you presented in this specific case is caused by the fact that on iPad, the UIActionSheet is always presented within a popover controller, and on the iPhone it displays as in your example, withouth a Popover Controller (which is only available on the iPad)
I've written my own code for sharing using Facebook's SDK and the iOS5 Twitter integration so I've never used it but I believe there is a library you can use called ShareKit that will create the action sheets and sharing capability that you'd like. The "up-to-date"/"2.0" (I believe the original is no longer maintained) version is available here:
Apple provides the tools to make UI objects. The one you are looking at is "UIActionSheet".
Developers can bind methods to the tap events of the actionsheet.
Apple encourages developers to keep a consistent UI in order to make the overall use easier on the user.
Check out the Apple Human Interface Guidelines.

What sort of applications we can develop for Iphone?

I want to start developing applications for Iphone but In confusion what are different types of apps I can develop Like User level,Kernel Level, or any other type. I want full detail about categories of application development for Iphone So I can choose one .
If you want your apps to work, they must conform to the SDK/API at They are user level applications. You do not have access to the internals of iOS.
If you want some ideas. You can head over the the App Store. There, you can browse all the categories and view products that people have created for the iPhone.
First you start learning to create simple User Screens for iPhone app. Then think how much in you wanna go really...

Navigation Based Template? Iphone app like Facebook App

Im creating my first iphone app and need some advice. Im basically developing a simple social app similar to the facebook iphone app.
Should I start with the Navigation Template? Or am i totally on the wrong path?
Mock up how you want it to look, visualize things from your users perspective. That will dictate how you are going to approach things. Once you have that figured out in a way that's satisfactory, you're going to be looking at one of a few possibilities: Navigation based, tab based, or building a custom view.

Button Application- iPhone Application

I am a meganoob in iPhone Application programming.
All I want to do is make an application with a single button. When you press the button, it plays an audio file.
The button is just two images, one for the normal state and one for the pressed state.
I have no clue how to get from point A to point B, it seems so straightforward in web design, why can't it be like that for this too?
Anyone out there willing to drop some hints?
iPhone development is nothing like web design. Nearly all programming is not like web design, for that matter.
Start with a good introduction to iPhone development.
To answer this specific question, once you have learned the basics of iPhone development, you might look at the Audio Session portion of the SDK. You'll know how to hook up actions to buttons at this point, such as a play action for an audio file.
Then do this as a web app. Seriously. Originally, that was Apple's solution to writing all apps for the iPhone. They gave it an HTML 5 browser and wanted people to design custom web pages. So if you can do this on the web (BTW: I could not but could do this in Objective-C in little time), do it that way.
You can create a link to your web page on the homescreen so it looks like an app.
start from hello world for iPhone dude

iPhone-SDK: How to make iPhone format website?

Is it possible to make my own website as iPhone friendly format when user launches my website in an iPhone browser?
Currently if i launch my website in iPhone, it doesn't look more readable and i need to zoom it to see clearly. If i want to provide my website link will be more clear and readable with bold fonts and buttons ( moreover it is like iPhone friendly format) in the first launch itself in iPhone browser, how to make it success? I could able to see some third party websites like and all provide the same logic. How to achieve this and what should i do for that? Where to code?
You'll need to make a separate version, or at the very least an extreme re-CSSing of your existing site.
Apple has some good tips on getting started here.
There are several toolkits to assist in developing the web apps as well, like this and even this.
There is a good book to get started. Building Applications for Mobile Safari
There are many PDFs available from Apple.