Using XML-RPC in iPhone apps - iphone

Is it possible to use XML-RPC calls in iPhone application (what approaches are the best)?
Are there any constraints with XML-RPC?
Thank you,

I have recently come across this library, take a look at the description at the end.
Hope you find it useful.

You might be interested in the WordPress for iOS app. It's completely open source and uses an XML-RPC library.


Calling another program

I'm working on monotouch framework, I'm writing an application for iPhone device, I want to call another program running on the iPhone from my own code...
Anyone can help me with this, usually in C# we just create a process for that exe file.
Is there anyway to do that with monotouch?????
You could of course use URL Schemes, but those suck. I have a blog post on super-duper-easy-peasy local cross-application communication using background tasks in iOS.
It's basically the same way that PhoneGap and Appcelerator Titanium work to communicate back to native platform specific APIs:
Blog Post:
In Objective C code you can go with URL Schemes, using that you can launch another application from your application.
The short answer is that this can only be done of a URL scheme catches it. The long answer has, well---already been answered :)

iPhone OSC Library

I know there are some iPhone Apps out there that use OSC and i'm wondering now if someone of them released a nice library for it. I googled a loot around but didn't found anything. Maybe someone knows how to google better then me :)
I'm currently trying to get OSCKit to work on the iPhone, but i'm not that good in iPhone development.
Thanks for your answers.
TouchOSC is using oscpack
It's implemented in C++ which might be awkward to use in an iPhone (I personally don't mind)
There's a pure Objective-C OSC framework called "VVOSC" which is easy to configure and use in an iPhone SDK context:
OSC-Kit was replaced by WOscLib
Sounds like you're looking for dsmi
Don't be put off by that "DS", it works on the iPhone too.
Also, if you are using PhoneGap, I implemented OSC for javascript (client-side) in my KievII library. Here's the code.

Alternative to NSXMLDocument on the iPhone for XSLT purposes

I know it's been asked before (like here), but is there way to natively use XSLT on the iPhone? If not, and I need to use libxslt, is there any documentation/tutorial of how to use it on the iPhone?
I've decided to use libxslt. What files are necessary to include? I haven't found any tutorials of examples of use on the iPhone, and I'm unsure of how to approach it. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Cannot use libXSLT on iPhone. Not as of today. App will be rejected. libXSLT is built into the iOS andd COULD be called - but this is a private API of the iPhone and will cause rejection. If you compile the libxslt library yourself and statically link it to your app, you will still get rejected. Many people have reported this bug in the app review process but nothing has yet changed.
It depends how you want to use XSLT; not sure what you mean by "natively". If you're just embedding a browser, MobileSafari will interpret XSLT for you.
If you're just converting one XML document into another for processing, libxslt is not a bad choice. There's no difference using libxslt on the iPhone from any other platform. Given Apple doesn't include headers for it, it is likely they don't want you using the bundled copy. You are better off compiling a copy into your application instead, against the provided libxml2 library.
If you want a more specific answer you may wish to pose a more specific question. :-)

Does iPhone support XML-RPC?

Does iPhone support XML-RPC, Is their any open source framework which I can use?
Checkout the source for the wordpress app. They might be using XML-RPC. :)
"Airsource Ltd" is really really incredibly wrong about that document. That document is specific to Mac OS X and NOT the iPhone. In fact (almost) all Apple iPhone documentation is hidden away behind a login page and a licence agreement. Most of the technologies that document refer to (e.g. AppleScript) do not even exist on the iPhone.
Amit, you'll have Zero luck if you follow Airsource's advice. You will however do ok if you do as "Lounges" says and go grab the wordpress source code. It looks like they rolled their own XMLRPC library for use on the iPhone.
As for SOAP - you're on your own. You might be able to find an opensource SOAP library built on top of libxml2 though. Good luck.
Yes iPhone support XML-RPC and wordpress opensource application is best example of it,
but from performance aspect I must say JSON is better to use with iPhone application,
from here u can download JSON parser.

what language are the apps for the iphone created with?

what language is it similar to? cause i was looking at the dev page on apple for the iphone and it doesnt look like anything that i'm used to or know.
iPhone applications are created using objective-C as the primary language. You can also use C/C++ in the applications, but the Cocoa Touch API uses objective-C.
Also, if you have never programmed on the Mac before it will take some getting used to. Apple uses the MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern extensively in their programming model.
Here is a good site with several iPhone apps with source code:
If you need a crash course in objective-C check out this link:
It's Objective-C.
Here's Apple's Programming Guide Introduction
As others have pointed out, the answer is Objective-C. For current production-ready languages, that's it. In the not-yet production ready category, it looks like the Mono folks are able to cross-compile C# to native code for deployment on the iPhone using the Apple toolchain. Much of the CocoaTouch API is not yet exposed to Mono, but it's a start.