How Can I Log A User Into Youtube Through My iPod Touch Application? - iphone

I have come across a slight problem in my programming of an iPod Touch application. However I am very enthusiastic that it can be solved and that a nudge in the right direction will be of great help. I have experience with Objective C, XCode and the essential app builders included with XCode also.
My question is, as the title says, how do I log a user into youtube through my iPod Touch application? I have looked through the countless api documentation for youtube, objective c and many other google APIs. After all my searching for the last few days I have found that OAuth2 seems to be the most lightweight way to connect a user to youtube in an application. All it requires is the client id and client secret.
However, even knowing this, I am finding it difficult to understand the code needed to simply connect a user to youtube through my application. Could anyone perhaps suggest a sample code? Or point me in the right direction?
Kindest Regards,
Joey Tawadrous

Code samples are here:
Additional info are here: and here:
Hope it will help you.


iphone utility application tutorial

I'm very new to iPhone development. I want to create a utility application much like the weather app (enter zip codes for cities to track the weather). The weather app allows users to scroll through their favorite places. There's a flip side where you can manage your selections. I am looking for a tutorial on how to create a similar type app. Can anyone point me to a good tutorial for utility iphone apps please? I've been googling and can't find what I'm looking for. Thanks in advance.
How about this? I found it by googling "iphone utility application tutorial". You should do that next time. :)

iPhone - where can i find a sample of GKVoiceChatClient?

I want to be able to let users of my iPhone app communicate using the GKVoiceChatClient classes. The documentation for the 3.0 SDK is very vague and I don't see any good samples in the Sample Code either.
Can someone please tell me where I can find some working example of in-game voice using which I can learn how to use it!
You'll need an account on the Apple Developer forums, but I stumbled across this a little while ago. I don't know if its functional but comments further along in the thread lead me to believe it is.
Example in the Apple Developer forums

How can I find tutorials for building an application that gets updates from an online website?

I want to build an application that gets updates from online websites like Twitter or Facebook. Currently, I haven't even got a clue on how to do this.
Also, in certain applications, like Doodle Jump, I have seen updates that pop up. Some other applications have a news section that gets updated often. How is it done? Any tutorial or working code will be very helpful.
There is a good tutorial I used to do this with ASP.NET.
I'm going to guess that you are interested in building an iPhone app. I don't know if you have any experience working with objective-c or the iPhone SDK, but here is a nice tutorial that touches on some of the concepts you will need.

iPhone application that submits info to a website and gets results back

I am new to iPhone development, I wonder where could I find:
1) the best tutorials to start iPhone programming
2) info or code about how to submit info to a website (example search query to google) and get data back (show summary of query results on iphone)
Well Stanford University has a whole EXTREMELY helpful iTunes U series on the iPhone development process. That should help you. Good luck and HAVE FUN.
As a new iPhone developer myself, I've found apple's sdk documentation to be the best for learning. The iPhoneCoreDataRecipes package has been my go to for figuring things out. It's got a little bit of everything in it.
I tried to do web tutorials - there are a ton out there, just search iPhone tutorial on the web or on SO - but I found most of them lacking.
There are a couple of classes that you can you use to retrieve a web request. NSURLConnection will be the best one for making POST requests, and if you're querying restful services initializing an NSString with a URL is the easiest method.

iPhone Accessory API

Can anyone give me a short version of what it takes to develop an app which connects to an accessory? I signed up to the 'made for ipod' program and got a huge pile of technical specifications docs which I have no idea how to start with.
Any help would be appreciated.
Reading the accessory section in Apple's iPhone app programming guide is probably a great place to start, and includes links to other, more formidable, documentation.