iPhone + UITableView with multiple columns - iphone

I want to display a UITableView with Multiple Columns.
The first column will have some text and another column will have a button, click of button will navigate to some another view.

I had a similar requirement; and did with the help of this..
This would probably help you..


multiple cells in one row

I have read a few posts about what I need but I can't manage to do this.
I want a table that could be set up like an image, it will have a regular background image and from half the screen to the bottom i want the table view to have 6 different cells
How can I do this. I have done this with buttons and my app is working with no problems, but I wanna do this with table also
Why dont you use AQGridView. Its an extension of uitableview and you need not worry much about other things.
Spire you can easily add six buttons in one table row or three buttons in one row (two rows then). You can easily assign tag number (based on indexPath.row.. like indexPath.row + 1, indexPath.row + 2 ...etc). and in there action method you can use these tag numbers...
to create customized cells follow these links -
The image doesn't look like a table view. It should be a custom view. UITableView can contain single UITableViewCell per row. If you still want to create a table view like that, you have to customize each cell to have three different views like that.
If you don't want table view, you should customize your view to achieve something like that.

help needed for combo box in iphone

Please help me to create drop down box using iphone. I tried in pickerview with textfield but not worked as my requirement can u suggest the url for to solve this problem. The data should come from xml and as a select option in html.
The easiest way is to use a UITableView with the options, which upon selecting a cell, returns the value of that cell to whatever control that has the select.
For the select you can use a button with a custom image for example, and show a table using presentModelViewController.
When the TableView shows and a selection is made, you store the selected value and dismiss the tableView using dismissModalViewController.
I had the same problem where the Picker just did not fit my requirements and used the tableView solution.

Delete section (red delete button), UITableViewController - iOS

I'm trying to do a grouped uitableview and I have activated the edit option. I want the user to be able to delete the whole section too, not only specific rows.
So, when you click EDIT, the red minus button that shows on the left of each table cell, should show up for sections (left of the section title) too.
Anyone knows a way to do this?
Thanks in advance to everyone!
There's no way to do it out of the box. You'll need to get fancy and return a custom view in your table view delegate's tableView:viewForHeaderInSection: method. When you enter edit mode, you'll have to add a delete button to those views.

Dropdown Listbox in iphone

How we can perfectly achieve dropdwn listbox in iphone...And instead for this I want if suppose i pressed button then it will display the UITableView or UIGestureView or UIPickerVIew....
Which one is more suitable instead for dropdown listbox.....
please help my question.....
I'd go with a pickerview for relatively small number of list items and would prefer a table with a searchbar and a checkbutton accessory for a huge list.

"show 20 more messages" button in uitableview

I am newbie to iphone programming. I doing an mail like app in that i have to show inbox information in table view and at the final of dragging i should need "show 20 more messages" button. is there possibility of showing that?
if please can you provide with me a codes.
Sure, you just have to manage it manually:
Add one extra row to your table view.
In tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:, if the indexPath corresponds to the last possible row (which is the extra row you added), create a cell that represents the button.
In tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:, if the indexPath corresponds to the last possible row, have your datasource load the additional data and send a insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: to your table view.