Hiding PickerView and Box To Show What Was Selected - iphone

I am working on implementing something in my iOS app that I see in mobile websites all the time. I would like to have a TextBox or TextField of some kind that shows what value is currently selected. When clicked, it will present a UIPickerView with a list of possible choices. Upon selection, the UIPickerView will disappear, and the TextBox or TextField would get updated with the selection the user made. Can someone point me in a good direction for doing this?

You can save indexPath value in a string and show it on textfield like: [textField setText:NSString];


UIMenuController not showing UIPasteBoard is cleared iPhone app?

Am working in message based iPhone application. In my application looking like iMessage native iOS app. I made Bubbles with used UIImageView and UILabel. I made UILabel as clickable and showing Copy option. It is working fine when the message input UITextView is not in active.
1. I can show the "Copy" option when we clicking UILabel and the UITextView is not becomeFirstResponder.
2. When the user clicking the MessageTextView (UITextView) from the bottom of the screen the UITextView becoming first responder and keyboard is showing now. In this scenario if the user clicking the messabe bubble (UILabel) the UIMenuItem showing "Paste" on the bubble instead of "Copy".
3. If i click "Paste" from the bubble UIMenuItem already copied text will be pasting in UITextView. So the control fully in UITextView UIMenuController not activated in UILabel. So i cleared the text from UIPateBoard when the user clicking the Bubble (UILabel).
4. Now the UIMenuController not showing up even [self becomeFirstResponder]; not becoming in UILabel class.
The reason is when the UITextView is in becomeFirstResponder the control fully in that. not coming to UILabel. Could you please help me on this.
How to show UIMenuItem "Copy" when the user clicking UILabel if the keyboard is in visible the control is in UITextView? Could you please help me on this. I spent two days in this issue. Thanks in advance.
I tried to achieve like what you are trying to do. Thats not working too. I figured out I cannot make access the two views at the same time. Especially when I have any view becomeFirstResponder and you cannot access menu items of other view.
But if you try like this,you may succeed in your code.
1) In the touchesBegan: method, find the user touching inside your UILabel.
2) If that happens, then show a custom view with buttons like copy,paste and select like that.

Display datepicker/combobox instead of keyboard

I have a form with multiple textfields.
The majority of these textfields, when clicked, produce the standard behaviour by displaying the keyboard in the expected way.
However when some of these textfields are clicked, I would like to override the standard behaviour by displaying either:
1) A datepicker, or
2) A Combobox
How do I override the standard behaviour and display a datepicker/combobox instead of the default keyboard?
I currently have a situation where there may be both keyboard and datepicker/combobox (keyboard on top of datepicker/combobox or vice versa) displayed on screen at the same time.
How do I prevent this from occuring, as there should only be one or the other (default keyboard, or datepicker/combobox) being displayed at any given time.
PS I have viewed other questions on this site which are similar but they dont seem to answer my quesions.
Any comments/suggestions appreciated...
Implement textfiled delegates and in the delegate method
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
//Check the textfield for which you want to display date picker
if(textField == datePickerTextField)
[self showDatePicker];
return NO; //to disallow editing i.e it will not open keyboard
Fisrt You need create textfield. then its edit event blur that textfield and open your datepicker or combobox.
Thats method to hide keyboard & show datepicker in Titanium.
This can be achieved via trick.
To hide showing keyboard, set this property in text field.
And use text field click event to show date picker.

Radio button feature in uiindexed tableview in iPhone app

I am creating an app in which user has been provided with the feature just like radio button.
I had added the button in tableview cell and its also acting like radio button but not in all cells working only in some of the cells.
Also the cells on which feature is working i have problem that it get deselected when i scroll the table view.
Please anyone help me out or provide a snippet.
Appreciate your help.
When the UITableViewCell scrolls off the screen, it is actually reused by the UITableView. You will need to account for this by saving off the state of each button in your model the moment they are pressed and then during tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:, read back in that value and set the button's state.

Cocoa Touch - trigger a selection table view from a textfield

Hihi all,
I have a TextField (the TextField is added into the TableViewCell from code) in my first view for gender selection. Would need to trigger a second view for gender selection upon clicking on the TextField. After selected a gender from the second view, the second view should be dismissed and the selected gender value should be returned back to the active TextField in the first view.
Hope that I am clear enough on my question. This might be just a foolish question, but I am still new in cocoa touch. Thanks in advance!
If you are trying to get a selection of gender, then why is it a textbox? You could convert the selection itself directly into a text in code. Why display a text
box? Could you elaborate on what is it that you want to do. It is not so clear by your description.
Instead of create a second view for the gender selection, this is what I have implemented
When the gender textbox becomes first responder, in the textFieldShouldBeginEditing delegate, show up the gender pickerView in place of the original keyboard.
Upon selecting of a gender, in the pickerView didSelectRow delegate, return the selected gender to the active textbox.

get cursor on textfield

I need to get the cursor in textfiled but on the textfileddidbeginEditing i have to open the picker view for selection , so for that reason i need to resignFirtsresponder to the textfield ,inorder that picker view is visible .But by doing this the cursor gets disabled as i open the picker (and the keyboard gets hide by resignFirst responder).I want to show the cursor as because when user cliks on partilcuar textfield so by that cursor he can track on which textfield he is making the selection.
Hope i am clear with my question.
if you want the picker instead of keyboard, set the text fields inputView as the picker... so when you tap the text field the picker will pop up like keyboard and the textfield will show the cursor too.. no need to dismiss the keyboard and then show the picker..
If I understand your problem right, this is just an usability problem. I think you can solve this if you just add some other mechanism for showing the user which textfield is in editing-mode.
For example add an text-color to the TextField. If the user disable the UIPickerView set the text-color back to the normal state.