Navigation Based Template? Iphone app like Facebook App - iphone

Im creating my first iphone app and need some advice. Im basically developing a simple social app similar to the facebook iphone app.
Should I start with the Navigation Template? Or am i totally on the wrong path?

Mock up how you want it to look, visualize things from your users perspective. That will dictate how you are going to approach things. Once you have that figured out in a way that's satisfactory, you're going to be looking at one of a few possibilities: Navigation based, tab based, or building a custom view.



How to create facebook mobile application navigation bar?

does anyone know how to make navigation bar like facebook navigation bar on web mobile application (using sencha touch)?? really wants to add that navigation bar on my application.. thanks a lot.. :)
here's the example:
Checkout lungo.js. It's not Sencha, but their kitchen sink shows exactly what you are looking for.
Have a look to this little library. It is a really EASY Framework implementation (javascript, CSS3, HTML5) about how to build this kind of applications with a pretty sidebar such Facebook one.
Download "jbackbone-mobile" from here,
and see this demo from any browser (device or desktop)
you can use Jquery mobile, the panel thing they have is exactly that and it can be just used the same way.
My problem with lungo.js is that their framework is slow on mobiles(my android tablet and my lg viper 4g lte under wifi and 3g) so they might have the thing and the look you are looking for, but go with jquery mobile developers and using their panels is even better than Lungo.js and if you are a designer you can figure it out things from there.

Help With Simple Sproutcore Task

I was wondering how difficult it would be to implement Sproutcore into my webpage for the simple task of being able to scroll DIV's on an iPhone or iPad with one finger instead of two.
Or is there an easier way?
Thank you in advance!
Pulling in SproutCore for just this purpose would be unwise, especially for a mobile app, as it would include far too much weight for very little added functionality for your app.
If you just want to have an iOS scroll view, there are other much lighter libraries for just this. A quick search (for "iOS html scroll view javascript") reveals: (how google does it)
SproutCore is a complete web application framework; incorporating it into an existing design for the purpose of getting touch scrolling functionality is probably more tool than you need. I'd look at JS libraries which are just interaction libraries, not application frameworks.

Programming an app similar in appearance to the Facebook app

I'm programming an iPhone application. This application contains a home page, which I would like to be almost the same as the one in facebook for iPhone : rows of icons, each icon corresponding to a category of my application.
I'm a newbie in iPhone development, and I can't find which control is used to show this view. Could someone help me ?
Thanks in advance
The best bet is to use Three20 library - it is opensource and it is the framework that was used to create an original facebook app. There is a bunch of controls in the framework, TTLauncherView is your friend to create a homescreen.

Button Application- iPhone Application

I am a meganoob in iPhone Application programming.
All I want to do is make an application with a single button. When you press the button, it plays an audio file.
The button is just two images, one for the normal state and one for the pressed state.
I have no clue how to get from point A to point B, it seems so straightforward in web design, why can't it be like that for this too?
Anyone out there willing to drop some hints?
iPhone development is nothing like web design. Nearly all programming is not like web design, for that matter.
Start with a good introduction to iPhone development.
To answer this specific question, once you have learned the basics of iPhone development, you might look at the Audio Session portion of the SDK. You'll know how to hook up actions to buttons at this point, such as a play action for an audio file.
Then do this as a web app. Seriously. Originally, that was Apple's solution to writing all apps for the iPhone. They gave it an HTML 5 browser and wanted people to design custom web pages. So if you can do this on the web (BTW: I could not but could do this in Objective-C in little time), do it that way.
You can create a link to your web page on the homescreen so it looks like an app.
start from hello world for iPhone dude

Wrapping a web app up as an iPhone app?

The question says it all-how hard is it? Is it allowed? Any other comments?
It's easy -- just use a UIWebView. I don't know of any rules against it. I have one out there that got approved.
Although apps that are just a webview may get through to the store, you can make your app feel like an iphone app by just doing a very minimal amount of work. I think the best bet is to at least have a tab controller with the webview in one tab and an "About" page in another. Or possibly tab views that point to the various sections of the webpage. I think you and your users will be more pleased with the result if you do just a little UIKit stuff.