How to make flyspell bypass some words by context? - emacs

I use Emacs for writing most of my writings. I write using reStructuredText, and then transform them to LaTeX after some preprocessing since I write my citations รก-la LaTeX. This is an excerpt of one of my texts (in Spanish):
En \cite[pp.~XXVIII--XXIX]{Crnkovic2002} se brindan algunos riesgos
que se pueden asumir con el desarrollo basado en componentes, los
This text is processed by some custom scripts that deals with the \cite part so rst2latex can do its job.
When I activate flyspell-mode it signals most of the citation keys as spelling errors.
How can I tell flyspell not to spellcheck things within \cite commands.
Furthermore, how can I combine rst-mode and flyspell, so that rst-mode would keep flyspell from spellchecking the following?
reST comments
reST code literal
reST directive parameters and arguments
reST raw directive contents
Any ideas?

You can set the variable ispell-parser to the value 'tex so that flyspell will ignore (la)tex sequences. To do so, you can either set it manually in each buffer like so:
M-: (setq 'ispell-parser 'tex)
or you write a little function that will do that for you. Put the following in your .emacs file:
(defun flyspell-ignore-tex ()
(set (make-variable-buffer-local 'ispell-parser) 'tex))
Then you can still invoke it manually, using
M-x flyspell-ignore-tex
or you could add a hook that calls that function automatically whenever you edit a file of a certain type. You would do the latter by adding the newly defined function to your auto-mode-alist. Say your filenames typically end with ".rst", then add this line to your .emacs file:
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.rst$" . flyspell-ignore-tex))
As for the second part of your question: making flyspell-mode ignore larger regions, such as, e.g., reST comments, is not easily achievable. It becomes clear when you think about the way flyspell works: it checks text on a word-by-word basis. For that, flyspell-word only looks at one word at a time which it sends to an ispell process running in the background. The ispell process does the dictionary lookup and returns whether or not the current word is correct. If flyspell-word had to check every single time whether or not the current word is part of a comment or other region that should not be checked, it would be rather slow, because that would include quite a bit of searching through the buffer.
Now of course, one could approach this a little bit smarter and first find the non-comment regions etc. and then do the word-by-word checking only in those parts that are outside of those regions - but unfortunately, that's not the way flyspell is implemented.
If you can do without the "fly" part, however, ispell-mode has a mechanism to customize which regions of a buffer can be skipped. This is done via the variable ispell-skip-region-alist. But although flyspell-mode works off ispell-mode, for the reasons outlined above that variable is not used by flyspell-mode.

You can also use flyspell-generic-check-word-predicate as I explained in this question at Super User.

(aspell's tex filter may do exactly what you want - but if you want a more general solution)
Although I am using the code below to persuade flyspell to not flag certain words with numbers in them,
you can use this sort of hook to match certain context.
looking-at starts at the position you want - so you may want to search backwards for start/end of whatever context you care about.
(when "another attempt to accept certain words flyspell/ispell/aspell flags as incorrect"
(defun flyspell-ignore-WordNumber99-stuff/ag (beg end info)
(goto-char beg)
(looking-at "\\bWord1\\b")
(looking-at "\\bWord99Foo\\b")
(t nil)
(add-hook 'flyspell-incorrect-hook 'flyspell-ignore-WordNumber99-stuff/ag)


indent-[code-]rigidly called from emacs LISP function

I'm trying to write an emacs LISP function to un-indent the region
(rigidly). I can pass prefix arguments to indent-code-rigidly or
indent-rigidly or indent-region and they all work fine, but I don't
want to always have to pass a negative prefix argument to shift things
My current code is as below but it seems to do nothing:
(defun undent ()
"un-indent rigidly."
(setq fline (line-number-at-pos (region-beginning)))
(setq lline (line-number-at-pos (region-end)))
(setq curIndent (current-indentation))
;;(indent-rigidly fline lline (- curIndent 1))
(indent-region fline lline 2)
;;(message "%d %d" curIndent (- curIndent 1))
I gather that (current-indentation) won't get me the indentation of the first line
of the region, but of the first line following the region (so a second quesiton is
how to get that!). But even when I just use a constant for the column (as shown,
I don't see this function do any change.
Though if I uncomment the (message) call, it displays reasonable numbers.
GNU Emacs 24.3.1, on Ubuntu. And in case it matters, I use
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) and (cua-mode).
I must be missing something obvious... ?
All of what Tim X said is true, but if you just need something that works, or an example to show you what direction to take your own code, I think you're looking for something like this:
(defun unindent-rigidly (start end arg &optional interactive)
"As `indent-rigidly', but reversed."
(interactive "r\np\np")
(indent-rigidly start end (- arg) interactive))
All this does is call indent-rigidly with an appropriately transformed prefix argument. If you call this with a prefix argument n, it will act as if you had called indent-rigidly with the argument -n. If you omit the prefix argument, it will behave as if you called indent-rigidly with the argument -1 (instead of going into indent-rigidly's interactive mode).
There are a number of problems with your function, including some vary
fundamental elisp requirements. Highly recommend reading the Emacs Lisp
Reference Manual (bundled with emacs). If you are new to programming and lisp,
you may also find An Introduction to Emacs Lisp useful (also bundled with
A few things to read about which will probably help
Read the section on the command loop from the elisp reference. In particular,
look at the node which describes how to define a new command and the use of
'interactive', which you will need if you want to bind your function to a key
or call it with M-x.
Read the section on variables from the lisp reference
and understand variable scope (local v global). Look at using 'let' rather
than 'setq' and what the difference is.
Read the section on 'positions' in the elisp reference. In particular, look at
'save-excursion' and 'save-restriction'. Understanding how to define and use
the region is also important.
It isn't clear if your writing this function just as a learning exercise or
not. However, just in case you are doing it because it is something you need to
do rather than just something to learn elisp, be sure to go through the Emacs
manual and index. What you appear to need is a common and fairly well supported
requirement. It can get a little complicated if programming modes are involved
(as opposed to plain text). However, with emacs, if what you need seems like
something which would be a common requirement, you can be fairly confident it is
already there - you just need to find it (which can be a challenge at first).
A common convention is for functions/commands to be defined which act 'in
reverse' when supplied with a negative or universal argument. Any command which
has this ability can also be called as a function in elisp code with the
argument necessary to get that behaviour, so understanding the inter-play
between commands, functions and calling conventions is important.

Paragraph filling for org-mode inside latex environment

I started using org-mode to write mathematical papers so I make a heavy use of latex environments such as proof, theorem, lemma, etc. For example I often write
a very long proof follows
The problem is that in org-mode the fill-paragraph (or M-q) doesn't work inside latex environments. This complicates my life because some proofs can be very long, reaching several pages when compiled to pdf, and I am unable to efficiently format them in org-mode. I couldn't find any information in the manual on options controlling paragraph filling. Is it possible to enable fill-paragraph in this case?
The problem disappears if you use an org block instead of a latex environment:
This gets exported as \begin{proof}...\end{proof}. It also lets you use org syntax inside the block, and fill paragraph works.
if you don't want to do that, maybe try visual-line-mode as a workaround.
Edit: change fill-paragraph behaviour
If you want fill paragraph to work in latex environments, you have to dig a little deeper. Filling is done by org-fill-paragraph in org.el and this function ignores latex environments by default. To change this, go to the end of the function and replace
;; Ignore every other element.
(otherwise t)
(latex-environment nil) ;; use default fill-paragraph
;; Ignore every other element.
(otherwise t)
If you'd rather not change the org sources, you could use advice instead, e.g.
(defun org-fill-paragraph--latex-environment (&rest args)
"Use default fill-paragraph in latex environments."
(not (eql (org-element-type (org-element-context)) 'latex-environment)))
(advice-add 'org-fill-paragraph :before-while #'org-fill-paragraph--latex-environment)
I have a command that you could bind to M-q in Org:
(defun leuven-good-old-fill-paragraph ()
(let ((fill-paragraph-function nil)
(adaptive-fill-function nil))
Though, I don't understand either why it's not enabled by default. Maybe a question for the Org ML?

how to prevent helm-swoop from returning symbol at point?

I would like to invoke M-x helm-swoop such that it does NOT return the symbol at point. I find that it always picks up undesired symbols, e.g. when I invoke M-x helm-swoop in org-mode, I get Swoop: \*, and I then have to delete the \* before I can enter my desired search term. How can I do this?
This has been bugging me as well, for exactly the same reason (swoop in an Org-mode buffer picking up heading characters), so this question motivated me to go and look.
Looking at the source, Helm-swoop calls helm-swoop-pre-input-function to populate the prompt, and by default this is set to a function that returns (thing-at-point 'symbol), which is what causes the problem in headings.
A quick test with the following in my init file seems to work:
(setq helm-swoop-pre-input-function
(lambda () nil))
This could certainly be improved by, for example, keeping the default behaviour in non-Org buffers but as I'm only really using swoop in Org buffers this is good enough for me.

Setting up RefTeX Tab completion in emacs

I am trying to make Tab completion work with RefTeX. When typing C-c [ and selecting the type of reference I have then a prompt in the minibuffer. When I know the beginning of the bib key I want to enter, say for instance Campbell2006, I would like to type Camp Tab and get Campbell2006 [sole completion].
I have managed to set it up for some documents but I do not understand exactly why it works for them and not for others. I have noticed that for the documents that have proper Tab> completion, the following line is added to the file name_of_tex_file.el created in a auto subfolder:
(TeX-add-style-hook "name_of_tex_file"
(lambda ()
I think I obtained this results by adding %%% reftex-default-bibliography: absolute_path_to_bib at the end of my files but this is kind of a nuisance, especially when editing the same file on several computers.
Note that RefTeX is working because when I type C-c [ Camp Ret, I get a list (sometime a bit odd) with the Campbell2006 entry.
I have tried to set the %BIBINPUTS% environment variables with no success.
Adding (setq reftex-bibpath-environment-variables '("c:/path_to_bib_file/")) seemed necessary for the C-c [ Camp Ret method to work.
It has somehow the same defects as adding a %%% reftex-default-bibliography: to the end of the file and did not provided the Tab completion.
I have tried various combinations of /, //, \\ and \ as file separators when specifying files but I do not know exact which I should use (I'm using emacs in a windows environment). The issue might be as simple as that but as there are lots of parameters to try I fail do determine where is the problem.
What is the step-by-step method to make RefTeX work smoothly with bibliography, including the Tab completion?
Completion is possible according to the Reftex manual entry about the command reftex-citation:
The regular expression uses an expanded syntax: &&' is interpreted as and. Thus,aaaa&&bbb' matches entries which contain both aaaa' andbbb'. While entering the regexp, completion on knows [sic] citation keys is possible. `=' is a good regular expression to match all entries in all files.
it does not provide precise guidance on how to make it work though.
Kindahero suggests setting a list of the bib entries and use the completing-read command. This sounds sensible, however I would like to generate this list automatically and it seems feasible because it works with some of my documents.
The documentation of reftex-citation is a bit confusing. It promises completion on known citation keys but I believe "known" refers to keys that have been used previously in this session rather than all keys in the appropriate bibliography. You can use the LaTeX-add-all-bibitems-from-bibtex command defined below to load all keys in your bibliography:
(defun get-bibtex-keys (file)
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
(mapcar 'car (bibtex-parse-keys))))
(defun LaTeX-add-all-bibitems-from-bibtex ()
(mapc 'LaTeX-add-bibitems
(apply 'append
(mapcar 'get-bibtex-keys (reftex-get-bibfile-list)))))
Suggestions on appropriate hooks to make this happen automatically are welcome.

How do I run an Emacs hook when a buffer is modified?

Building on Getting Emacs to untabify when saving certain file types (and only those file types) , I'd like to run a hook to untabify my C++ files when I start modifying the buffer. I tried adding hooks to untabify the buffer on load, but then it untabifies all my writable files that are autoloaded when emacs starts.
(For those that wonder why I'm doing this, it's because where I work enforces the use of tabs in files, which I'm happy to comply with. The problem is that I mark up my files to tell me when lines are too long, but the regexp matches the number of characters in the line, not how much space the line takes up. 4 tabs in a line can push it far over my 132 character limit, but the line won't be marked appropriately. Thus, I need a way to tabify and untabify automatically.)
Take a look at the variable "before-change-functions".
Perhaps something along this line (warning: code not tested):
(add-hook 'before-change-functions
(lambda (&rest args)
(if (not (buffer-modified-p))
(untabify (point-min) (point-max)))))
Here is what I added to my emacs file to untabify on load:
(defun untabify-buffer ()
"Untabify current buffer"
(untabify (point-min) (point-max)))
(defun untabify-hook ()
; Add the untabify hook to any modes you want untabified on load
(add-hook 'nxml-mode-hook 'untabify-hook)
This answer is tangential, but may be of use.
The package wide-column.el link text changes the cursor color when the cursor is past a given column - and actually the cursor colors can vary depending on the settings. This sounds like a less intrusive a solution than your regular expression code, but it may not suit your needs.
And a different, tangential answer.
You mentioned that your regexp wasn't good enough to tell when the 132 character limit was met. Perhaps a better regexp...
This regexp will match a line when it has more than 132 characters, assuming a tabs width is 4. (I think I got the math right)
"^\\(?: \\|[^ \n]\\{4\\}\\)\\{33\\}\\(.+\\)$"
The last parenthesized expression is the set of characters that are over the limit. The first parenthesized expression is shy.