iOS Share Dialog? - iphone

I'm curious, is the standard "Share" dialog you see throughout a lot of iOS apps a standard SDK dialog or is everyone just mimicking the ones that Apple created for their apps like Safari? Or perhaps everyone is using ShareKit?
For instance, on iPhone you get a nice 3/4 modal dialog which does a vertical cover appearance, containing a bunch of shiny buttons:
While on iPad you see a "speech bubble" type dialog appear:
This seems too standard across apps to just be coincidence/people ripping off the look and feel.

The situation you presented in this specific case is caused by the fact that on iPad, the UIActionSheet is always presented within a popover controller, and on the iPhone it displays as in your example, withouth a Popover Controller (which is only available on the iPad)

I've written my own code for sharing using Facebook's SDK and the iOS5 Twitter integration so I've never used it but I believe there is a library you can use called ShareKit that will create the action sheets and sharing capability that you'd like. The "up-to-date"/"2.0" (I believe the original is no longer maintained) version is available here:

Apple provides the tools to make UI objects. The one you are looking at is "UIActionSheet".
Developers can bind methods to the tap events of the actionsheet.
Apple encourages developers to keep a consistent UI in order to make the overall use easier on the user.
Check out the Apple Human Interface Guidelines.


Three20 integration in iPhone

I am new for iPhone application development. I want to make an photo album application. But I don't know how to show images like slideshow in iPhone. After searching on internet I got an information about three20 open framework. So I want to know about how should I start with three20. I also downloaded the facebook source from github.
I also got some information that if we use some private API of three20 then our app won't be accepted for apple store.
so please guide me.
Thank you
Apple referred indirectly to the three20 framework in their last Developer Conference and stated it is not necessary to use third party frameworks for photo viewer style scrolling applications. Three20 is fantastic coding, but is now outdated and solves a problem that has since been resolved by Apple's standard library code (e.g. photo scroller with zoom - Indeed Apple claim there was never a problem in the first place, but that there was insufficient documentation for developers to know how to do photo scrolling efficiently). Unless you want to implement the other specific three20 features you are best off avoiding using it. Check out the developer conference videos on advanced scroll views.
The most relevant video is from WWDC 2010 - assuming you have iOS dev center membership, you can check this, which is the most relevant:
and look for the session "Designing apps with Scroll Views"
Also check this one may be of interest:
and look for the video session "Advanced ScrollView Techniques"
Also check out the video on paged scrolling from WWDC 2012.

How do I develop my website to work with the "reader" icon on iPhone?

This morning I had a look at my blog on my iPhone and noticed that when I view a specific page a Reader icon comes up next to the URL in the address bar:
When I press it, I get an interface like this:
This functionality was completely unintentional (I wasn't even previously aware of it) but I think really nice, so I want to try and implement it intentionally on a few other pages on my website (and other sites that I work on).
How do I work with and enable this feature?
You don't need any work on your site. This is build-in feature on iOS Safari.

Does Windows Phone 7 have a standard Edit/Add/Delete convention?

On the iPhone, there is a standard convention for editing lists. You have the list, above that there is the Edit button and the + button. You click on the Edit button and the list changes slightly notifying the user of change of status.
Does Windows Phone 7 have some type of a standard convention for editing lists? It seems every app implements their own.
There are UI design guidelines published and maintained by Microsoft for Windows Phone development:
I'm not sure it will mention "standards" per se. However, the Phone's built in applications (Hotmail, People, etc), all tend towards a common way and a podcast from Metro designers on Silverlight TV advised to behave similarly to the provided apps.
What I've tended to notice is:
Add button above the list or on the app bar.
Edit button inside the item itself on the app bar.
Delete button on the app bar with checkboxes (Hotmail), or delete by holding down to get a context menu.
In the August Silverlight Toolkit, there's a control which mimicks the way emails/etc. are deleted on the device:
Unfortunately, I think not. There are some general guidelines here on the subject, but nothing concrete. It boils down to "Be consistent, but unique".
The latest Silverlight Toolkit (requires Mango) has a control for doing this similar to how the rest of the phone does it - but there is nothing stopping you for doing it your own way if that's what you prefer.

Implementing "Add to Home Screen", ala Safari

Safari on iPhone has a feature that lets you create a shortcut on your home screen for a web page. Is it possible for other apps to implement similar functionality? I'd like to give my users a quick way to jump to a specific item in my iPhone application.
There is no officially sanctioned way to do this. Third-party apps on the iPhone have very limited scope for interaction with other parts of the system. They can look into the address book and the photo library and they can invoke other applications with certain arguments but they can't do anything with the home screen.
Not sure.. but there is application like 'One Tap Dial' that is doing it tho
I spent few hours to find ways to this - seems only safari has this capability
'One Tap Dial' eventually uses Safari to get this done

Can I use Apple artwork in my iPhone app?

In my app, I want to give the user the opportunity to add some comments to a listed item.
Rather than showing a "add comments" button, I want to show a little icon.
Being lazy, but also, using the visual language of a Mac user, I would like to use the the icon of the TextEdit application.
What would Apple think of this?
Obviously, I could design something myself, but that is another topic.
I would absolutely stay away from this. Since apple runs the approval process for iPhone apps they might reject your app for infringing on what would probably be copyright or trademarked work.
From a visual perspective, I do not think the TextEdit icon would be best for an "add comments" icon. It seems too general. I think your best bet would be to design something yourself or find a royalty free image online.
Apple rejected an update to my application because this icon (center), drawn by a designer for me and having no copyright whatsoever by Apple, depicts an iPhone.
I wouldn't push your luck. Stay far away from Apple's IP.
I believe this would be copyright infringement unless you had written permission from Apple. They have a copyright and trademark policy posted.
Yes!!! You CAN use their icons and they encourage it:
System Icons
iOS provides lots of small icons—representing common tasks and types of content—for use in navigation bars, tab bars, toolbars, and Home screen quick actions. It’s a good idea to use these built-in icons as much as possible because they're familiar to people.
Provide alternative text labels for icons. Alternative text labels aren’t visible onscreen, but they let VoiceOver audibly describe what's onscreen, making navigation easier for people with visual impairments.