Calling another program - iphone

I'm working on monotouch framework, I'm writing an application for iPhone device, I want to call another program running on the iPhone from my own code...
Anyone can help me with this, usually in C# we just create a process for that exe file.
Is there anyway to do that with monotouch?????

You could of course use URL Schemes, but those suck. I have a blog post on super-duper-easy-peasy local cross-application communication using background tasks in iOS.
It's basically the same way that PhoneGap and Appcelerator Titanium work to communicate back to native platform specific APIs:
Blog Post:

In Objective C code you can go with URL Schemes, using that you can launch another application from your application.

The short answer is that this can only be done of a URL scheme catches it. The long answer has, well---already been answered :)


I have one html file, I will set the html file in iphone based application by using mgwt .. How i am set?

I have one html file, I will set the html file in iphone based application by using mgwt .. Please help me to set the html files in phone ...
Thanks in advance..
Based on what I was able to grasp from you question you have an HTML file and you want that file to act as an iPhone hybrid app using mGWT. If that's the case, then there is an huge abyss to cover before getting to that point. This is the list of general steps you would need to cover to get all the way there.
Get a grasp of GWT Basics
Configure a simple mGWT application with PhoneGap support.
Understanding the way GWT MVP works will also be very helpful but not required
Once you have that working its time to wrap the web app into a iOS cordova webview with PhoneGap
Please note that you will require an Apple Mac to acomplish the last step. You will also reequire to be registered as an Apple developer if you intent to get your resulting app into a real device. Also you will require a good understanding of Java application development and a good grasp on how Web applications work (HTML, JS and CSS at least).
You have a long way ahead of you.

Running iOS Apps on Flash

I wrote an app for iOS on iPhone and iPad. I would like to make the app (a children's game) I wrote available on my website through Flash. I don't know if this is possible...
Would I just have to write the application in another language? I can't find any tools that would help me make it available.
If you wrote your app in HTML5, then you can make it available to your website, but if written with obj C, I highly doubt there is any easy way out solution beside re-write the app in another language.
There are no tools to make an iOS application run through Flash Player.
Probably your best bet on writing an application that will run as a native app and within the web is to pursue writing a web application optimized for smartphones. This way you could use a UIWebView to run it within a native application (and thus still have it in the App Store) but also make it available via the web. You could even consider leveraging tools like Phonegap to help with this. But of course this means re-writing your application.

Using XML-RPC in iPhone apps

Is it possible to use XML-RPC calls in iPhone application (what approaches are the best)?
Are there any constraints with XML-RPC?
Thank you,
I have recently come across this library, take a look at the description at the end.
Hope you find it useful.
You might be interested in the WordPress for iOS app. It's completely open source and uses an XML-RPC library.

Using another one application in one Iphone Application?

anytutorial to use good reader application in iphone sdk?
can I use Good reader application in my Iphone APplication?
To launch another application you have to find out if they have published a protocol to use and then 'open' that URL. See example, but not sure if GoodReader has published a protocol or how to find out if they have. You could always contact the developer directly.
You can't access another applications Sandbox or start another application via code, otherwise Apple will reject the app. I stand corrected to the answer about URL schemes to launch another app. You learn something new everyday.
You [can also] build the PDF functionality into your own app (i.e. use a UIWebView to do that for you).

Is there any sort of programming environment that runs ON an IPhone?

I'm just recalling the days when Radio Shack used to sell pocket computers. (Many moons ago, w/ only a few K of memory.) They had the ability to write small programs on Pocket computer. Maybe it's just nostalgic, but I alway thought that was handy. (Through the fog of my memory.) Is there any capability like that for an Iphone?
I can kinda understand not allowing a like a GameBoy emulator on the App-store, it's kinda like saying your ok with people loading "ROMs" and could get them in trouble. When you start profitting from an Emulator the license holders get pissy, just think about "Bleem" and Sony. Sony buried those guys. I suppose Javascript is better than nothing. What about Java in a sandbox? Or if they want something they aren't afraid is going to cannibalise there market, a BASIC interpreter.
I don't believe that you are allowed to in the terms of service for the App store. Isn't this why mono programs have to be staticly compiled if they are going up to the App store.
If you are looking to go off the beaten path, James Long's blog details how to run Gambit Scheme code on the iPhone. Load the application once and then load code changes progressively as needed.
In a following blog post, he details how to debug your applications remotely with an REPL. Very cool stuff. Between the simplicity of Scheme and the existing work he's done on his blog, a lot of the work/difficulty involved with developing in a "non-standard" way on the iPhone is taken care of for you. It's worth a shot!
Python is possible:
The only thing remotely close to that (without Jailbreaking) is Javascript/HTML in Mobile Safari.
While "on" your iphone is relative is a web based development environment that can produce webapps. can be compiled for limited distribution (w/o jailbreaking). /bin/sh is a valid programming language. QED.
Yes, it is possible to set up a node.js programming environment that lets you run your own server on the iPad. It's also possible to run javascript using the textastic code editor. See Is it possible to do programming using iPhone?.