Where did the Device Features Programming Guide went to? - iphone

The Event Handling Guide for iOS mentions the Device Features Programming Guide. However, that guide disappeared. Google points to broken links at Apple, which redirects to the iOS Reference Library.
Has this been renamed? Does anyone know the name of that guide now?

Is that it?


Unity3d share screenshot and link error on android 6 up to

Please tell me how to share screenshot and link in Unity? I used some way and error when test on android 6 up to. thanks so much!
In spite of poorly asked question, my skill of psychic tells me that your problem is caused by changes in Android security paradigm. In order to support new versions of Android system you have to adapt your sharing method to use FileProvider.
You can read about it here or google more info youself. Hope it will point you to right direction.

How Can I Log A User Into Youtube Through My iPod Touch Application?

I have come across a slight problem in my programming of an iPod Touch application. However I am very enthusiastic that it can be solved and that a nudge in the right direction will be of great help. I have experience with Objective C, XCode and the essential app builders included with XCode also.
My question is, as the title says, how do I log a user into youtube through my iPod Touch application? I have looked through the countless api documentation for youtube, objective c and many other google APIs. After all my searching for the last few days I have found that OAuth2 seems to be the most lightweight way to connect a user to youtube in an application. All it requires is the client id and client secret.
However, even knowing this, I am finding it difficult to understand the code needed to simply connect a user to youtube through my application. Could anyone perhaps suggest a sample code? Or point me in the right direction?
Kindest Regards,
Joey Tawadrous
Code samples are here:
Additional info are here: http://code.google.com/p/gtm-oauth/ and here: http://code.google.com/p/gtm-oauth2/
Hope it will help you.

List of iphone programming websites

Please put the great sites for learning objective c, essential things to iphone apps, UI codings like this with examples and codings....
I would recommend downloading the Stanford University videos using iTunesU in iTunes. Very informative and the course data and downloads are still available on Stanford's website.
The course page is here http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs193p/cgi-bin/drupal/
The videos are free in iTunes.
Apple's iOS Dev Center may be the most useful online all-in-one resource that you can find.
They provide coding how-to's, getting started videos, sample code, and other such general resources, combined with all of the technical knowledge (SDKs, reference libraries, etc.) that you'll eventually need.
In the very beginning I used resources from the Stanford University videos and then read some of the official iOS guides and references. Then I started working on an app project and tailored my learning around that. It's very difficult to learn all of iOS programming in one go without working on a project because the API is a lot to digest.
Once you've learned some of the iOS programming lingo, I would go ahead and use stackoverflow and the official developer forums to search for specific examples and solutions to the problem you are having while building your app.
Learn by doing!
Video tutorials are a good way to learn objective C. But i would suggest that at a initial stage it can help you but when you go deeper inside into programming want to play with objective C you should opt some time to look into the Apples Documentation. Apple's Documentation provides everything .
Dont miss thier Sample Code also.

iPhone - where can i find a sample of GKVoiceChatClient?

I want to be able to let users of my iPhone app communicate using the GKVoiceChatClient classes. The documentation for the 3.0 SDK is very vague and I don't see any good samples in the Sample Code either.
Can someone please tell me where I can find some working example of in-game voice using which I can learn how to use it!
You'll need an account on the Apple Developer forums, but I stumbled across this a little while ago. I don't know if its functional but comments further along in the thread lead me to believe it is.
Example in the Apple Developer forums

iPhone Accessory API

Can anyone give me a short version of what it takes to develop an app which connects to an accessory? I signed up to the 'made for ipod' program and got a huge pile of technical specifications docs which I have no idea how to start with.
Any help would be appreciated.
Reading the accessory section in Apple's iPhone app programming guide is probably a great place to start, and includes links to other, more formidable, documentation.