Dropdown Listbox in iphone - iphone

How we can perfectly achieve dropdwn listbox in iphone...And instead for this I want if suppose i pressed button then it will display the UITableView or UIGestureView or UIPickerVIew....
Which one is more suitable instead for dropdown listbox.....
please help my question.....

I'd go with a pickerview for relatively small number of list items and would prefer a table with a searchbar and a checkbutton accessory for a huge list.


Hiding PickerView and Box To Show What Was Selected

I am working on implementing something in my iOS app that I see in mobile websites all the time. I would like to have a TextBox or TextField of some kind that shows what value is currently selected. When clicked, it will present a UIPickerView with a list of possible choices. Upon selection, the UIPickerView will disappear, and the TextBox or TextField would get updated with the selection the user made. Can someone point me in a good direction for doing this?
You can save indexPath value in a string and show it on textfield like: [textField setText:NSString];

How to display keyboard for editing of 'right detail' style UITableViewCell? (iPhone/iPad)

I'm using storyboard to create a grouped UITableView. Within the table I have several different cells setup with the 'right detail' style. I have also added IBOutlets to the UILabels on the right of these cells, however when someone presses the cell there's no way of editing them.
Here is what the cells look like:
I need a way of allowing the user to edit the value on the right when they press the row in the table (similar to that of the 'Contacts' application on iPhone when you edit phone numbers etc.).
Please can someone help me?
A UILabel object does not support user editing. If you need a text field that the user can edit using the keyboard, you need to use a UITextField or a UITextView.

iPhone showing checkboxes and radiobuttons

I will have UInavigation controller and UITableView, it will be long scrolling list,for each cell I need to show some radiobuttons. checkboxes, date entries and textboxes. Since Iphone does not have these controls and considerding that I already Use UITableview and UINavigationContoller what is the best and easy practise here to show radiobuttons and checkboxes?
pickerviews and putting them into a alertshield
show them as tablelist items and multi/checkable
using pickerview popping up from bottom as I have seen in some apps but dont know how to do that?
The second choice is probably your best one. Look at how the Settings app lays things out: that should give you a good idea how to organize your options. Checkbox-able items are usually UISwitches; option-button-y ones are usually rows in a table view, with their corresponding UITableViewCell set to use UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark as their accessoryType if they’re selected.
Radio Buttons: If the user has to select one among many items, you can use UISegmentedControl.
Note: This method won't be a good solution if there are lot of items the user has to choose from.
Check Boxes: You can implement this using UIButtons with some images like check boxes or something, and with some logic.
Note: You can also implement radio buttons in this method.
Checkboxes can be done by subclassing UIControl. For future use I've already done this and all you have to do is download the link below from GitHub. Also includes a sample project on how easy it is to use:

help needed for combo box in iphone

Please help me to create drop down box using iphone. I tried in pickerview with textfield but not worked as my requirement can u suggest the url for to solve this problem. The data should come from xml and as a select option in html.
The easiest way is to use a UITableView with the options, which upon selecting a cell, returns the value of that cell to whatever control that has the select.
For the select you can use a button with a custom image for example, and show a table using presentModelViewController.
When the TableView shows and a selection is made, you store the selected value and dismiss the tableView using dismissModalViewController.
I had the same problem where the Picker just did not fit my requirements and used the tableView solution.

iPhone + UITableView with multiple columns

I want to display a UITableView with Multiple Columns.
The first column will have some text and another column will have a button, click of button will navigate to some another view.
I had a similar requirement; and did with the help of this..
This would probably help you..